05 Cooking

Today I’ve come to Saul (Sauru サウル) forest to the south of the capital.

The 3rd Knight Order subjugates demons around the capital regularly and, after Ghosh forest to the west, the Saul forest expedition was apparently scheduled next.

Normally, it isn’t necessary for the Knight Order to perform a subjugation so frequently but, in recent years, it’s a situation where the normal frequency can’t keep up, which has resulted in constant subjugation.

Well, because of the saint that was summoned by the 【The Ceremony of Saint Summoning】, the situation is considered to have gradually improved.

Do your best, Airchan.

And, this time, researchers of the herbal research inst.i.tute have joined the expedition too.

There are various herbs that grow in the forest that are not available in the herbal garden, so the purpose is to harvest them.

Normally it is unthinkable for a researcher, who is a good for nothing other than being a hindrance, to partake in the subjugation of the Knight Order, but the accompaniment was permitted as a reward for saving the Knight Order’s commander-san the other day.

Although I had planned to leisurely make potions in the research inst.i.tute, but because I’m the one who uses herbs the most so, by the chief’s order, sadly my partic.i.p.ation was obligated.

「Oi, don’t separate too far.」

I find the herb I want in a place slightly away from the road and, when I go over to take it, I am warned by Jude from behind.

I pick up the herb quickly, and when I go back to Jude, I end up getting scolded some more.

「Saying that this forest is calmer than the forest in the west does not mean that there are no demons. If you are leaving then don’t leave without saying something!」

「Sorry, sorry.」

Although the demons that appear in the south forest seem to be weaker than the ones in the west forest, it doesn’t mean they do not appear at all.

So I understand that I can’t be careless but, I’m unable to deny the j.a.panese mentality.

When I find the thing I’m aiming for, unconsciously, I go there unintentionally.

「Because I’m carefully watching, you will be fine if you do not stray too far.」

While abruptly laughing, the commander calls out from behind us.

Currently, the Knight Order and the researchers are separate and act in 3 groups.

The reason for this arrangement is because it is efficient but, Jude and I are put in commander-san’s group.

It seems that normally commander-san does not partake in the expedition to the south forest. Knight-san’s story is that this time it might be because of us that he made an exception to accompany us.

Despite it being the reward, somehow I’m filled with apologetic feelings.

「Thank you very much. However I have a feeling that we have gone considerably deep into the forest, yet the demons have not appeared.」

That’s right.

I think 2 hours have already pa.s.sed since we’ve entered the forest but, we haven’t encountered the demons even once.

Is this normal?

Thinking like so, when I question commander-san, it does not seem to be the case.

「No, usually encountering them several times already wouldn’t be strange but…」
「Is that so?」
「Ah, it is unusual to make it here without any encounter.」

While saying this, commander-san makes a gesture of thinking a little, then talks to the other knights.

Yes, I wonder if there is something?

It would be nice if a strong demon like the Salamander does not come out suddenly.

Thinking such a thing, while picking up the herb growing on the roadside, I go to the rally point with the other groups.

There is a little empty area in the forest. After having joined with the other groups there, it’s going to be lunch.


At the lunch meeting place where everyone has joined.

When hearing voices saying delicious here and there, it is worth it that I did help.

Although there were talks that the preparation for lunch would be done by those in the Knight Order but, for me who grieves over this world’s food situation, I had to help.

The soup that I made by using herbs, which is not usually used, seems to be popular.

「There have been rumors about delicious food in the herbal research inst.i.tute’s dining hall, do you by any chance make them?」

「No, it is only to the extent of providing recipes. The cook always makes it.」

「To always be able to eat such delicious meals, it is enviable.」

As said by commander-san.

As a result of this morning’s subjugation, the knights-san and the researchers seem to have opened their hearts just like that, and while everyone is sitting down and gathering together freely, the commander-san sits next to me.

When the vice commander-san sits on my other side, the only researcher that has been thrown into this group of executives-only is me alone.


When I try to involve him, he escapes.

I will remember this.

「I was told that this soup has various herbs put into it, but my body is warmer than usual. Is there any herb with such an effect?」

「Yes, that’s right. Today’s soup is…」

Although I mainly speak with commander-san, I’m called out to by the other knights in between times.

Apparently it is not common to use herbs to cook in this world.

Particularly, the discussion of herbs used in a drink’s side dish serve as a good story as we eat.

It is delicious when I put it in the sausage.

Just like that, there is a heated discussion about cuisine, and in the afternoon is the subjugation, then in the evening I return to the royal palace.

1 week from the subjugation.

This week, things have become a little serious.

There is a slight commotion in the subjugation after lunch.

Although my group hasn’t encountered the demons as usual, it seems the other groups have.

The physical strength of the knights, regardless of their group, seems to have increased more than usual.

The reason it was noticed was because they easily subjugated the demons.

When it is time to talk about the cause, it is lunch that’s brought up first.

It was different from usual, there were herbs in the soup.

Then, are the herbs the cause?

To confirm it, this week, I make dishes with various conditions at the research inst.i.tute.

With that, on top of the morning, noon, evening, plus midnight snack, there is only eating all day long.

As expected it is impossible to thoroughly understand it on my own, so even the knights from the 3rd Knight Order and the researchers are asked to cooperate.

The result is, it is understood that physical strength increases if one eats a specific dish that a person with Cooking Skill makes.

Cooking Skill seems to be the skill that the cooks in the dining hall mostly have.

Of course our cook in the research inst.i.tute also has it too.

Takanashi Sei   Lv.55/saint


Combat skill:
Saint attribute magic:Lv.∞

Production skill:
Pharmacy  :Lv.28
Cooking      :Lv.5

And so, I also acquired the skill before I noticed it.

This is the reason the knights’ physical strength seemed to improve at the subjugation.

Of course, the physical strength that improved were not only the knights’ but also the researchers’ but, the researchers whose bodies rarely moved didn’t seem to notice it.

Actually, that’s not the only reason why I noticed.

The 50% extra that appears when I make potions, the effect shows up even here. It’s even more than the food made by the cook-san in the dining hall. The dishes that I make have a greater effect.

Thanks to that, the effect becomes remarkably visible, and was noticed just like that.
Of course, I don’t need to mention that I am forbidden to cook at a public place in the future by the chief.

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