"It is indeed. Perhaps they see some of their friends coming."

"Or inimies," suggested Quashy.

The latter was right. In a few minutes the Indians were seen to run down to the defences of the place. Our unfortunates lost sight of them in a few seconds, but they could hear the sound of hors.e.m.e.n approaching at full gallop. In a few minutes they heard shouting; then the yells, fearful cries, and imprecations of men in mortal combat. Soon after that a savage pa.s.sed the place where they lay, at full speed. Then another and another. It became quickly evident that the defenders of the place were getting the worst of it. At last there was a general flight, and as the savages pa.s.sed by, the new a.s.sailants appeared. It was easy to see that they were composed of all cla.s.ses, a band of runaway soldiers and escaped convicts.

"Banditti!" exclaimed Lawrence, bitterly.

"Dey"ve got pris"ners. Look, ma.s.sa."

Our poor hero looked, and his hearts nearly stood still with horror, for he saw a horseman pa.s.s whose figure was strangely like to that of Colonel Marchbanks. His arms were bound, and a villainous-looking man led his horse. Immediately after another bandit-like fellow rode past with a female form seated in front of him. Of course it could be no other than Manuela, and in the agony of the moment Lawrence was about to renew his frantic effort to burst his bonds, when a man on foot ran close past him. Recognising him at once, Lawrence shouted--


The old hunter, for it was he, stopped abruptly, and listened.

Another shout brought him to the side of our hero.

"Good luck!" exclaimed Ignacio, heartily.

"We have been bound by the scoundrels you are chasing," cried Lawrence, quickly; "cut us free, good Ignacio."

The hunter drew his long knife and knelt with the apparent intention of releasing them, but suddenly paused.

"No--better as you are," he muttered, hurriedly, "your friends are in danger--"

"I know it," interrupted Lawrence, almost wild with anxiety and surprise; "why not, then, release us?"

"There is no time to explain," said Ignacio, quickly, almost fiercely.

"Listen. I and others are secret enemies in this band of outlaws. When you are free be silent, be wise. You will need all your manhood. You must not know me--be silent--wise, but--"

The old hunter leaped up hastily, sheathed his knife and ran on, for at the moment he saw a group of the bandits running towards him. Diverging a little and hailing them, he drew them away from the spot where Lawrence and his man still lay bound.

"Das a puzzler, ma.s.sa," gasped Quashy, who had been rendered almost speechless by surprise, "if de bu"stin"-power what"s in my heart just now would on"y go into my muscles, I"d snap dem ropes like Samson."

As the bursting-power referred to declined to go into the muscles of either master or man, they were fain to lie still with as much patience as they could a.s.sume, and await the course of events.



They had not to wait long. A few minutes later and old Ignacio returned with several men, one of whom, from his manner and bearing, appeared to be a chief among the outlaws.

"Who are you, and who bound you?" asked this chief, with a stern look.

Answering in his best Spanish, Lawrence explained how he fell into the hands of the savages.

The chief did not speak for a few seconds, but looked inquiringly at Ignacio.

"It won"t do to make more prisoners, you know," said the old hunter, replying to the look; "we have too many on our hands as it is. The troops are already on our track, and you may be sure they won"t lose time. Besides, these men are unknown, and won"t fetch a ransom."

"What would you advise, then?"

"Cut their throats," suggested Ignacio, coolly.

"You old fool!" returned the outlaw, "what good would that do? Isn"t it clear that these men are the enemies of the savages, and we want such to join us."

"Ay," returned Ignacio, "but they may be friends of the troops, and you don"t want _such_ to join _us_."

"There"s truth in that, old man. Well, we"ll just let them lie.

They"re safe enough, as they are, not to do either good or evil. As you say, it is of no use burdening ourselves with prisoners who won"t fetch a ransom. The colonel and his women will fetch a good price, but these--nothing. I suppose that is why Cruz has ordered Conrad to be shot before we leave the place."

"Why, I thought," said Ignacio, with a look of surprise, "that Conrad of the Mountains was an outlaw like yourselves."

"Not he. He"s a spy, and he"ll meet a spy"s doom, if he has not met it already."

"Come--I"ll go and see this Conrad," said Ignacio, "I should like to see a spy get his deserts."

He turned quickly and hurried away, followed by the outlaw.

"Most awrful!" groaned Quashy, when they were gone.

"Awful indeed, to think that Manuela and her father are in the hands of such villains!" returned Lawrence.

"An" Sooz"n," said Quashy, with a deeper groan.

"But, ma.s.sa, what"s come ober de ole hunter? He not in arnest, ob course."

"Of course not," replied Lawrence, "that is our one ray of hope now. He is only acting a part. He will a.s.suredly help us, and means us to help _him_, but he takes a strange way to do it."

He ceased to speak, for at that moment a man was seen approaching. He moved about like one who was searching for something. At last he caught sight of the bound men, and ran towards them, drawing his knife as he did so. For one instant a feeling of horror shot through the hearts of Lawrence and Quashy, but next moment they were relieved, for they recognised in the approaching man the features of their old acquaintance of the Andes, the robber Antonio.

"I come to pay my debt," he said, going down on one knee, and severing the cords which bound Lawrence, who heartily showered on him all the Spanish terms for thanks and grat.i.tude that he could recall. Of course Quashy was also set free, and was equally profuse in his grateful expressions, but Antonio cut them both short.

"Come, we must be quick," he said, and hurried away.

As they crossed the spot where the recent fight with the Indians had taken place, Quashy picked up one of the spears which lay on the ground, and Lawrence, to his great satisfaction, discovered his favourite cudgel lying where he had been knocked down. He picked it up, almost affectionately, and hurried on.

Antonio was in evident haste. Leading them through the hamlet, he went towards the corral, where, it could be seen, a party of the bandits were standing as if in wait. Suddenly they heard a noise behind them, and observed a party of men with muskets on their shoulders surrounding a prisoner. Antonio drew his companions into the shelter of a bush till they should pa.s.s.

"It is Conrad of the Mountains," he whispered, while a fierce expression lighted up his eyes. "They go to shoot him. He _must_ not die!"

As what seemed to be the firing-party advanced, followed by a straggling group of ruffians, Lawrence looked with profound interest and pity towards one of whom he had heard so much. The prisoner"s head hung down as he approached the bush, but on pa.s.sing it he looked up. The sight of his face sent a shock of surprise and consternation to the hearts of Lawrence and Quashy, for the doomed man was no other than their friend Pedro!

Lawrence turned quickly to Antonio. "Conrad?" he asked, pointing to Pedro.

"Si, senhor," replied the outlaw.

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