The Rotten Girl

Chapter 5

Name : Ren Han

Position : Journalist Department Leader and Magazine Group Vice President

Gender : Male

Origin : Unknown

Age : Unknown

Character : Unknown

How he enter the company : Unknown

I, Can Can and Xiao Cheng from Distribution Department, previously had a gossiping session, to discussed and observed this handsome guy who came out of nowhere, Ren Han.

What type of background does he has that the moment he came, immediately he’s holding a high position post.And also breaking the company more than 10 years without any “Vice President” practice, stepping on small clouds, directly accessing into ” Below one person, Above million people” status.

Can Can rolled her big and beautiful eyes, pinching her chin pondered, “I’m guessing maybe he’s that Stingy Liu’s relatives, probably a nephew or something like that.”

”No, that’s not it”, Xiao Zheng shooked her head, “I heard Baldy Liu before marrying this current wife, had a divorce before. Could it be a b.a.s.t.a.r.d?”

Sitting at the side typing was Xiao Fu a senior editor who hardly gossip, turned his head and sneered, “the one born from the divorcee is the legitimate heir, the one born from the Mistress then it’s the b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

Xiao Zheng was startled by this info, suddenly realised, “then you guess at the end, is he, Baldy Liu’s legitimate son or b.a.s.t.a.r.d son?”

I curled my lip, “isn’t all have the same meaning, but, are you guys very sure that Baldy Liu with his type of look can give birth to such a nice looking son?”

Everyone were quiet at the same time, including the typing sound that Xiao Fu was producing rhythmically.

This Ren Han comrade who immediately taken the Vice President post upon joining the company, only need one word to describe him : Awesome !!!

Porsche car, Hugo Boss suit, Gucci bag, but the thing that people most envious is still that handsome face.

We did some observation before, if Ren Han is really Big Boss’ b.a.s.t.a.r.d son, then his mother definitely not a Chinese.

Ren Han has a long sharp nose that make us wonder if when he kiss his girlfriend whether he can reach the lip, and that pair of eyes that always filled with smile, instantly smitten more than half unmarried women in the company, that was until the day Vice President’s hand injured.

Talk about Ren Han’s hand injury, can be considered as one of the most saddest thing happened in the heart of most women in the company.

One month after Ren Han joined the company, this person who has all – wealth and good looking, yet in his first month managed to signed an advertis.e.m.e.nt contract worth 300 thousand, directly shutting everyone’s mouth including me and Xiao Zheng, we also started to have a little appreciation towards this Vice President, until …….his hand accidentally got injured.

On the first day of injury, Vice President Ren professing hostility, leaving the company very uncomfortably in a taxi.

On the second day of injury, a beautiful woman with wavy curl hair waited in the hall for half an hour, upon seeing Ren Han coming out, affectionately approaching him, “Honey, you ask me to fetch you from work, but you come out so late, you’re so bad.”

Ren Han smiled brilliantly, embracing the Wavy Beauty’s waist, waving his sleeve and left.

On the third day of injury, a s.e.xy young woman with straight hair, smoking for half an hour in the hall, upon seeing Ren Han coming out, start to cursed, ” you’re a dead man, ask me to fetch you, still come out so late !”

Comrade Ren Han didn’t say anything but smiled, taking over the cigarette from s.e.xy Babe’s hand and puffed it twice, embracing the s.e.xy Babe’s waist, and again walk away.

On the fourth day of injury, it is a young girl who seems to be a student, when she saw Ren Han coming out from that s.p.a.cious Vice President office, with tears all over her face, cried, ” I deliberately skipped lessons half a day to look for you, you actually abandon me outside for so long.”

This time Ren Han didn’t smile at all, straight away walk out the door, the Little Sister chased after him from behind, and also copying the Korean drama shouted, “Oppa, wait for me !”

A look of repulsion flashed across everyone’s face in the office.

Thus, the fairy tale of A Prince Charming has completely shattered.

Ren Han’s reputation has been tarnished, as expected handsome guy is not reliable.

And today because of one careless mistake, I actually have to sit in the Vice President’s office.

Just now when Slime lead me into Ren Han’s private office, at the beginning I planned to leave after taking the USB. I haven’t got the chance to say anything, I heard Ren Han said, ” Two cups of coffee. Thank you !”

Slime and I stunned, however Ren Han casually look up from behind the doc.u.ments.

“Sit !”

This one sit took more than 10 minutes. After Slime came to deliver the coffee, was ordered to close the door. Therefore, the s.p.a.cious Vice President office has incredibly becoming awkward. Even to breathe, I unconsciously have to breathe carefully. And yet that person sat opposite me, turn a blind eye, still burying his head behind a thick pile of doc.u.ments.

Helplessly, I can only hold the coffee cup while shivering.

After a long time, Ren Han coughed out a sound and said, “Bai Ning, rabbit is your zodiac?”

Hearing that Vice President Ren finally open his golden mouth, I also seriously give a thought over the question, “no ah…. I’m born in year 86, my zodiac is tiger !”

Eh … eh … But what is it got to do with picking up my thing ?

After a bit of ponder, the moment I turned my head, only to see the other person holding his head, laughing till his shoulder was shaking.

“Since, not a rabbit, why are you nibbling the paper cup?”

Ah??? I’m still unable to give a respond to him, Ren Han has squinting his obsidian eyes and faintly said, “from just now when coffee was delivered until now, you’ve been nibbling the paper cup, see, the edge has a cut.

Ren Han while talking, appallingly taking away my cup from my hand, as if was appreciating an artwork, slowly raising up the paper cup, ” too bad, too bad …”

“Vice President Ren, I’m sorry …, I didn’t mean to nibble your department’s paper cup.”

“It’s a pity that you are not a rabbit.”

Two seconds later, my logic telling me that I’m being played by this playboy.

Clearing my throat, I decided to regain the situation, stretching out my hand and ask : “I heard Vice President Ren found my things, where is it?”

Ren Han curled his lip upon seeing my action, “is this the way you take back your things?

I kept quiet, according to etiquette, have no choice but to humble myself, pretending to pleased him, smilingly said: “thank you Vice President Ren, can you return back my things ?”

This time round, Ren Han without any hesitation, stylishly taking out from the drawer my most worrisome USB.

Seeing my beloved USB, my heart snapped a beat, even forgotten to take back my USB.

Don’t tell me …. G.o.d want to mock me ? Ren Han has seen the USB content ?

At my opposite, Ren Han with a cunning smile, as if doing hypnosis, waving the USB and said: “still don’t want to take back?”

I tremblingly stretched my hand out, too nervous that I even forgotten how to p.r.o.nounce the word “thank you”.

” Take back already still don’t want to leave ? ”

Ren Han slightly raised his voice. See him behaving strangely, I just realised this is a place for wolf tiger leopard, can not stay for too long, start to move my leg to run away, but at that moment of opening the door, I heard the voice of the cute, handsome, brilliant and stylish Vice President Ren Han slightly sighing, “ai… I made a copy of the USB content !”

The door once again closed.

I am still standing at the same spot, leg and feet has turned numb, with a feeling that I have fell into a bottomless abyss.

“What did you say ?”

I’m doomed ….

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