02 Potion

【Ceremony of Saint Summoning】

The ceremony that has been handed down to Slantania (Surantania) kingdom from ancient time.
A long time ago, the kingdom is covered with the miasma, the time when demon run rampant, a maiden appear out of nowhere.
Using that art, the demon are being cleaned by the maiden, peace are brought to the kingdom.
People called her a saint.
The miasma appear to be something that divide and manifest near each other.
Although detailed theory is not know, it seem that when the miasma density reach a certain level or above will become demon, if the miasma thick then the strength of the demon born from it will proportion to that too.
The miasma in the surrounding area become thinner when a demon is defeated, miasma can be prevented from thickening more than necessary by keep defeating demons.
But in every several generations, people said that there were times when the miasma thicken speed exceed the speed at which demons are defeated.
At times like that, I heard that the maiden who became saint in the ancient kingdom appear.
The art which use by the saint is considerably strong, the demon seem to be quickly annihilated.
Thanks to this method, it seem that the speed that the miasma thicken and demon being defeated become balance.
I heard that there were also report about time when there is only saint, the miasma in the surrounding do not thicken according to the theory.
It is nature that saints are always appear but, for only once, there was a time when saint did not appear no matter how dense the miasma were.
It is said that the sage at that time inspect all the method and construct this ceremony to summon the maiden who become saint from other side.

What a nuisance thing, to be summoned by such a ceremony.

This ceremony, is unfortunately such a ceremony that only been performed once from long time ago, could saint really be called, it seem that it is something that can’t be understand without trying it.
However they said the sage of that time were great, we were really being summoned yo.
Even two people.
But saint only appear one person per era it seem ne.
The summoning this time is, why two?
Compare with the past, because this time appear to be in a considerable awful situation, maybe the number of people increase proportion to this?
What a mystery.

Up until this point, it is a story about 【Ceremony of Saint Summoning】 that I knew during this one month.
And, currently, I’m living in the herbal research inst.i.tute next to the herbal garden in the royal palace.
Eh, I do not live in the palace.
I live in … the research inst.i.tute.

After that ceremony, the red hair-kun that came into the room is undeniable the first prince of this kingdom it seem.
That first prince-sama doesn’t give an eye to me, nothing but just another girl, Misono Airchan, that he talking with, only Airchan that he left the room with.
Me is in my twenties, Airchan on the another hand is only in her late teens,
When you ask who have closer age to the prince-sama, of course Airchan.
Furthermore the fluffy light brown hair, the translucent white skin and pink cheek, a little droopy eyes that make other want to protect, an adorable girl just like a lovely lily.
Since I’m busy, I don’t observe too much with other think so my unkempt hair tied in bundle, unhealthy white skin, it is presumptuous to compare her with a gla.s.ses woman whom dark circle have hung under her eyes for many years.
I could not not understand why they only have eyes for Airchan.
However ne, I think he has a good courage to ignore the existence of the one he summoned without even asking.
The knight and the robe people in the surrounding too are pretty taken aback by the prince ability to ignore, I was pretty confuse when I notice that I has been left behind.
I don’t know how to deal with it when being splendid ignore ne.
Because there is no help being idiot like that, I grasp the neck of a rope person nearby, questioning things about the ceremony.
Following the story, it seem I was somehow summoned to the different world, I understood that there isn’t a method to return to the former word at the moment.
And I after hearing the necessary things, of course I would get mad, it is decided that I will leave the country by foot.
To begin with let’s get out of this room first, get out of the royal palace where the room exist, get out of the capital where the royal palace exist, finally I will try to go to the neighbor country.
Anyway, I absolutely not want to be here.
I separate my hand from the neck of the robe person after finished hearing necessary things, when I’m outside of the room, a panic knight chasing after my back.
The knight chasing after me stop me, lead me though the room somewhere at the royal palace, I am drinking the black tea served by the maid while waiting.
At last he final come, the person seem to be this country high rank official, moreover to be well-informed about this country, I heard about something concern the situation of me being left behind.
From the circ.u.mstance of outside I heard at that time, I was very grateful to the knight who stopped me.
No matter how you look at it, the gra.s.sland is fill with demons swaggering around when you leave the capital, it takes one week to go to the neighbor country by carriage, thief may appear along the way and so on, to be frank for me who don’t understand much about this world to reach the neighboring country is, clearly impossible game.
I think the me who tried to challenge an obviously impossible game was having a considerably amount of blood raised to my head.
Afterwards, I who calmed down a little「Please enjoy the palace for a while」according the word of the official , lived in the palace for a while.
Next approximately two weeks.
The first three days were, still good.
I was nervous at the thought that it is necessary to become accustomed to this world.
However, I gradually became unable to endure the spare time ne.
Certainly living necessary are guaranteed but, that leave only play ne?
As expected I became unable to withstand the free time, at least how about strolling then, when I was wandering around the garden in the royal palace, what I found was an herbal garden.
There are also herbs and aroma therapy use for relieving the work’s stress in j.a.pan, the herbal garden was very interesting.
The planted medical herb also have the same appearance as the one planted in j.a.pan, when I was wonder whether the vegetation are not different from the earth, a voice called me.
When I turned around, impressive pupil and hair of jade color, there stood a friendly looking young man (ikeman).
The voice that called me belong to a researcher in the herbal research inst.i.tute next to the herbal garden.

「Do you need something from the research inst.i.tute?」
「No, I just walked by. I think it is interesting, and only looked」

Did he interested in me who said that the herbal garden was interesting, the researcher just like that, explained the medical herb in the vicinity.
Lavender, Rosemary, Angelica and so on, the medical herb with name that are not different from j.a.pan were, having the almost unchanging effect as well.
During the explanation 「HP potion can be made with this medical herb」 such a thing, is this a game is the word I wanted to tsukkomi here and there.
And when I received the explanation of the medical herb, time pa.s.sed by while I showed an amazement look, I decided to return to the palace because evening was approaching.
「Please come again ne」 is how kind his gentle words are, I become to hang around everyday, finally I came to the point of living in the research inst.i.tute.
Is not what happening.
Since it become troublesome to frequently going to the herbal garden from the palace, I just ask that I want to live in the research inst.i.tute.
Because it is called the royal palace, the garden is large endlessly.
It takes 30 minutes from the palace to the herbal garden on foot.
Although I went to the herbal garden for 1 hour everyday, the story I heard from the researcher in the research inst.i.tute is very interesting, for the sake of having one more hour to attend then I would be able to hear more story is what I thought.
To the maid in the room when I first come to this world 14 days before, I asked for the high rank official that receive me which I met at the beginning, when I consulted to him the purpose of me wanting to change the room, the story was accepted easily.
When I heard afterward, from the head of research inst.i.tute it seem that there had been some secret talk.
Thus I, got a room in the research inst.i.tute, and a job called medicinal plant researcher.
Those who don’t work don’t eat.
As a condition to get a room in the research inst.i.tute, I will work at the research inst.i.tute.
Although I was a little hesitant to make hobby a job, day after day, since I thought it is better than being absentminded in the palace, I decided to accept the condition.

「Still, what a strange effective」

Muttering with the HP potion I made on one hand, is Jude (ジュード juudo) the researcher that first called me in the herbal garden.
The HP potion which I made while learning from the colleague in the research inst.i.tute, seem to have better performance than the potion that appeared on the public market.
About 5 times more it seem.

「Although I only make just like what you taught ne」

I put the medicinal herb and pour water in the pot, by pouring magic power while boiling potion is made.
Although potion is divided in ranks: low-grade, intermediate, advance and so on, this ranking is decided by the medical herb put in.
However, just by putting in the chosen medical her do not mean high rank potion can be made.
Delicate magic manipulation is needed to make high rank potion, the possible rank of production is decided by the production skill of the creator.
Although the medical herb which become materials are also costly thing, the number of human capable of making are scarce too, high rank portion are, being sold at the price which can’t be used readily it seem.
Well, in the first place, high rank potion are something that no one other than n.o.ble and royalty can buy it.

「Color too is undeniable of lower grade HP Potion, I wonder why?」
「Who know, maybe because my skill are good?」
「Nn, although I think it do not matter much. Your pharmacy skill, how high is it now?」
「Wait a minute. 『Status』」

When 『Status』 is recited, a semi-transparent window which can only be seen by the user appear in front of me, my status is displayed there.
This is one of the life magic that has been taught by the colleague on the day I began to work as a researcher.
Following the potion, magic is somehow, although I think it like game more and more, it is unmistakably reality.
Magic is usable and, can be understood from that magic is necessary for potion to be made, even I have magic.
Along with the summoning, my body seem to stop being that of earthling.
Because the magic power that I’m unable to feel while on earth, can now be feel inside my body.

Takanashi Sei   Lv.55/Saint


Battle skill:
Saint attribute magic: Lv.∞

Production skill:
Pharmacy: Lv.8

「Currently, it is level 8 da ne」

After confirmed the status, when I report the level of pharmacy skill, Jude inclined his head while groaning 「uun」.

「8 you say, you can’t create intermediate level yet da yo naa」
「Well, isn’t it good whatever it is? It not like the effective become lower」
「No no no, because it is not at the level of margin that can be let slide! To clarify such a thing is our job too don’t you think」

I thought that it is good as long as the effective is good but, because Jude said, to research such a mystery phenomenon, to investigate the cause is the work of researcher too he scold.
It can’t be helped, I continue to get along with Jude investigation.
Changing the quant.i.ty of material, and alter the amount of poured magic power, many potion are made for experiment purpose.
Thus my day pa.s.sed by continue making potion.

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