The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent (WN)

Chapter 70: When I Remember…

Chapter 70: When I Remember…

It has been three months since I"ve returned from Klaussner. 

With the season gradually heading towards summer, it will be my second summer since I"ve come to this world. 

Requests came from the Royal Palace even after I came back, so I went all around to subjugate demons. 

I visited some places which were in dire situations like Klaussner, and I visited some areas because of political reasons. 

For the latter, a high-ranking civil officer came to me and begged me on his knees while looking pale. 

I"ll keep it a secret that I felt a little sorry for him.

Middle management is hard, isn"t it?

I wonder if they"ll relax a little if they eat something sweet.

I thought and gave him the pound cake that I had made that day, and he was delighted.

Fortunately, that fief"s speciality was something I wanted, so I received the reward without hesitation. 

The reward that they gave me was that they would be whole selling the pork to the research inst.i.tute at a meagre price. Since the fief was famous for its livestocked pigs.

The civil official, who I gave the pound cake to, worked very hard to negotiate with that fief. 

The price of the pork was incredibly low, and Jude, whose parents are merchants, was complaining. 

The menu at the research inst.i.tute"s dining hall increased again because of this. 

Ham, bacon and sausages…

I made a lot of things on my breaks. 

Of course, the dishes were popular with the researchers. 

The chefs at the research inst.i.tute had to teach me how to make ham, since I had never made it, and didn"t know how to. 

They also smoked meat in this world. 

However, they only smoked salted meat to use as preserved food, so I tried to improve the recipe a little. 

Though, I only added herbs such as thyme, sage and bay leaf during the salting stage. 

The rest I just made like it was usually made. 

There was a lot of work to do, but the chefs were happy to help out, so it was fine. 

That was how I spent the last three months, but it"s about time for them to tell me to take time off; not from Director, but from the Royal Palace. 

If anything, it might be close to them pet.i.tioning that I take time off. 

The knights have also been working hard these past few months, so it should be an excellent time to take a holiday. 

Director told me to rest, and I obediently obeyed him. 

However, it wasn"t like I wasn"t doing anything at all. 

My work at the research inst.i.tute continues. 

I was making potions in the research inst.i.tute the day after I got the notice from the Royal Palace. 

I don"t understand why the Director looked stunned when he saw me. 

After that, my studies at the Royal Palace were also resumed. 

As always, I"m learning a lot about magic and this world. 

I also hosted tea parties as part of my mannerism cla.s.s. 

At first, Liz was the only partic.i.p.ant, but lately, Airchan has also been coming. 

Today, Liz, Airchan and I held a tea party in one of the gardens at the Royal Palace. 

Even though it was labelled as a tea party, today"s gathering was more like a breakfast party. 

I tried serving different dishes because the gathering was held earlier than usual. 

I served a breakfast menu instead of sweets.

"Hmmm~! It"s delicious!"

"I"m glad you like it."

Airchan pressed her hands to her mouth after she took her first bite of bacon and looked to be in bliss. 

I didn"t have to listen to the words that followed. I could tell that she liked it from her expression.

"I"ve eaten smoked pork before, but it"s more aromatic than the other"s I"ve tried."

"I also tried to make it absorb the woody taste when I smoked it."

"That"s why. Did you use herbs when you smoked this?"

"Yeah, I did. I thought it would be tasteless if I just salted it."

"That"s why it"s so delicious! I"ve never eaten any good bacon in j.a.pan."

Today"s tea party was also to present the ham and bacon that I"d made at the research inst.i.tute, and I"m glad that Liz regarded it highly. 

On the table was a herb and vegetable salad made from freshly harvested plants from the research inst.i.tute this morning, a crepe with cheese, onion, peppers, cubed ham sandwiched inside and crispy bacon. 

No matter how you look at it, it was more of a meal than a tea party. 

"I also want to eat sunny-side ups with this bacon."

"Yeah, that sounds good."                                      

"I want sauce, do we not have any?"

"Unfortunately, we don"t. I wish we had soy sauce at least."

Airchan was one of those people who had their sunny-side up with sauce. 

I like mine with soy sauce. 

I haven"t found either of them in this world. 

I would have more recipe repertoires if I had soy sauce. 

I thought while answering Airchan. 

"What is shoyu1)Left this in j.a.panese because Liz is showing she"s unfamiliar with the word?"

"Yes. It"s a type of seasoning that"s used a lot in our country. The sauce Airchan was talking about is also a type of seasoning."

"Is that so?"

"To be exact, it"s called Worcester sauce or tonkatsu sauce."

"It"s hard to make Worcester sauce, isn"t it?"

"It is. I"ve only used the commercial ones, so I can"t make my own."

"That"s a shame. I wish that it was made somewhere in this world…"

"Me too."

Worcester sauce is made by adding spices and seasoning. 

I know that much, but I don"t know the specifics.

I only remember it vaguely. 

I will have to do trial runs if I want to make it.

That"s why I could only answer that it was impossible to make when asked. 

Liz listened with interest, so I talked a little more about Worcester sauce because she might have an idea about what I"m talking about.

However, she didn"t know either. 

How unfortunate.

"I really want to eat it now that we"ve brought it up."

"The sunny-side-up with sauce?"

"There"s that too. But other things as well."

"Me too. Especially rice!"

"I want to eat it too!"

"I can make as much as I want if I just had the ingredients!"

The daily eating situation at the research inst.i.tute has improved a lot since they built the dining hall. 

However, there are still a lot of things that can"t be made because of the lack of ingredients. 

I"ve never made j.a.panese food before because I can"t find the necessary ingredients such as rice and soy sauce. 

I wanted to eat j.a.panese food after such a long time because we inadvertently talked about it. 

I wonder if I can do something about this.

"I"ve never heard of rice before."

"Rice is the staple food of our country. Rice is boiled grains. It"s white and grainy."

"Rice? I haven"t heard about it in this kingdom, but other kingdoms might have it."

"In other kingdoms?"

Liz is right, it might exist in other kingdoms even though it doesn"t exist here. 

Why don"t I ask my tutor at the Royal Palace if any kingdom grows grains that resemble rice? 

It might also be useful to ask Jude since his parents are merchants. 

I"m sure they know more than me. 

"Should I look for it?"

"If you do, then I"ll also look for it."

"Thanks, Liz."

"It"s fine. If you cook a new dish, then please treat me to it too."

"Of course!"

I started seeing some hope since Liz said that she would help me look for rice. 

It"s challenging to look for it alone, but I might be able to find it if we all look for it together. 

Alright, I"ll search for it seriously.

After that, we continued to talk about ingredients and decided that we would ask people around us about them. 

Before dissolving the party, we decided to report on our progress at the next tea party.

References   [ + ]

1. ↑ Left this in j.a.panese because Liz is showing she"s unfamiliar with the word

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

© 2024