The Rotten Girl

Chapter 10

MB is the abbreviation for Money Boy. Meaning a man who offer paid s.e.x service to gay men, can be cla.s.sified as male prost.i.tute.

MB is not necessarily a h.o.m.os.e.xual, many MB having s.e.xual behaviour with h.o.m.os.e.xual merely because of money, instead of s.e.xual needs.

—– from “Google Search” —–

Only from Google Search then you can find the meaning of MB, whereas you can’t find it in Uncle Baidu. From here, you can understand why Baidu is the Uncle Receiver while Google is the Proud Attacker. Only with this, we can also understand why Google previously was nearly got kick out back to his hometown.

Sometimes, search function too powerful is not a happy occasion.

Like, right now.

I found out that from Google, you can search out the meaning of MB, thus I felt restless for the whole afternoon, extremely worried, worried that once Ren Han found out the meaning, got so angry that the discount given by his friend will be taken back. At the same time, I’m still trying to figure out, where to borrow ¥10,000 in such a short period of time.

Find my parents? I don’t want to get scolded.

Find close friend? It seems that among them except Wormy that married to a rich man, the rest married to poor ghosts. And now Wormy so far across the ocean, can’t provide an instant help for my urgent need.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation I’m stretching my evil claws towards Editorial Department.

12.00 PM – Can Can punctually removed her hand from the keyboard, and then shouting to everyone to go for lunch. Sis Xiao Fu, Xiao Wei tagged along as well. This group of people were laughing and joking while walking towards the door, and then finally they found something is wrong.

Can Can looked back, blinked her eyes and asked: “That’s strange, Bai Ning, you don’t want to go eat lunch ?”

Xiao Wei: “Bring ….. bring your lunch?”

Xiao Fu: “Last time, in the office who is the one that proclaimed her magnificent aspirations declaration, saying “Eating is not just for energy, otherwise there’s no meaning in our life?”

With tearful eyes, I tried to defy, “I —– waa…boo…hoo…

A group of peers were looking at each other, Can Can waving her hand, “You have a load of mind? Just now after you came back from Journalist Department, you looked depressed. Did they bully you?”

Xiao Wei: “Don’t…..don’t cry….”

Sis Xiao Fu sighed and said: “Bai Ning, stopped acting, I can smelled saline from your tears. You wouldn’t be wanting to borrow money, right?”

Once words said, Can Can and Xiao Wei who were beside me showing their concern, instantly scattered. This group of inhumane fellows.

My left hand grasped Can Can firmly, while my right hand tried to pull a hold on Xiao Wei, continued to sob: “My dearest, you guys are the best colleagues in the whole world, when a friend in trouble, surely you won’t turn your back, right or not? This afternoon, the Apple agent will come to collect the money, I urgently need ¥10,000 ah…..¥10,000. I swear, if you guys pooled up the money to me, I definitely will pay it off in half a year, later I will double up my efforts, study hard and improve myself. In the future when I’m successful, definitely will repay back my benefactors for the grace of saving me!”

Xiao Wei: “This…. this….words so familiar.”

Can Can: “Of course familiar, those on the street will say like that when want to borrow money.”

Xiao Fu: “Nowadays also have people on the pretext of going to university and looking for donation, also will say like that.”

Are you guys are still human? I’m genuinely and sincerely looking for you guys to borrow money ah …

I take a deep breath, grit my teeth and tell myself to never give up, ” My dearest, please…. I promise as long as you lend me the money, I immediately write an IOU to you, and then every month payday immediately pay!”

Can Can: “Bai Ning, I really want to help you, but let me honestly tell you the truth, my credit card loan from previous 2 months have not been fully paid, and this month I also brushed out another credit card. I also want to find someone to borrow some money.”

I looked up, the thought of Can Can everyday wear those colourful clothes that never been repeated, once a week must change one bag and one pair of shoes, and also once a week must at least get a man’s signature from QQ, I’d choke with emotion.

My left hand letting go Can Can, simply uses my two hands to pull a hold on Xiao Wei’s arm: ” Bro Xiao Wei, I know you are a good child, every month you save more than me, your salary is also higher than me, you have to lend me money, okay?”

I haven’t cry till my heart’s content, already hear Xiao Wei said: “Okay.”

I stumped for words, looked up and waited for him stuttering the following words “but”, after a while it was followed by Xiao Wei’s tremblingly raised up two fingers. Thus, at that moment I was astonished.

My eyes flashed with stars, I on the spot begin to beat about the bush: “Ah… really? You are not only will lend me the money, also will lend ¥20,000? No need, no need, ¥10,000 is enough. Too much I can’t afford. Bro Xiao Wei, now I know who’s the cutest in Editorial Department, I take back my words from the last time when you’ve asked me to do proofreading, I cursed you to stutter your whole lifetime. You’ll definitively can find a wife more beautiful than Can Can and Slime.”

The more Xiao Wei heard it, the more anxious he became, after a while finally words jumping out from his mouth: “two….two… two hundred.”

I stood rigidly at my current spot, lost all my power.

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