Misono Aira was a 16 year old high school student at that time.

She lived with her father and mother and only them. She was an only child. Both her parents worked and she was often alone when she was at home.

It was a busy time at work for her parents on that day and even though it was late at night, Aira was alone in her home. Aira was reading a magazine in her room when she decided that she would go to the convenience store on the first floor of her apartment, since she was getting thirsty and she also wanted something sweet to eat. She put on her shoes and just as she was about to open the door, a white light suddenly appeared at her feet. Aira closed her eyes because the light was so dazzling. She opened her eyes when she felt the light fade from her eyelids, and she saw that she was in a room that she couldn’t recognise.

What’s this?

She should have been in her own house up until then but before her eyes was an unfamiliar scene. The floors and walls were both made out of stone and the surrounding people, in unfamiliar clothes, were shouting cheerfully. All Aira could do was stare absentmindedly at the scene in front of her; it looked like something out of a movie.

There was someone else summoned alongside Aira, but Aira didn’t notice her at all. The other person was sitting at an angle to Aira’s right. It was too much for Aira, herself, and all thoughts left her. She wasn’t aware of anything at her rear. Aira not noticing her at that time was the first breaking point.

She heard the sounds of a door opening, after a while, and reflexively turned to look at it. Three young men came into the room. Their outfits were also unfamiliar to her, and they were so good-looking that they looked like actors; which made Aira think that everything was like a movie. The three of them walked towards Aira and one of them, a man with red hair, who seemed to be the highest ranking person there, knelt in front of Aira. Then he smiled and said:

“Are you the 【Saint】?”

The words of the young man with red hair, Kyle Slantania, the Crown Prince of Slantania, properly reached Aira’s ears. However, Aira could only recognise the sounds he made; she had no idea what he was talking about. While Aira was looking absentmindedly at Kyle, he had said something, and the words floated around in her mind, but she couldn’t understand what they meant. The dark blue haired young man, Damien Goltz, the son of the current prime minister and Kyle’s childhood friend, noticed that something was a little strange with Aira’s condition and whispered something to Kyle, who said, “Let’s move for now”. He took Aira’s hand and helped her up.

She walked through the long palace corridor, lead by Kyle and the others, and entered a sunny room. Aira was able to calm down a bit while she walked through the corridor and she was able to peek at the appearances of the people around her. Aira could finally talk to Kyle and the others when she sat on the sofa.

“Once again, I’m Kyle Slantania, the crown prince of Slantania Kingdom. May I ask for your name?”

“It’s Misono, Aira.”

Aira told him her name questionably as after she’d said it, she thought that she should have told him her name in reverse.

“Ah, my name is Aira.”

“I see. So the name orders in your country and my kingdom are different, Aira.”

Kyle and the other’s smiles grew wider at Aira, who was finally able to speak, although in a feeble voice. She showed no reaction when he had introduced himself to Aira, at the time of her summoning some time ago, so they were worried that the summoning had been imperfect and that she was in poor health.

“Mm, why am I here?”

That was the first question that popped into her mind. She opened the door intending to go to the convenience store and next thing she knew, it was Europe. She actually hadn’t open the door, but it felt like she did. Aira thought, what is he saying?

“We have summoned you with the 【Saint Summoning Ceremony】.”


Damien, who was standing next to Kyle explained to Aira, who was tilting her head, about the 【Saint】and the【Saint Summoning Ceremony】. Aira came to understand that she was summoned to another world in order to defeat demons because of his explanation. Summoned to another world. The thing that only happened in manga and novels had happened to her right then. It was so surreal but that was what she had understood thus far, and she suddenly wondered if she could return to j.a.pan. Sometimes in the stories, the summoned person could return to their original world after they’ve fulfilled their purpose.

“Mm…… If I defeat the demons would I be able to return to my original world?”

“No, I’ve never heard of the previous Saints returning to their worlds before.”

Aira asked what she thought while holding a bit of hope and Damien informed her, complementing his previous explanation. It is said that the last ceremony was held a long time ago and there were no doc.u.mentation of the summoned【Saint】returning to her original world.

“I can’t go back?”

Aira muttered with a dumbfounded expression on her face. She now viewed Kyle’s expression, full of happiness for having summoned a 【Saint】, dubiously. Being able to summon Aira was a joyous thing for Kyle and the others, but it wasn’t for Aira. There Kyle realised that a teardrop had fallen from Aira’s eyes.

A while after the 【Saint Summoning Ceremony】, when Aira had gotten used to the Slantania Kingdom, Kyle asked if she would like to attend the Royal Academy. The Royal Academy was a school that aristocratic children attended. One could also learn magic at the academy, in addition to the fundamentals. She could learn most of the things she needed to learn as a 【Saint】at that academy. Aira didn’t hesitate to nod. Aira depended on Kyle at that time.

Kyle had been taking care of Aira ever since she cried. He felt guilty that she was separated from her friends and family because she was summoned there, so he was trying to make up for that crime. Because of that, Aira became someone that Kyle had to protect. Kyle acted in ways that would comfort her.  Kyle, himself, attended the Royal Academy and, although it wasn’t much compared to the king, he also worked in public affairs, so he spent time with Aira whenever he could.

He also gave Aira, who came to the kingdom with nothing, dresses, accessories and other personal things as well as sweets that looked cute. Kyle’s close aides were the same; they alternately spent time with Aira whenever Kyle wasn’t there. They spent time eating sweets while talking about the kingdom and the world that Aira was from. They treated her carefully, as if she was wrapped up in cotton wool. Aira, who didn’t have anything else to depend on, started to depend on them.

Her parents had cherished her very much, since she was their only daughter. Her house was filled with love and she received many things, such as toys and clothes, from her parents; whether she needed them or not.

Especially her mother, who liked to dress her in cute clothes. Whenever her mother had the day off, they would often dress up and go out to various places. Aira was a cute doll to her mother. Aira didn’t have any problems with being showered with gifts, as it had been happening to her since she was small. Nothing would happen if she did exactly as her mother told her to.

Although she was separated from her family and summoned into another world, the behaviour of Kyle and the others overlapped with her family’s. Therefore, she got used to it. She accepted what was given to her by Kyle, and moved as he told her to. It was something common for Aira.

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