"Wow ~~~!" I cheerfully shouted at the scene spread out in front of me.

There are various multi-coloured vegetables, fruits, meat and fish being sold at the marketplace. There is also a shop that looked like it specialised in mushrooms.

Besides ingredients, there are also shops and stalls selling bread. The smell drifting about the place made my stomach grumble.

Although there is an abundance of ingredients, their cooking is like that. Things I"ve never seen before are also being sold so it"s interesting.

There are also various breads in the bakery and although there was only a small amount they also had white bread.

The white bread is small and the price is higher than all the other breads, so is it treated as a luxury good?

The market was also called the capital"s kitchen. It was vibrant and crowded with people.

The road between the shops was big enough to fit eight people lining up but it was filled with people and it was difficult to walk through.

I walk through the road and I"m drawn to the interesting items on the shop displays so I look at them.

It seems that I was going to collide with the person walking in front of me.

"Thank you."

When I smile and thank the Captain who was next to me, he sweetly smiles at me.

Even after we arrived at the market, he held my hand as we walked.

The market is crowded so I could get lost while looking at the stores.

Well, I want to escape from reality in various ways.

I don"t think I"m that inattentive but if I stagger than I feel like I"ll b.u.mp into the person walking in front of me.

So he casually released his hand and bring my shoulders closer to him instead……


What kind of torture is this?

I wonder if G.o.d is testing the power of my heart?

After we avoid all the people will he possibly hold my hands again?

Yeah, I"m scared of getting used to it.

This went on several times.

I may not be red anymore and my face is probably twitching but I grew! I was able to thank him with a smile!

I think I tried really hard.

Shouldn"t I be concentrating on the shops?

If I don"t concentrate on the shops then I"ll concentrate on other things!

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes. I am okay."

"Are you hungry?"


It"s still a bit early for lunch but we left early in the morning so I"m a bit hungry.

We walked for quite a bit so my feet is also a little tired.

The Captain seems to be fine but it"s hard for a shut-in like me.

There are food stalls at the market but the Captain is an aristocrat so I"m a little worried.

He won"t eat something brought at a food stall, right?

Does he feel like entering a nearby coffee shop?

"I am a little bit hungry."

"Then why don"t we take a break and buy something from the food stall?"

Huh? The Captain is an aristocrat, right?

I"m happy but is it alright for him to eat something from the food stall?

The Captain took me to the place where the wooden boxes were kept near the food stalls.

The Captain asks me what I want to eat and when I reply, he left me to go buy food.

Isn"t he accustomed to this?

After waiting for a while the Captain returns with several skewers and two fruit waters in a cup.

After I receive the skewers and fruit water one by one, the Captain sat down next to me.

"It seems like you are used to buying things from food stalls."

"Because I used to come here with Johan a long time ago."

"Is that so?"

To my surprise the Director and Captain came to the markets when they were young.

Even the aristocrats of this kingdom come to the markets?

When I ask about it in detail, he told me that they came to the market dressed as young rich merchants.

I see.

"Ah, come to think of it how much was the food?"

"Don"t worry about it."

"Eh, but…… Thank you for the meal."

I feel sorry about something and my words got quieter.

He"s laughing like he"s troubled.

Well it"ll be fine if I return the favour next time.

The skewers were only seasoned with salt but the salt was good so it was delicious.

There was a good portion of skewers and I ate the whole thing.

I took a sip of the fruit water, it had a gentle fruity smell to it.

I was a bit thirsty so it was also delicious.

It would be really good cold but ice is a luxury item here.

"What"s wrong?"

I stared at the fruit water while thinking that and the Captain made a dubious face.

"No, it is nothing."

"Really? Does it not suit your taste……?"

"No. I just thought that it would taste better if it was colder."


The Captain said and took my fruit water.

I watched the cup while thinking about what was happening. The fruit water in the Captain"s started emitting cold air.

Huh? What"d he do?

He presented the fruit water to me and I took it. There"s ice in the cup.

I was surprised. The Captain urged me to drink it with his eyes.

I took a sip and as I thought, it"s more delicious cold.

I smile in satisfaction and the Captain also smiles.

"It is delicious."

"Is that so? I"m glad."

"What did you do?"


This are no refrigerators in this world, ice could only be left in the ice room in winter or made with magic.

There aren"t many people who can produce ice with magic so ice is very precious.

I heard that it could be made with ice attribute magic, which was superior to water attribute magic, but I didn"t think that the Captain could use ice magic.

I never thought that I could see it being used right before my eyes.

"It is very delicious. Thank you."

"I"m glad that it pleased you."

The cold fruit water is very delicious and I quickly drink all of it.

I finish drinking it and say my thanks to the Captain, he laughs.

Like this, he didn"t look like someone who would be called the emotionless Ice Knight-sama.

He"s always laughing and somewhat sparkly.

No, sparkling has nothing to do with this.

He"s not wearing his Knight uniform today. He"s wearing normal clothes but his aura is showing so he doesn"t look like a commoner.

When I saw him this morning I thought he looked like a commoner but now that I"ve mingled with real commoners, I can see the difference.

Is it because they grew up differently?

The appearance of the fruit water that I drank was also beautiful.

If he dressed as a young rich merchant then he might be able to deceive people but if he dressed up like a commoner then there was no way he could deceive them.

He slants his eye when I carelessly stare at him.

I shake my head in a panic and say it was nothing before averting my eyes.

Please don"t look at me with such gentle eyes.

I really want to run away.

After we finished eating, we left the market and walked along the street while looking at the shops.

There are mainly good quality items lined up inside the shops, they were expensive. I was a little hesitant to enter.

That"s why I only looked at the shops but the Captain stopped in front of a certain shop.

"Sorry but could we go in here for a bit?"

"I do not mind."

We"ve only been looking at the things that I"ve wanted to look at today so I didn"t mind.

Commoners could also enter the shop that the Captain stepped into but it was a somewhat luxurious accessory shop.

The inside of the shop was decorated with various accessories for both men and woman.

The Captain went into the back alone and I walk around and look at the items for sale.

There were hair clips and hair strings lined up near me. The hair strings stored in the boxes have a beautiful nine colour gradation.

I was so busy with work before that I didn"t have the time to cut my hair. Even when I was summoned here, I just let my hair grow out and it"s so long now that it"s half-way down my back.

It"s a little expensive but I want to tie my hair up in this heat. I wonder if I should buy this hair string before going home?

While I was browsing around, I found a hair clip that I really like.

It"s an elegant piece made out of silver metal, there were blue gems inlayed in some of the fretwork.

The hair clip looks delicate and is very beautiful but it"s also very expensive so I"m a little hesitant to buy it.

If there weren"t any gems then it would probably be cheaper. While I"m browsing around the Captain returns.

"Sorry for making you wait. Did you find anything you like?"

"No, I did not."

I liked the hair clip but it"s a bit over my budget and it"s also bad to make the Captain wait so I"ll give up on it this time and search for it again next time.

"Then shall we go?"


I follow behind the Captain when he left the store.

I came out a little late and the Captain held my hands again like it was the natural thing to do.

One way or another, I was able to slowly explore so I had a good time. We find the carriage and return to the royal palace.

It"s been awhile since I"ve walked around and I"m mentally exhausted.

The carriage was swaying and before I knew it, I feel asleep.

I could hear someone calling me so I slowly open my eyes. The carriage had stopped.

I faintly look up at the Captain and smile softly.

"Have we arrived?"

"Ah. You seemed tired. You slept really well."

No way, did I use the Captain as a pillow?

I stare at the Captain and his smile grew wider.

Ah, I did it right?

I used him as a pillow.

I can tell he saw my sleeping face.

I feel like I can"t escape from this. I cast my eyes down as I blush and then I heard a puffing sound.

Wooow, I think I received the most damage today.

I groan and glance sideways, the Captain got out of the carriage first, just like this morning.

I couldn"t stay in the carriage forever and when I got ready to get off, the Captain lend me his hand.

We walk towards the research inst.i.tute and talk about the market and my impressions of the shops.

Various things happened but today was fun.

When we arrive at the research inst.i.tute, I turn to the Captain and bow.

"Thank you for taking me out today."

"No, it was fun."

He"s called the Ice Knight-sama but today the Captain was in a really good mood.

He"s always smiling.

Of course today as well.

I feel like I dragged him around quite a bit but not once did he complain.

He"s such a nice person.

"It was also very fun for me. Goodbye."

"Ah Sei, here you go."

When I try to return to my room the Captain stopped me and gave me a big box.

What is it?

I couldn"t tell what it was just by looking so for the time being, I receive it with both hands.

"What is this?"

"Please use it. Wait until you get to your room before opening it. Bye."

"Eh? Wait a minute. Hawk-sama!"

He ignored me when I tried to stop him and left.

It"s probably better if I ran after him but I"m tired from today. I don"t have the energy.

It can"t be helped, I"ll open it when I get back to my room.

If there"s something wrong with it then I"ll return it to him tomorrow.

I soothe my feelings, return to my room and open the box.

Inside was the fretwork hair clip that I liked from the shop.

"How was yesterday?"

The first thing the Director said to me when I entered the room were those words.

He has a teasing smile on his handsome face.

"It was fun."

He bluntly reply with, "That"s good".

He looks like he wants to ask something but I ignore him and place the doc.u.ments from the researchers onto his desk.

"These are the reports from the researchers."


I quickly turn my back from the Director and just like I"d thought, he calls out to me.

"Where"d you go?"

"What do you mean?"

"So yesterday?"

What do you mean, "So"?

I turn around to face the Director and I knew it! He has that teasing smile on his face.

It wasn"t something for me to be troubled over but it annoys me how he"s amusing himself.

That"s why I also grin.

"Are you my father, Director?"

"What"s with that?"

"Well, you asked me where I went on my day off. It"s similar to a father worrying over his daughter."

"Hey, hey. I don"t have a daughter."

The Director also knew that I was teasing him, right? He"s smiling bitterly.

"I went into town. That is all."


"Oh right I heard something about you, Director. You use to be very naughty, right?"

"Wait a minute. What"d you hear?"

"I wonder?"

I only heard what the Captain told me while we were eating at the stalls but I said it in a way that could be misinterpreted on purpose.

Since he asked with a twitching smile, it seems that he"s guilty of many things.

It was interesting a while ago but now I"m irritated.

"We went to the market, ate at a stall and then looked at various shops lined up along the streets. We returned when it got dark."

"I see. That"s really robust1)Didn"t know a better word for the one Author used. No idea what she means…."


I only went into town, I don"t know what"s robust about that.

I thought and the Director dropped a bomb.

"Anyway, I"m glad you had fun on your date."


I was flabbergasted with the bomb he dropped. The Director had a dubious look on his face.

"What"s wrong?"

"…… Date?"


"I just went into town."

"You went into town with Al, just the two of you. You ate lunch and looked at stores, didn"t you?"


"Isn"t that a date?"

I gape while looking at the Director and then he delivers the final blow.

"When a man and a woman go out together, it"s called a date."

I want him to wait for a bit.


No, no, did date mean something like that?

I think back upon it. Other than my father, I don"t ever recall going out with a man on my day off.

Eh? What?

Was yesterday my first date?

When I realise that, my face gets hot.

"No, I was only accompanying Hawk-sama into town, you know?"

"Accompanying…… Al invited you to go out and you left just the two of you, right?"

"Yes but Hawk-sama only invited me because he had spare time, right?"

"Well even if he was free, he wouldn"t invite a woman he didn"t like to go out."


"Is that really surprising?"

"Because he likes me… He likes me…"

My words gradually thinned and I look down.

Because isn"t that so?

It"s impossible for the Captain to like such an unpopular woman like me.

Well I don"t think I dislike the idea but……

Heaps of thoughts run through my mind as I look at my feet and the Director calls in a quiet voice, "Sei".

"Was Al cold to you?"

"No…… He properly escorted me when I got off the carriage…… But is that not something aristocrats here do?"

"Well, it is."

"I thought so. He held my hand while we were walking and treated me to lunch."


"When we returned he gave me a present."



I take the box out of my skirt pocket and pa.s.s it to the Director.

Inside is the hair clip I received yesterday.

When I look at the hair clip I received from the Captain again, the gems embedded in it are different from the ones at the shop.

It was light blue. The blue-grey colour matched the Captain"s eye colour so now I"m a bit hesitant to return it.

I could buy the clips at the shop if I save up since it was only that expensive but I wonder if it"s okay for me to receive something this expensive.

In the end I put the box into my skirt pocket, worrying about whether or not I should return it or not.

The Director picks it up, opens the box and looks inside before returning the box to me.

"Sei, it"s common for aristocrats to escort woman while they"re getting off the carriage or while walking."


"But Al never gives them accessories as souvenirs."

He stopped laughing in a teasing manner a while ago. The Director said that in a serious tone.

From his att.i.tude I knew that the Captain didn"t just casually give me this hair clip.

I look at the box in my hand again and my face heats up.

"Is it really okay for me to receive something so expensive?"

"Just take it if you don"t mind."

I grumble and the Director quietly smiled and returned it.

I didn"t say anything, I just moved my neck and nodded.

"How do you do, Sei?"

The next day I went to the library to return the book I"d borrowed. I met Liz in front of the door.

She also seemed to have just arrived.

It was rare for me to meet her in the corridor.

We never arrange to meet. I come to the library for work so the times I come also vary.

That"s why even if I go to the library, I"m not always able to meet up with Liz.

"Oh? You changed your hairstyle today."

"Yeah. It"s hot so I decided to do it up."

"I see. That"s a nice hair clip you have."


The door squeaks open and I let Liz go in first.

Liz immediately went to find the book she was looking for.

As for me, I hand the book I"d brought with me to the librarian and look for another book to borrow.

As expected as soon as we met again, Liz pointed out that I"d changed my hairstyle.

Liz is really fashion-conscious, she"d noticed that I had my hair up just by glancing at me.

The hair clip was something I received from the Captain and it was somewhat embarra.s.sing so I mumbled.

"Hey Sei. That hair clip is really pretty. Would you mind letting me have a closer look at it?"

"I don"t mind but……"

She called out from behind me when I was standing in front of the medicinal herb books.

When I turn around, Liz has a beautiful smile on her face.

I don"t mind showing her but it"s a bit troublesome to do my hair up again after I"ve unfastened it. But I don"t mind showing her it if I don"t have to unfasten it so I answered.

I couldn"t show her if I stand here so we move to where the desks were. I sat down on a chair and Liz stands behind me.

Although she doesn"t touch it, she seems to be looking at it very closely.

"This is good workmanship."


"The embedded gems are really nice."


"Yes…… Hey, who gave it to you?"

"Eh? Why?"

"Well, it seems a bit expensive for everyday use. That"s why I thought someone must have given it to you. Am I wrong?"

"No, you"re right."

"Did Hawk-sama give it to you?"

"H-how do you know!?"

"How……? I think it is pretty easy to tell."

She was right about the Captain giving it to me. I was surprised and turned back, Liz looked shocked.

Eh, what"s with that?

Easy to tell?

When I ask her about it, Liz sighs, stands in front of me and lifts her index finger up.

"First, rumour has it that Hawk-sama has someone on his mind."


"I think that person is you."


I haven"t heard this rumour, you know?

And what"s with "that", huh?

Liz lifts her middle finger up.

"Second, the gems on your hair clip matches Hawk-sama"s eye colour."

"You looked at it really closely, huh……"

"Of course, the gems give the hair clip a nice finish."

"No, not that I meant at Hawk-sama"s eye colour."

"Hawk-sama"s eye colour is the Margrave family"s special trait so it is well known."

"I see."

"I thought it was you because of those two things."

"Still can people make a connection so quickly just because the gems match the colour of Hawk-sama"s eyes?"

"Yes, that is right. It is well known that Hawk-sama favours Sei."

"Well known?!"

"Besides it is common in this kingdom for men to give his colour to the girl he likes."

"His colour?"

"For example, his hair colour or his eye colour. It seems that men generally give gifts that match the colour of their eyes."

"I see."

I didn"t know this.

So that means, the Captain likes……

No, no. Wait, wait.

It"s impossible for me to think further than that!

What should I do? Was is really okay for me to receive this?

Director, you definitely knew this, right?

Why didn"t you tell me!?

I hold my head in my arms while sitting and then I hear Liz giggling.

"Sei, you"ve become so red."

"I"m…… I"m not used to this kind of thing!"

"Oh, is that so?"

Ah, I can"t believe Liz is lecturing me on love when she"s about 10 years younger than me!

Liz watches me warmly when I lift my face. I really want to run away.

Ah, seriously I want to run away!

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