The Rotten Girl

Chapter 40

One day, my Prince Charming will ride on a white horse, holding a bouquet of white lilies to pick me up.

Speaking the Buddhist way: It does not necessarily have to be a prince riding a white horse, it may also be Tang Seng.

**(Tang Seng is a historical Buddhist monk, also the main character of the Journey to the West)**

This is like saying, that the person who comes to pick you up does not necessarily have to arrive driving in an expensive BMW, but can also show up riding a big old bus.

My tragedy is that I was too persistent in waiting for BMWs and Ferraris, so I missed too many buses. Finally, I waited until even the big old buses all got off work and went home, and so...forever alone.

In fact, the events of the past from two years ago started with my dad becoming an upstart.

Before I was twelve years old, my father and mother were still ordinary working cla.s.s citizens. Our family of three was huddled together in the 35-square-meter apartment building where I currently live, the living room + bedroom were all in one s.p.a.ce. At that time, my father and mother were still strong and vigorous every night, the two of them would pull a curtain in the middle of the studio apartment, shielding me and separating their s.p.a.ce. Now thinking about it, I finally understand why there was always evil spirits scuffling about at night.

Even so, we were poor, but our family was still very happy. Until, as the saying goes - knowledge changes fate. The second half of this sentence is "Knowledge can also be being laid off". Mom and Dad were both laid off because they were uncultured. Looking at me who was waiting to be fed, my father and mother using their severance pay set up a stall.

This arrangement continued for several years. I can"t say whether it was the good government policy at the time, or whether it was that my dad was born to be a businessman. In less than ten years, my dad created the Baishi group. Although he was still crude as before as a boss, the business was getting bigger and bigger, I was also pulled along by the nose and went from the daughter of a street stall owner to the daughter of a rich family.

Although one is the president of the Baishi group with a.s.sets of over 100 million, and the other is the one who will inherit the family business, but after entering high society, the ladies and gentlemen there still called my father "upstart", and me "upstart princess" behind our backs.

I myself didn"t like this kind of name.

Therefore, even though the old man wanted me to stand firm in high society and desperately took me to various c.o.c.ktail parties and events, my good friends still remained only two people: One was a neighbor from the building that I used to fight with since I was small, Big Tiger, and the other is a close friend from elementary school to university, Jiao Jiao.

The turn for the better came when I was twenty. Although I don"t like those in high societies and don"t like the att.i.tude and styles of those rich young ladies, still in any circle, there will be one or two that are special. This special one later pulled me into the circle, is the beautiful Worm, who went to faraway America to marry.

Worm"s father is a politician, so of course, there were many people who were trying to cling on, and the best form of clinging on is blind dates. Therefore, on a certain month of a certain year, the Worm who couldn"t stand it, on the way to a blind date used the reason of stomach pain to escape. Even if she escaped, Worm walked around the streets and considered her father"s anger, and so sent two text messages:

One of the text messages to me: 3pm, meet at Liang Mu Yuan, darling, remember to put on the purple high waist skirt we bought together last time ^^

The second message was to the blind dates: In a traffic jam, will be half an hour late, I"m sorry, I am wearing a purple skirt, long straight hair.

So, naturally, I and Bo Xi met at the blind date and got to know each other and started dating. I thought that I had found my own Prince Charming and that I finally transformed from an ugly duckling into a white swan. From then on, the prince and princess will live happily together...

But I forgot a very important detail.

I am not inherently a princess, but was someone who suddenly switched to a job they were not trained for, even if I was a princess, it is was also the knockoff version of the "princess". Therefore, on the night before the engagement party the two families had arranged, Prince Bo Xi exploded.

The specific method of the explosion was that the angry Prince ultimately abandoned the cottage princess and chose Cinderella. The poor Cinderella, unexpectedly, was actually my close friend: Jiao Jiao. The two on the eve of the engagement, eloquently ran away.

Before the elopement, the two of them sent me a text message to show feelings of many years.

Jiao Jiao: Xiao Ning, your father has money, and helping you find another rich guy is definitely no problem. You have a lot more than Bo Xi, but I have nothing but him.

Bo Xi: Ning Ning, I"m sorry. Actually, I wasn"t truthful with you. When you and I met at the blind date, I already knew that you were the daughter of Uncle Bai, and I got together with you because the two companies always have always wanted to cooperate together and merge in marriage. But in the end, I still didn"t want to deceive you, and myself...

After I received the text message, my first reaction was not to rush downstairs to shout for my dad to quickly have them pursued, nor was it to frantically call the two people, but I calmly dialed Worm"s number and lashed out, "You have no conscience, you didn"t want to go to your blind date and called me to go: you"re a bad friend, you actually introduced such a bad person to me, you, you this girl..." When I had enough of scolding, and couldn"t straighten out my words, after a short time, Worm had rushed to my house and was patting my back and cursing them.

"Xiao Ning, don"t cry, those two are adulterous traitors - wicked man and a wanton woman, they definitely will not have a good end!"

As it turns out, Worm really has an unordinary crow"s beak. Bo Xi and Jiao Jiao drove away in the car that night to elope and ended up in a traffic accident, Bo Xia is still lying in the hospital until today, and the sweet Cinderella got away with minor injuries and disappeared without a trace.

**(Crow"s beak - someone who says inauspicious things and they happen)**

Later, according to the hospital"s nurse, when they arrived on the scene to rescue them, Bo Xi had used his whole body to shield Jiao Jiao, thus protecting her from any serious injuries, but he ended up in a vegetative state.

On the day of the engagement, I stood in Bo Xi"s room for a long time. In the end, I still couldn"t shed a tear.

I said, "Bo Xi, how is it? It seems that Jiao Jiao"s love is still your money. Now you can"t wake up, so she ran away."

I said, "Bo Xi, your parents are very smart. Even like this, they are ready to hold the engagement party as scheduled. For the sake of the two businesses, all the more, to keep me as a gra.s.s widow."

**(Gra.s.s widow - wife to stay at home while the husband is away)**

"Bo Xi, I am not the Virgin Mary. If it is as your parents said and you were just simply in a car accident, I might have waited for you. But now, it will never be possible."

Accompanied by Worm, I went straight to the engagement party and in front of everyone, "This marriage, I am not doing it." After those words, I went home, took a shower, and slept for three days and three nights.

Those three days, Worm was like a hard-working bee in my ear, telling me about the gossip outside.

"Xiao Ning, everyone said that you are ungrateful. As soon as your fiance had a car accident, you withdrew from the marriage."

"Also your parents are so confused with anger, and they have rushed in to hit you several times. You really didn"t think it through, why didn"t you bring out those two text messages to show everyone?"

"I"m telling you, Bo Xi"s parents may know about their son"s elopement, and deliberately hid it from you, and pare pretending to be ignorant, they are ruthless, why should you keep the relationship? Let"s make things public, why do you want to carry a blackened name?"


After a long time of Worm making noise, I finally opened my eyes.

"Forget it, after all, we got to know each other through a play, now I"ll hide and pretend to be dead. I would rather be a seen as an evil loathsome woman, the daughter of a coa.r.s.e family, then to be the tragic second female lead in Qiong Yao"s play, let the prince and Cinderella die!"

A week later, my mom and dad finally looked at me calmly, no longer chasing me with a broom and so I made a decision, "Dad, I want to move out for a while."

The things that came afterwards are all known.

I burned all the letters and gifts Bo Xi gave me, leaving only the living one - Ultraman couldn"t be burned. To be honest, when I saw Ultraman"s innocent expression, I really wanted to throw him in together, but restrained myself through the pressure of the animal society. I still clenched my teeth and took Ultraman and moved back to our original apartment.

Then I smoothly found a job at the magazine and started handling small tasks. Later Worm got married overseas, and the Big Tiger got admitted into a university in the United Kingdom and went abroad to study...My life returned to the most peaceful and happy days from ten years before.

To this day, whenever I occasionally return home to my mom and dad"s villa, I feel like it was all a dream.  The plot of the dream is very melodramatic, and the upstart woman who dreamed of becoming a princess was defeated by Cinderella and eventually returned to her original form and returned to join the general society.

Once, I was still unresigned to give up my dreams and follow according to the plot of the novel and had delusions: Perhaps Bo Xi was truly in love with me, but was forced under some kind of pressure under the plots that usually happen in the novels, for example, the treacherous woman Jiao Jiao got him drunk at a party and then got pregnant, e.t.c, and the reason for the elopement was because he didn"t want me to be heart-broken and so eloped. Or that the text message wasn"t sent by Bo Xi at all, and that Bo Xi was drunk and slept off.

So under my persistent belief, with the help of Worm, we requested hackers to hack into Bo Xi"s internet accounts. There was the sad reminder on every page written about how he loves Jiao Jiao. It was painful but I forced out a smile.

I went back home that night and held Ultraman and wanted to beat him up but stopped. Oh my G.o.d, that is to say, that fairytales are really just fairytales, and reality is always cruel.

Originally I thought that it would take a long time to forget this past event, just like it is written in the novels. "Every drop was like crying blood, the deepest pain hidden in my bones." Unfortunately, I am not immersed enough in the literature and am simple-minded, perhaps it"s the Bai family"s nerves that are really too thick, and the Bai family"s genes low and strong. After being at the magazine company for a year, when I close my eyes at night, if it"s not dreaming that the Queen Chief cracking a whip asking for ma.n.u.scripts, then it"s about being forced into debt by Ren Han; If it"s not a dream about CanCan grumbling about buying a beautiful dress that cost thousands, then it"s about Xiao Fu jie coldly admonishing: You are getting fat again.

**(Jie/Jiejie = older sister)**

With this, for a long time, I didn"t remember the handsome face that I had once been smitten by. Until one day, I went to a CD shop with CanCan and Xiao Wei. Xiao Wei happily bought the cd of a certain female celebrity and stuttered to us, "Look, it"s my favorite, MeMe!"

I looked at the cover with a delicate and extremely s.e.xily posed face and felt it wasn"t good, but I kept feeling it was very familiar. 

Next to me, CanCan contemptuously said, "Disgusting woman, isn"t she that small Jiao Jiao that is being kept by the boss of XX entertainment?"

**(Clarification =  being "kept" means she"s a mistress)**

I suddenly realized that it was my former friend, the Cinderella, Jiao Jiao who had been with me all the time...In this world, indeed, where there is money, there is true love.

Now the big star Jiao Jiao, can you still remember the words you said at the beginning? Except for Bo Xi, I have nothing.

Looking at the treasured text message again, I had an epiphany.

Bo Xi, I am looking forward to seeing you wake up as soon as possible, let me see your expression.

MiraiSaesang"s Notes: Well they suck...Childhood best friend is who I am most p.i.s.sed at though personally...are you kidding? How could you?!?...Also, fine if they "fell in love" but did they have to wait until the night before the engagement party! and obviously, they have been cheating for a long time! ?...Bai Ning"s still a virgin and I"m sure Jiao Jiao was offering it up and so he "truly" fell in love ?...

...Talk about bad timing, this is just as bad as jilting someone the night before the wedding, it"s basically a wedding because this isn"t a simple friend get together engagement party, it"s a full-scale everyone"s invited bash!...

...I can understand her not wanting to give them the satisfaction of acknowledgment of their "love"... but I would have whipped out those text messages to the world, as opposed to bearing the mark of a "traitor" herself ? - To clarify, of course, if your fiance goes into a coma, you are free to move on, but next day moving on is a different matter...

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