The Rotten Girl

Chapter 26

“How about a horror movie?”

“I hate the sound of women screaming.”

“Science fiction movie?”

“It’s all computer stunts. What’s so nice to see?”

“Gun battle movie?”

“Ketchup all over the dead bodies, disgusting.”

“Cla.s.sic movie, shouldn’t be a problem.. right?”

“Will fall asleep in the cinema, I’m scared of darkness.”

” ……. ”

At the cinema’s ticket office, I was driven mad by him to the point that I wanted to scratch the wall. It was so rare for me this stingy person to be willing to treat someone to watch a movie, didn’t expect that the other party actually so fussy.

Feeling frustrated and fuming with rage, I asked: “What do you actually want to watch?!”

The ticket sales lady’s smiling face also gradually stiffened, “Why don’t both of you decide first then queuing again?”

“That’s right!!” The Auntie behind us got angry and yelled, “How much time wasted already for you guys to keep choosing?”

I stretched out my hand as an indication of desperation , “Boss, which film to watch?”

Hearing that, Big Young Master Ren unhurriedly touched his chin and said: “Let’s watch《Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tiger Prowess》”

Stunned for three second then I told myself: The world is so big, nothing is too bizarre.

So this old man actually likes Xi Yang Yang.

When we went into the Hibiscus Hall, already seated so many parents with their kids.

I felt funny looking at the children running around in this magnificent hall. The cartoon theme song being played because the movie has not started, reminded me of Ren Han’s ringtone. With nothing to talk about, I tried to find a topic:

“VP Ren, normally you like to watch Xi Yang Yang?”

Ren Han shoot a glance, “Dont call me VP Ren outside the company.”

I was overwhelmed and said weakly: “Ren Han”

Ren Han raised his eyebrow with satisfaction but before he said anything, a beautiful woman wearing a Xi Yang Yang toy hat walked towards our direction, she looked left and right before curiously asking: “Can I ask whether only the both of you came to watch the movie?”

I blinked my eyes and didn’t really understand what the beautiful woman meant.

Upon seeing this, the beautiful woman shook a number of hats that was on her hand and explained: “It’s like this, our cinema is having an anniversary celebration, any kids who come to watch《Tiger Prowess》will get a Xi Yang Yang hat, can I ask if both of you —”

I looked around in a daze, sure enough … other people were basically families bringing their kids to watch the movie, in here … me and Ren Han became an eccentric person instead. When I was about to explain, I felt warmth on my palm, a certain someone was holding on to it.

Ren Han said: “My son followed his grandmother to buy popcorn, can you just give us the hat first?”

“Okay.” Upon hearing that, the beautiful woman smiled and gave a hat to Ren Han. And before she left, she said: ” Both of you’re really filial, not only bringing the kid to watch movie, but to bring parents as well.”

After the beautiful woman went far away, I also completely felt ashamed.

“Ren Han, isn’t this deceiving?”

“What did you call me?”

Looking at Ren Han’s changing face, I really don’t know what to say for a time being, “Weren’t you the one who asked me to call you by your name?”

Ren Han didn’t say anything, just put the hat on my head and then squinted his eyes at the screen and said: “Before we come out from the cinema, I’m your child’s father.”

I definitely don’t want to find an Iceberg Husband, and give birth to a Son with facial nerve paralysis.

“In your family got small children?”


“Why do you want to cheat a Xi Yang Yang hat?”

“Saw the staff member looked quite cute wearing it.”


The moment the movie start, I made a summary: Ren Iceberg likes to watch cartoons, and is a weird Uncle who loves to collect children toys.

My interest waned off when I watched halfway through the movie. Not because the movie isn’t good but the moment I think that seated beside me is an abnormal strange Uncle, I can’t help but get mad so might as well find an excuse to come out for a breather.

But unexpectedly I haven’t reached the washroom, suddenly a shadow jumped out in front of me. I didn’t think so much when I saw that person blocking the narrow pa.s.sageway and simply said: “Dear Brother, please excuse me.”

After I said that, I heard a strange sound of laughter so I lifted up my head and saw an enemy on a narrow road.

The other person smirked, “Do you still remember me, Little Sister?”

I said with a stagger, “A bit familiar.”

I haven’t finished my sentence, the other party violently said, “What’s a bit familiar, d.a.m.n it, see clearly, that night who grabbed your wallet is this Big Master, me!!”

I stood still at where I am. Nowadays, this world if full of hypocrisy, how can a thief be so fierce.

“What grab wallet? I haven’t been robbed recently. Uncle, you definitely recognise the wrong person.”

But before I had the time to turnaround, a shiny light flashed in front of my eyes and a silver knife was pressed against my neck. Dear Heaven, this time he actually had learned to be smarter, surprisingly the newbie gangster knows to bring a knife now, but tragically most of the halls were showing movies at this moment so n.o.body is coming out. And the pa.s.sageway to the toilet was built extremely hidden so no one will find out the abnormalities on this side.

What type of luck did I have urgh…!! Getting robbed twice in a week, and by the same person.

I’m doomed ah ..!!!!

I emotionally admitted, “Uncle, let me say, why do you like me so much? Two days ago you’d just robbed me. I’m penniless now! Moreover, my bag is still in the hall.”

After hearing this, the gangster said: “Today I’m not robbing you, specifically looking out for you to take revenge. Just now at the cinema entrance I saw a bit looked like you, saw a man beside you so I don’t dare to start, at first I thought need to wait until later part then I can catch you, didn’t expect that you’ve actually deliver yourself to me, hehehehe …!!”

For a short while I felt sad and happy at the same time when I heard the gangster’s evil laughter. The sad thing is that it seemed that the gangster Uncle had set his mind on me. And the happy thing is apparently that night is not that he didn’t want to rape, it was just that he didn’t see clearly. After going through a few nights of yearning misery, we met again, so immediately he launched an intense “pursuit”.

Apparently this Young Miss still has a little charm, at least can still mesmerise two gangsters. However, the feeling of being pursued by a man with a knife is still not very good.

While I was pondering on how to persuade the gangster to put down the butcher knife and discuss, a raging flame had sparked in newbie gangster’s eyes and he said: “Say!!! How come that night obviously I didn’t rob anything but you’ve reported that you lost a camera? You’ve made my accomplice say that I embezzled the goods and left me alone! The police station had announced every where that I robbed a camera, isn’t this destroying my reputation ? Ah!!!”

From that remark, I’d then realised that again I had that peac.o.c.k sentiment.

It turned out that the newbie gangster really came for a revenge and not to pursue me.

I cried in silence and for a moment didn’t know how to explain to that gangster. All I could do was standing against the wall and reminded myself to keep calm and said: “Uncle, you don’t get too excited and take your knife away. If you really like the camera, today I bought a new one, I’ll give it to you.”

“Pooh!!!” The gangster stomped his feet and spitted out ferociously, the more he said the angrier he got and said: “I definitely don’t want your camera! I want my clean reputation!! Let’s say you, such a young lady actually lied, don’t you know a thief also has their own policy ah..??!! Don’t you know in the underworld we pay attention to comradeship particularly ah..??!! And now because of you, all my brothers don’t trust me anymore and all the underworld people look down on me, ignore me and monitor me closely. I don’t care, now you need to go to the police station with me and say it clearly.”

“Huh?” My eyes widened, “Go to the police station… with you??” I should be the one who should said this word, right?

The newbie gangster also realised that these words were probably a little bit off, thus he continued said crazy words: “Anyways …. anyway, my innocence was destroyed in your hand, you have to take responsibility!! Take responsibility!!!”

I was so shocked that my eyeb.a.l.l.s nearly jumped out, “I’ve got robbed yet I have to take responsibility?! ”

Big Bro ah … your words … the more you say it, the more weird it gets. People who didn’t know about it will think that night I’m the one who raped you.

I was grumbling and bargaining to discuss on how to bear the responsibility with the newbie gangster then I saw his body staggered and fell down.

I looked fixedly and found out that someone had attacked the gangster uncle from the back, only then he willingly letting me out of danger. However, the gangster Uncle was not one to be trifled with. With the past lesson in hand, this time round the silver knife came in handy. The moment he fell down on the ground, he confronted the man on the spot and waving here and there the silver knife in his hand. I was trembling with fear just by looking at it.

“d.a.m.n it !! You’ve actually attacked sneakily, shameless .”

” Huhu… little girl you stand there don’t move, later go to police station with me.”

I haven’t settled down from panicked state when once again I tilted my head to see the person who was fighting happily with the gangster Uncle turned out to be the great VP Ren!

“Ren…. Ren —” I haven’t finish saying my word yet I saw the gangster uncle’s knife shining like a starlight . It’s too late for me to scream and warn Ren Han as the knife had stabbed on to him.

After the abrupt silence, I can hear the groaning sound of Ren Han trying to endure silently. Right away, I was so frightened and completely became stupid that I heard myself uttered faintly, “My child’s Father ——”

The movie that Ren Han choose:

The Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

T/N : The goat’s name in Chinese is Xi Yang Yang and here’s the picture

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