The Rotten Girl

Chapter 18

A literature Master said before, the so called tragedy is to destroyed most valuable thing in human life and let others to see.

The great, n.o.ble, daring and extremist Mr. Lu Xun is a literature revolutionary was the one who gave a precise explanation of this “tragedy”. It is indeed describing perfectly well my current situation.

With the help of Can Can, Xiao Wei managed to climb up from under the table, at the same time on his hand can be seen a shiny silvery ash-grey handphone. The reason for its shiny, other than its beautiful appearance, was because it is currently under phone call mode state which keep displaying its unique brightness.

Xiao Wei’s face turned black, hung up the call, and stutteringly said: “Bai…Bai Bai……Bai Ning, I ….I…..”

This time round, it’s quite rare that Can Can the Protector Envoy didn’t answer for him, just looking at Xiao Fu with a miserable look. After a while, Sis Xiao Fu light up a cigarette, heavily inhaled it twice and said: “Bai Ning, you are completely famous now.”

The facts proofed that I did became famous. After this incident, the whole building from the upper level Big Boss to the lower level Sweeper Auntie , everyone known Bai Ning as a Seducer.

It turns out that before coming to the restaurant, Can Can and the rest had already discussed that they surely, definitely, and determined to expose Ren Han’s animal behaviour. However, their words alone obviously don’t have enough convincing and shocking power. So while trying to find out and understand my situation, at the same time using Xiao Wei’s handphone to broadcast the current situation.

On the other side of phone line, Xiao Zhi from Administration Department using the speaker to announce it to the executives of Administration, Journalist, Finance, and Distribution Department.

Originally they were trying to use this as an evidence to expose Ren Han. At the end because of my carelessness, like a train out of the railway, it ended exposing me as the Beast.

Can Can regretfully said: “Bai Ning, this thing really can’t blame us, no matter what we didn’t think that you ….. aiyah!”

Xiao Fu pressing the cigarette b.u.t.t, come to a conclusion: “Bai Ning, in the end you or Ren Han more misfortune?”

Xiao Wei: in silence

The skeptical playboy Ren Han who was despised by all the colleagues in the morning, now instantly turned into a pure and incomparable flower of the Motherland (a priceless things), meanwhile the talented young person me, because of recklessness and shamelessness has ruined and suffered the destruction of her own reputation and letting others to see it. So the whole afternoon, everyone in the company were immersed with the sighing sound of regrets (which led to audience’s grief and respect).

A tragedy that has been staged up magnificently, has also magnificently come to an end.

In the afternoon, the rumours has evolved from “A love-struck foolish girl offering herself to Ren Han” to “Bai Ning has brought the muddle-headed and drunk Ren Han to hotel and raped him”.

Afterwards another rumour escalated again to “Shameless Bai Ning after raping Ren Han, still asking him for ¥10,000 as a losing youthfulness compensation”

Sitting in front of the working desk, I’m completely angry.

d.a.m.n it, what exactly is this? I’m actually the miserable one, why it has turned the other way, Ren Han become the good person while I’m the rapist? Where’s the heaven law? Where’s the human law?

But before I exploded, someone had become restless first.

[Ren Han] give you 10 seconds

[Ren Han] come to my office

I looked at the QQ message and sneered.

If I were to barge in to your office right now, I’m an idiot. Isn’t it people in the company will say I rape you one more time? Don’t know if tomorrow morning go to work, the version will changed into “Office love affairs, Ren iceberg tearfully having an abortion !”

I went to chat and joke with Can Can and the rest instead, and made myself a cup of coffee. In the end, ten minutes later, the main culprit appeared in Editorial Department.

Ren Han hugging his chest, leaning against the door, raising his eyebrow, full of interest looking at me.

Behind him, countless of audience who stretched their head trying to watch the show. I greeted my teeth, really hate it that I couldn’t take a cup of hot coffee and poured it directly on Ren Han’s head. Why am I in this humiliation situation? Why?

“VP Ren, you have something?”

Ren Han coldly humph, “send you message didn’t see?”

“Oh, busy working, no time to see.”

Hearing what I said, Ren Han’s black and bright pupil become more and more gloomy and cold, “Oh, like that ah… since you don’t want to talk in my office, then I’ll just say it here.”

After that, Ren Han paused for a while then gently said, “I’ll wait for you at the Kempinski Hotel.”

His voice not very loud nor soft, yet unfortunately just right can be heard from every corner of the hall and Editorial Department.

After saying this, Ren Han turned around and left. Walking out two steps, once again turned around and made an ambiguous smile pretence said, “Room number didn’t change, still the same one as the other night.”

This is a sudden and unexpected event, even if my skin is thicker , I was still blown away by the last sentence that Ren Iceberg said.

Behind my back, don’t have to turn around, just use the back of my head I can see all the colleagues’ fingers pointing at me.

How great and majestic I am, for the sake of the company creating such a huge s.e.x scandal so that all the colleagues will have lunch topic to discuss enthusiastically for two months at least.

How innocent and being accused wrongly I am, obviously it was Ren Han who abused his authority forcing me to become a spy, yet at the end it was me who suffered getting everyone’s finger pointing.

Master Lu Xun, beseeching your spirit in the sky, on my behalf please take way Ren Han this evildoer !

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