The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent (WN)

Chapter 63: Onto the Next Stage

Chapter 63: Onto the Next Stage

"Alright! It looks nice, good."

I looked at the shiny leaves that were bathed in sunlight and smiled.

The medicinal plants which had been blessed in the flowerpots were growing nicely.

They might be growing too well.

I feel like they"re growing faster than they would normally.

Corinnsan, who was observing the growth of the plants with me, also said the same thing.

It might be time to move onto the next stage to conduct experiments on a small field.

I would be going back to the Royal Capital once the demon problem has been dealt with so I wouldn"t be in Klaussner forever.

I should quickly advance in the things I want to do.

Reinforcements from the Royal Capital had arrived here unexpectedly, so Captain-san was extremely busy reorganising the subjugation groups.

Head Magician-sama was also part of the reinforcements, but that person was utterly ignorant of anything but magic.

Even until now, he takes a lot of independent actions during subjugations, he can"t organise groups, or should I say that he has never done it before.

I wondered if such a person should be in a top position, but there are probably a lot of reasons for this.


The court mages also came from the Royal Capital.

However, the number of mages that Captain-san requested did not come.

Thus, it was necessary to reorganise everyone into two groups. A large group to deal with the slime forest and a smaller group to deal with the rest of the area.

Captain-san always organises the groups.

It seemed like he would finish it promptly, but he hadn"t because we also had the 2nd Knight Order for reinforcements.

They all wanted to join the group in charge of the slimes, and things seemed out of control.

The 3rd Knight Order told me this secretly.

How troublesome.

Anyway, we would probably head on the subjugation mission as soon as the groups are reorganised.

If so, then I want to make some progress in my experiment right now.

Strike the iron while it"s hot.

I finished observing the plants, so I decided to immediately go to the distillation room.

Corinnsan and I talked about the conditions of the plants and future experiments in the distillation room.

She also went to check on the plants every day and thought that it would be better to move onto the next stage of the experiment.

My wish of wanting to experiment on a field was readily accepted.

It seemed that she had already prepared a field for me and as a result, we were headed there now.

It seemed like Corinnsan was also excited that the herbs that couldn"t be grown could be grown again.

We walked nimbly towards the field.

"Mm, is it alright for me to use all this?"

"It"s fine. I have Feudal Lord-sama"s permission."

The place that I was guided to was a wide ploughed field.

I could see the forest spread out way off in the back, but even so, it was quite wide.

If I want to experiment on different medicinal herbs, then I certainly need a wide field.

But, is it alright for me to use a field this big for my current experiment?

I hesitated for a bit, but pulled myself together and decided to activate the 【Saint】technique when Corinnsan said, "Let"s begin."

It was embarra.s.sing to cast the technique in front of others, but I have to endure it.

I"ve blessed the flowerpots in front of Corinnsan before.

Don"t think about it too much.

I exhaled once and concentrated so that I could cast the technique.

After a while, there was a sign that magic was drifting in the air around us.

I concentrated without paying attention to the magic, and the range of the magic rapidly spread wider.

When the magic spread to a section of the field, I thought, please grow medicinal herbs, as I activated the 【Saint】technique.

"Was that the 【Saint】technique just now?" The surface of the field was shining white and converged as a voice called out from behind me.

I was startled and turned around and saw the beautiful Head Magician-sama walking this way.

Corinnsan, who was standing next to me, also had her eyes widened in surprise, so she probably hadn"t expected him to show up here.

Well, of course, she would be, blessing the fields was a confidential matter in this fief.

Corinnsan told me earlier that people were under strict orders to stay away from here today.

However, that order didn"t seem to have reached the division heads.

It couldn"t be helped since the command system was different, but this might be a little bad.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. And what was that just now?"

"It was the 【Saint】technique."

"I knew it! You can activate it freely now, can"t you!?"

He didn"t let me brush it off with greetings.

I reluctantly admitted that it was the 【Saint】technique and Head Magician-sama"s expression seemed to become brighter.

From Head Magician-sama"s reaction, perhaps, did he not know that I could activate the technique freely now?

"By the way, why are you activating the technique in a place like this?" When I thought that the reaction of Head Magician-sama, who had just heard this now, was strange, he continued to fire difficult questions at me.

Mmm, what should I say……?

It"s a problem, to tell the truth.

"When I consulted with Feudal Lord-sama about where to practice my technique, I was guided to this place."


"Yes, it"s a big area, and there"s nothing planted here right now. The 【Saint】technique might damage the field."

"I see."

Even I thought that it was a poor excuse, but I couldn"t talk about blessing, so I could only avoid the topic.

However, Head Magician-sama seemed to have accepted that excuse.

Is that okay? I looked at Corinnsan, and her expression hadn"t changed, so it should be.

"It doesn"t seem damaged, but it might have influenced the soil."


"For some reason, I can feel mysterious magic coming from the soil." Head Magician-sama grumbled as he put a hand to his chin and looked at the soil.

I couldn"t tell at all, but it seemed like the excellent Head Magician-sama could tell the difference when it came to magic.

Corrinsan didn"t seem to know who Head Magician-sama was and her eyebrow twitched when he spoke.

It"s okay.

Head Magician-sama just knows a lot about magic, but I don"t think he knows about blessing.

But he might have sensed something.

Corinnsan glanced at me, so I put those feelings into my nod.

The details probably couldn"t be conveyed to her with that so I will explain it to her later.

Now let"s return to the subject at hand.

The mysterious magic that he felt from the soil is, of course, the 【Saint】technique.

Well, I did cast the 【Saint】technique on it.

I heard from Head Magician-sama before that living things have magic, but is it normal that inanimate objects don"t?

Soil couldn"t be summed up in one word since it"s possible that microorganism might be in there, and blessing might have affected those things.

Or is it possible that I granted magic to some kind of mineral?

The possibilities would be endless if I think about it, but it seems possible.

When I told them that, Head Magician-sama and Corinnsan both listened to me with interest.

Perhaps, they are the same type of person?

They exchanged their opinions while we were talking and it seemed like they had both reached an understanding.

Somehow, they"re getting along.

That"s good.

That"s good, but……

"So, shall we try it next?"

It might have been a mistake to mention that I was practising the technique.

Head Magician-sama smiled a smile which made women fall for him and requested I use blessing.

He was excited that he was able to observe the 【Saint】technique that he had waited so long to see.

For some reason, Corinnsan also agreed.

Huh? Do I have to activate the technique while Head Magician-sama is watching me?

No, that, it takes time to activate it……

I also, have to prepare myself……

Practice makes perfect?

No, like I said……


Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

The author updates so slow… So expect periods with no releases, but that doesn"t mean it"s dropped!!

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