YESTERDAY: 1. One evil less and one memory more. 2. A short-change artist, from whom we can never recover. 3. A period of time that has always existed, in contradistinction to a period of time called tomorrow that can never exist. 4. A mirror wherein if we look long enough we will see ourselves as others could never possibly see us. 5. The Eden of the sentimental. (Time is divided into yesterday, today and tomorrow, which are but three varieties of the same metaphysical tetter. In the beginning was the Infinite, and the Infinite begat Time, and Time begat Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.)

YOUR DUTY: The things you have to do, and not a d.a.m.n tap more. The other man"s duty is the thing you think he should do.

YOURS: Anything which up to the present time the bunch has not been able to get away from you.

ZODIAC: 1. The wallpaper of the heavens. 2. The mirrors of the nothingness of Man and the sublimity of the nothingness of s.p.a.ce.

ZEAL: The feeling you have before you secure the thing, as compared with "Stung," which is your condition after you have captured it.


ZONE: The region immediately surrounding a Limburger Cheese.

ZERO: A round figure often referred to by Doctor Cook in his diary, and which his enemies tried to make symbolic of himself.

ZIGZAG: The route followed by poets in arriving at truth, as opposed to the direct course which they take for the buffet.

ZEUS: A grouchy old G.o.d who was so reduced in estate that he posed as a model for Greek artists.

ZEPHYR: A ladylike blizzard.

ZEITGEIST: The things that everybody believes, but that n.o.body understands.

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