The Rotten Girl

Chapter 21

Scandal – original intention was to point out the immoral behaviour of celebrity in the show business, it could be with the opposite gender or perhaps same gender.

Office scandal – generally refer to the dubious or ambiguous acts between colleagues or superior and subordinate.

According to survey done have a specialised agency, in the past few years, work pressure has been increasing as well the the fight and scheme against each other which caused employees to feel helpless.

Office gossip activity has turned from the ‘after80ish’ into ‘after 70ish’ fastest way to relaxed themselves from all the pressures.

9:30am – everything in Shi Shang magazine Group was in good order. The melodious sound of employees typing on the keyboard can be heard loud and clear in the entire office.

When Big Boss saw this, satisfyingly walk into the office while rubbing his stomach, hardly realised that there’s a big happening.

“Shi Shang Veteran Group” chat

[Editor Can Can] How Can I be here? Who pull me in?

[Editor Xiao Wei] Asking the same question, how come this morning the moment I open QQ, had join this group ? Isn’t this group belong to those veteran who has work more than 5 years?

[Distributor Xiao Zheng] hahahaha… Xiao Wei, the speed of your typing and the speed of your speaking are disproportional.

[Admin Xiao Zhi] Keke… certain comrades, please pay attention, do not conduct personal attack. Cute MM Can Can, DD Xiao Wei, under the unanimous decision by the veterans, both you has pa.s.sed the audition, can join the group!

[Editor Xiao Wei] ? why do I have a bad feeling?

[Editor Can Can] ? I have the same feeling. You guys, a group of gossip woman, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, don’t deceive me and Xiao Wei.

[Distributor Xiao Zheng] since Can Can so straightforward, we also will ask directly. Then, how come Bai Ning never come to work today? I heard yesterday Bai Ning followed Ren Iceberg to the reception, after that last night the two of them didn’t come out from the Kempinski Hotel?

[Admin Xiao Zhi] yeah, I heard President Liu said last night Ren Iceberg heavily drunk. Could it be that your department’s Xiao Ning … keke… stretching her s.e.x claw again?

[Journalist Lao Xian] today Ren Iceberg come to work, his face looks considerably ugly!!

[Editor Xiao Wei] …….

[Editor Can Can] ……..

[Admin Xiao Zhi] both of you faster say! Did the two of them had JQ last night?

JQ: affection

[Editor Zi Ru] you guys don’t have to guess anymore, today Bai Ning is in sick leave.

[Journalist Lao Xuan] ?? the Forever Lurker Devil is actually willing to join our Gossip Group, unfathomably defending the subordinate, really very strange oh…

[Editor Can Can] ? you guys really don’t have to let your imagination run wild, Xiao Ning really has fallen sick. Last night on the way home, she came across with a robber and got injured.

[Editor Xia Wei] The most tragic thing is to lose Company’s recording pen and SLR camera. That poor kid, last night got so frightened until when call Leader that time spoke incoherently.

[Admin Xiao Zhi] Ah…ah… really? Lao Xian, your Leader is so weak, unexpectedly last night after reception, let a girl go home by herself.

[Distributor Xiao Zheng] the injury won’t be a big hinder, right?

[Journalist Lao Xuan] could it be that this morning Leader was in bad mood, due to self blame?

[Editor Xiao Fu] Why did the version that I heard is that last night Ren Han got raped by Bai Ning, a gangster who was pa.s.sing by couldn’t bear to watch anymore, tried to help out, ended up got raped as well. Bai Ning is now under investigation at the police station?

On the sickbed, I was looking at the chat history, I spurted out a gulp of tea, splattered it all over the place.

Sis Xiao Fu, your cold joke indeed very cold.

Actually, there only one actual fact out of three versions. Last night, I sent Ren Han back, indeed on the way back to home, encounter a very minor mishap.

The place where I currently live is a unit of tube-shaped apartment which allocated to my dad before he got rich. After going through trials and hardships for more than 20years, it already was on the verge of collapsing. Those who can move out, had already moved away.

Therefore, the alley is always eerie during night times. On top of that, the Neighbourhood Committee has repeatedly promoting to conserve the electricity usage, so every night at 10pm, the streetlights in the alley entrance will be turned off in response to the call.

So, last night when I was at the abyss of the alley, I was fortunately enough to come across a wretched-looking tramp known as gangster. but even though he was a gangster, obviously this man is a newbie. Firstly, he didn’t bring along a shiny dagger, instead on his hand it was a wooden stick that seem like it had been nibbled by a dog; secondly, in such a good moonlight, such a good atmosphere, and such a beautiful girl standing in front of him, he’s actually just wanted to rob money and not to rape.

Thus even though scared, this Young Miss somewhat a little angry because of the thought of in case the SLR camera got robbed and once again i will have to eat instant noodles for one more year. And with this in mind I tried to be brave and picked up some courage to flung the handbag that was in my hand. I’d decided die die had to resist and not to let him get his way.

Upon seeing this, the newbie gangster was somewhat anxious, raised up his wooden stick and right away came over to rob.

Getting dragged down, I did a splits and thrown some punches, right away overpowered the gangster ….. heck, it was impossible. In fact, when I tried to kick and throw some punches, and due to my high-heeled shoe, I tumbled down onto the ground when the newbie gangster b.u.mped into me. And I was aching from head to toe.

Seeing that his wooden stick was about to smashed up my body, I faster shout loudly:

“Ultraman !! Ultraman !! Faster come out and beat the little Monster !!”

“Ha ??”

The newbie gangster was dumbfounded, didn’t have the time to respond yet, from the tube-shaped apartment had already transmitted out a very loud barking sound. In no time, a gentle and cute Teddy Poodle dashed out and directly pounced onto the newbie gangster.

“Bark!! Bark!! Bark!!”

“Ultraman, bite!! Bite harder!! Beat the little Monster and go home I’ll give you dog biscuits to eat!”

“Anybody ah… please help to catch a thief ah !!”

In a moment, the tube-shaped apartments were brightly lit up.

“Seize the baby thief !!”

“Beat !!”

“Bark!! Bark!! Bark!!”

Thus, I’ve successfully defeated the newbie gangsters with the help of the gentle clever and quick witted Ultraman’s heroic pounce and bites, as well as the whole neighbourhood raising up their broomsticks and kitchen knives and rushing up to battle.

Afterwards, I’ve made a summary for this victory:

1. Relationship in the neighbourhood must be handled well, otherwise no one will save you during critical times.

2. Dogs, even if it is the most gentle and affectionate poodle, also have to teach the skill of biting bad guy to it.

3. It’s better to let the dog roam freely. At that time when I thought that I had to go to work everyday, I felt sorry that Ultraman will have to get shut in the house, feeling lonely and pitiful. To compensate my error, on my main door I’ve installed a small pet door for it to go out and come in so that during daytime it can freely go out to play around the neighbourhood. And this error compensation had save myself.

At this moment, I was at home sitting on my bed, while drinking black tea and playing computer, I was happily rewarding Ultraman with dog biscuits.

Looking at the unending copy of chat history that Can Can sent, the corner of my mouth can’t help but to raised.

Gossip, go ahead gossip, the more you guys gossip about this matter, it will spread like a wildfire in the company, and I’ll be more than happy. This is really a blessing in disguise, hahahaha!!!

1st welfare: I went home late because I had to attend the wine reception, that also means I went home late due to additional night shift. And because of this, such incident happened, the company more or less will have to give out compensation payment for the injury, mental stress, medical fee as well as compensation for keeping my mouth shut. This few compensations added up together obviously will be very very helpful to me who this month barely left with ¥50 as living expenses. So when this incident happened, the first thing I did was to make a phone call, act weak and ask for sick leave.

2nd welfare: Big Boss wanted to transfer me into the Journalist Department, Ren Han that Cheap Pa.s.sive as my future Boss again and again plotting against me, wanting to give me troubles. Will I be so stupid? To leave the amiable Editor Department and go to Journalist Department? Of course not. So I deliberately made mistakes, accidentally lost the company’s SLR camera and voice recorder, as well as ….. all the interview scripts, recording materials and photos of the last night wine reception.

In this way, I naturally can’t get promoted but also can use this sick leave to keep myself away from Cheap Pa.s.sive Ren Han. One stone kill two birds, Big Boss will feel embarra.s.sed and he wouldn’t have idea to transfer me out from Editor Department anymore.

As for me telling Leader, claimed that I’ve lost the SLR camera, it doesn’t matter. Wait for a few more days after everything quiet down, I will then return the camera and said that it’s a new purchase.

In conclusion, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I had gain benefit of it, so this morning when I woke up, might as well straight away feigned illness and waited for the company to send over Leader and the rest to come and bring over the compensation.

I remembered that there won’t be any salary deduction for work-related sick leave. Haha …. this is great… extremely great !! G.o.d is also helping me !!

In here, while I was thinking over the moon, I heard someone knocking the door. In a split second, I rushed out with great joy to open the door, “Can Can, Leader, you guys have come, I really miss —”

“You guys” I haven’t say out this two words, I had lost all my power the moment door was opened.

At first Ultraman was nibbling the bone biscuits, the moment it heard movement sound, it also rushed out to the door with a sudden big stride forward. It was eager to pounce on the guest and act like a spoiled child, but in a split second it got hold back by the cold low pressure aura that was produced by the gorgeous man outside the door.

“How come it’s you, Leader …..”

Outside the door, the handsome and charismatic VP Ren slightly squinted his eyes and sneered dangerously: “Not bad what… after got hit three times by a gangster still have so much vitality.”

Why … the one that send over the compensation money turns out to be Huang Shi Ren?

He shouldn’t be thinking of directly detaining my compensation money, right?

Ultraman, this big Monster, do you dare to bite him and chase him out?

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