The Rotten Girl

Chapter 46

Under the stab of the bonus, I nevertheless braced myself and burst into Ren Han"s office. However, it was clear that I came in at a very bad time, S1ime, Doggy Huang, Old Xian...At this moment, the reporters were gathered together, notepads in hand, it seems they were having a meeting.

Because of my sudden intrusion, Ren Han stopped talking, and everyone turned their heads in my direction. I put on an ugly smile that was worse than a crying face and quickly retreated. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard the sound an ice-cold voice like river water call, "Bai Ning."

My back went rigid, looking at my head resurfacing, Ren Han was satisfied and then turned to his subordinates, "Well that"s it. S1ime will explain the situation here to the client. For the others remember to send the selected topics to my mailbox before Friday, still the old rules. While I"m away if there"s anything report to S1ime."

After his speech, everyone left the office in a group, leaving me alone stupidly standing there awkwardly. After a short while, I laughed and said, "Hehe, VP Ren are you going on a business trip?" From listening to his tone, it seems he will be leaving the company for a while. This is very, very good, so I don"t have to hide to avoid Ren Han and dodge the reporters every day. I really hope that Ren Han will be gone like this for three to five years.

While I was on the side happily thinking about it. Over there, Ren Han"s face and eyes were getting colder and in the end, he sneered, "Bai Ning, very good."

I quivered and didn"t know where to start. But given the important purpose of coming to find Ren Han, I couldn"t help but open my mouth, "Actually, it is like this, VP Ren, I came ask you for help with a matter."

My words just finished, I don"t why but a small black cloud showed on top of Iceberg Ren"s head and his face was so unsightly that it felt like it was going to rain, "Truly very good, it actually turns out that the reason you came to find me is because of some matter?"

I frowned, and carefully recalled the past events to see whether I have offended Iceberg Ren recently, well ~ except for kissing him after drinking, and trying out the bed with him, there"s nothing else, right? Even the online novel, I have also stopped under his tyrannical abuse of power, causing departed spirits of countless to seek vengeance, demanding justice. Other than that, there"s really nothing.

I nodded, "There is indeed something, the reason that made me come to find you, Ren Han, that --" Before I could say anything about Can Can, I looked up and saw the strong resentment in Ren Han"s eyes shooting fire, I immediately broke out in gooseb.u.mps. Why am I getting the feeling that today Ren Han is a little bitter? What exactly is wrong?

I was at a loss for what to do, and Ren Han had already ferociously pressed the phone and said, "S1ime, tell the driver to come up to pick me up!"

I heard this and felt a bit panicked. If you are in a hurry and have to go on a business trip, what about Can Can"s matter? "VP Ren, will you be gone for a few days ah? The matter I am looking for you for is not yet finished, I..."

"VP Ren." I hadn"t finished talking when the driver had already entered the office. He looked at the burly driver and then turned back to me still with a disgruntled face. I finally found the problem: Even if Ren Han wants to travel, he needs the driver to pick him up and drop him off at the airport, but he isn"t so finicky as to ask the driver to come upstairs to pick him up, right? Can"t you go with your own legs? Don"t tell me they JQ"

**(JQ slang for they have something (romantic) going on between them...she is ridiculous LOL)**

I was in my own infinitely beautiful YY world, when I heard Ren Han sigh, "Bai Ning, I thought you would at least come to see me, even just a glance." After that, He moved the wheel and moved back. The driver took the que and held it and then pushed Ren Han out of the office.

So, I later realized that Ren Han was actually in a wheelchair!

I was stunned for three seconds, by the time I jumped up and said, "What happened to you?", the office was already empty. I caressed my head that was had crashed and was already playing an infinite loop of: How did you get on a wheelchair? How come you"re sitting in a wheelchair? Ren Han, don"t tell me you"re...injured?

Straight from being low to being sick and weak?

  -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Lunch break at noon

[Editorial Bai Ning]: Xiao Zheng come.

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: ?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: ? What? Is there new gossip?

[Editorial]: ==~No, I want to ask you something.

I have already thought about it. For Ren Han"s matter, if I ask someone in the Journalism department I will definitely be despised. If I ask someone in the Editorial department, I will definitely be mocked that I am in a relationship with Ren Han, and if I ask the Administrative department, in less than half an hour, this event might as well have been an announcement. So I thought about it and decided asking Xiao Zheng, the head of the Gossip group will be more appropriate. So I considered it and started typing on the keyboard again.

[Editorial Bai Ning]: Hey~ Well, I want to ask, what happened to Iceberg Ren"s leg?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: Surprise! You don"t know?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: Don"t joke around, if the world doesn"t know, how can you not know? Didn"t you kiss and pledge your love?!

[Editorial Bai Ning]: Ahh, you are washing and biting me, just quickly talk, what exactly happened to him?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: ^_^ Actually, I am not too clear on it. I only heard that he was. .h.i.t by an electric motorcycle and broke his bones, so he hasn"t been coming to work these few days. Today he came to a.s.sign the work, and then it seems that he has to take a half-month leave to work from home.

For a moment, I burst into tears and soaked my cute little keyboard. Ren Han didn"t come to work these few days? That is to say, I have been hiding and dodging for the last few days, for fear that I would into him by accident like flowery peac.o.c.k in the middle of showering affection on an uninterested party? What is the difference between this and gnashing one"s teeth in hunger for three days on board a boat, and then when I got off the boat, I heard that the food and beverages on board are free?

However, Ren Han, who drives a BMW, could be injured in an accident with an electric motorcycle, very talented indeed.

[Editorial Bai Ning]: Electric motorcycle? Are you sure this information is correct?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: Yes, I heard that Ren Han was chasing after someone out of his house only to be hit by a nearby wild motorcycle. As for who he was chasing, hehe, that remains to be verified.

I trembled, this gossip group is really very good and formidable. They could find out this kind of information and are also saying it is not clear. I froze in front of the screen and looked at Xiao Zheng"s words and a flash went through in my brain.

[Editorial Bai Ning]: What day did he get hit? Do you know?

[Distribution Xiao Zheng]: Of course, it was last The day after your party.


I was silent for a long time, I finally understood what Ren Han was bitter about today.

With the thick nerves of the Bai family, I still vaguely remember that after being "caught red-handed in bed" that day, I was ashamed and ran out of the apartment, it seemed I really heard the sound of a motorcycle brake behind me and a familiar voice yelling miserably.

—— Is it possible that it was Ren Han who was chasing after me that was. .h.i.t by a motorcycle?

—— Is it possible that Ren Han has been waiting at home for me to pay for his medication, in the end, I did not appear and so he is angry?

—— Is it possible that today when he finally came to the company to deal with work, I smugly ran over and without even expressing even half a sentence of condolences, also went to ask him to handle something? 

...Oh my G.o.d, you should just take me away!!!

MiraiSaesang"s Notes: LOL he wasn"t pleased at all...probably thought she heard about his accident and did not even care to check on him, he must have been pouting the last few days while staring at his phone...little did he know she"s been an ostrich with her head buried in the sand ?...Well Xiao Ning, time to go nurse him to coax him or you can kiss your conscience and bonus goodbye ?...

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