The Seeing Eye Dog

Chapter 1

h.e.l.lo! i"m bear, and i"m your translator! i"m using a combo of MTL and google, so please tell me if there are any errors or mistakes! thank you all ~ ◟ʕ´∀`ʔ◞

When Lu Chengye was. .h.i.t by a truck head-on, he thought to himself: if there was a next life, he would not be a man. Being a man was much too exhausting.

For a person whose money and power were held firmly in his hands, life was tiring. When he took over the family business at age 20, it was in utter shambles, but there were still people eyeing it greedily. Once he made the company profitable, some said he had simply taken advantage of the circ.u.mstances to make it big.

Lu Chengye didn"t feel as if he had taken advantage. At 15, his goal in life was to live freely until death with the aid of the dividend he received each year. When his father unexpectedly died, the company encountered financial problems. There were a lot of positions he needed to fill. At the age of 20, he was as weary as an old ox. What made him the most depressed was that the relatives who lived the life he"d dreamed of were constantly jealous of him.

It"s a pity that those relatives were the type of people who shifted blame and talked behind others" backs, but possessed no ability. If he really did give the company to them, it would go bankrupt before he received the two-years dividend. Then he would just end up working himself to death.

Fortunately, he was smart enough to get everything on the right track. After taking over, he hired someone to manage the company for him before ignoring his relatives" jealous looks and sped away in his sports car happily. He was only 27, and had so much ahead of him.

Who would have thought that instead of living a happy and carefree life, he was. .h.i.t by a vehicle. He wasn"t so stupid as to think it was a simple traffic accident. The person probably saw they could no longer get anything from him and took a desperate risk. Now that he had died, people would seize this opportunity in order to climb higher and take his position. Then, someone else would have control.

Regarding the culprit, there weren"t many possibilities: eldest brother, second eldest sister, aunt, uncle, and his other uncle who had to take care of everything himself. Lu Chengye was much too lazy to try guessing who was behind it. He was already dead, and whoever took power wouldn"t be able to hold the company together anyway. The murderer working behind the scenes will definitely get what they deserve. Revenge didn"t matter to him, now that he was dead.

Lu Chengye was truly not an ambitious person. What he loves is the pleasure of Tao Yuanming"s 1 return to the field and life in the mountains, not living at the top of society. He was admitted to the hospital multiple times after drinking too much alcohol with bleeding in his stomach. When he"d wash his face in the morning, he would sometimes see several shiny silver hairs among the black. In the end, Lu Chengye felt that it was not worth it to spend his life doing such exhausting things.

So, he didn"t want to be a man in the next life. Even if he was a simple weed that got trampled, at least he could enjoy the sunshine and rain in peace.

However, when he came to and found that he could not open his eyes and was huddled together with a bunch of warm and soft little things, instinctively suckling but unable to cry, Lu Chengye felt that it was much better to be human!

Unfortunately, he had made his choice, and Heaven must have responded to his wishes. Him and his four brothers and sisters who had all been born as part of a little were grouped together beside the mother dog and fighting for milk with all they had. Lu Chengye, who used to be a man, wanted to conduct himself n.o.bly and did not rush to drink milk with the rest of the puppies. Seeing this, someone said, "Why isn"t this little black puppy drinking milk? Can it live for long?"

"We"ll take care of it for a little while. If it doesn"t live long, we can just dispose of it."

D-Dispose of…

Lu Chengye rushed into the fray and attached himself to a nipple as fast as he could.

The mother dog"s milk tasted rather bad, and while he rejected it in his heart, his body was satisfied.

For now, he is still a young puppy whose body is unbalanced and mind is simple. It would be a tough task to survive.

That is what Lu Chengye thought a month ago.

A month later, he was lying in his cage and rolling about in the sun. The puppy"s small face and short body made each of his movements cute and would attract customers" attention.

Indeed, he was now a Labrador puppy for sale in a pet shop. His four small paws were raised above him as he lay on his back, sunning his belly. He sold meng 2 without any shame, and it was as if the dignity he"d possessed as a human never existed.

There"s no denying that it was easier to sell a cute pet for a high price. Lu Chengye knew that the more adorable he was, the better his future owner would care for him. He was definitely the best of his brothers and sisters. If he opened his mouth there would be food, and if he held out his hands there would be clothes 3. Life couldn"t be more relaxed. He no longer had to spend each day worrying about company benefits, employees" work, and fluctuation of the stock market. This is the sort of life he only dared to dream of after he turned 20 years old.

Now that he"s here, he may as well take it easy. The sunlight was beautiful and warm and he would think about the future later.

Because Lu Chengye was so cute and sensible, people in the pet shop were shocked to find that he was much smarter than most dogs. He could understand some words after only a month, and always looked at people with big black eyes that shone brightly.

Of course, such an amazing dog would naturally cost more…

As a result, his brothers and sisters were all sold within a month. Lu Chengye, the most outstanding of his siblings, was left behind. Because he was two months old, it would be more difficult for him to get adopted. The owner, however, didn"t want to reduce his price. Even if people liked him and expressed an intent to buy, they would move on to other dogs after hearing the price.

In truth, during the month that Lu Chengye had been selling meng, business had been much better than usual. The owner wasn"t a fool, and was perfectly aware of the effect the Labrador puppy had on customers. They were reluctant to sell such a golden dog, so the price rose instead of falling.

Some of the employees voiced their concerns over the price. Would anyone even buy the puppy if it was so high?

The owner replied, "I don"t want to sell it at the moment. Such a well-behaved and clever Labrador might earn more if he is raised as a breeding dog than if sold now."

Lu Chengye: "…"

Looking at all the female dogs in the pet shop, then at the cute girl who had just bought a dog, he felt that he liked human beings better. His body and mind couldn"t be unified. If he was used as a breeding dog…

For a time, Lu Chengye felt that life was loveless and couldn"t even bring himself to be angry as he lay in his cage.

The young dog didn"t eat much for two days due to depression and lost weight. The owner recalled how Lu Chengye had no appet.i.te when he was born, and couldn"t help but be worried. Because of this, they didn"t dare to keep the price as high. Fortunately, a father who brought his son to the pet shop to buy a dog purchased Chengye at half the previous price.

The teenage boy discarded the cage and held the dog in his arms. Lu Chengye felt comfortable with the teenager, who he found out was named "Hang Hang". For the time being, he didn"t have to worry about being forced into a blind date with any young female dogs.

As for neutering and other future problems, most people didn"t have the heart to castrate their pets. When spring came, he could just restrain himself from running around by using his reason. It"s not like he cared for female dogs anyways.

The man who bought him was Zhang Qiming, his son was Zhang Hang, and his wife was Zhao Xiaolian. They were part of a well-off household, and lived contentedly together as a family of three. In a happy family, a pet dog would have happy days.

It was their son"s wish to raise a dog. Lu Chengye knew from their conversations that 15-year-old Zhang Hang was admitted to First School4 because of his outstanding entrance exam score. As a reward, Zhang Qiming agreed to his son"s request for a dog. Zhang Hang lived in an upscale residential quarter in Kaishi, in which their two-floor villa had enough s.p.a.ce to easily raise dogs. When Zhang Hang chose a Labrador, a large dog, Zhang Qiming didn"t object and simply bought the thin-looking dog.

At first, they were worried that a dog the pet shop had halved the price for would not live long, but the puppy thankfully had a good appet.i.te. In two or three days, he was plump and his black fur became shiny and sleek.

The whole family loved Lu Chengye a lot, but it was Zhang Hang who was responsible for taking care of him.

Zhang Qiming was a strict father who properly educated his children. He told Zhang Hang that because he wanted a dog, he should take care of it himself. He should not see this responsibility as an annoyance, as it is not just a dog, but a life. Now that Zhang Hang has become its master, he must bear responsibility.

Lu Chengye nodded to himself. Zhang Qiming"s ability to teach his children was already ahead of his own father"s by several city blocks. No wonder Zhang Hang was the top student in his grade without burying himself in books. Instead, he liked sports. With Zhang Qiming"s words and Zhang Hang"s gentle but upbeat personality, Lu Chengye was sure he would be happy in the future.

Sure enough, Zhang Hang was a typical teenager. Although it was still summer vacation, he didn"t sleep in line each morning. Instead, he got up at 5:30 in the morning with Lu Chengye to run. Speaking of Lu Chengye, he was now called Big Black. While Zhang Hang was an exceptional teenager, his naming taste was quite ordinary. Since Lu Chengye was still a puppy, running was very exhausting, so Zhang Hang would pay close attention to him. When he got tired, Zhang Hang would hold Lu Chengye in his arms and listen to English with his headphones as he ran.

What a wonderful child. Lu Chengye got comfortable and leaned into Zhang Hang"s embrace, which made him feel extraordinarily warm. He was not familiar with such a sensation, but because of such warmth, he couldn"t help dozing off every time he was held.

Well, if he remembered correctly, young puppies get tired easily and need more sleep compared with older dogs.

A dog grows faster than a person. In less than a year, with his longer legs, he will be able to run faster and longer than his master.

For now, let him sleep for a while.

Hold on… What did he mean by "little master"? As expected, the body and mind have started to integrate together!

Lying in his bed, Lu Chengye opened his eyes watchfully, then slowly closed them after glancing at the calendar on the wall.

In August 2005, as a human, he was only 17 years old. He had not only been reincarnated as a Labrador, but had also gone back 10 years in time.

Ten years is a dog"s lifespan. He would be too late to save himself from his own fate in August 2015. Even if he could live that long, he would be so old that running would be impossible.

Forget it, he"ll just enjoy his numbered days and his limited lifespan.

1. Tao Yunming was a scholar. he wrote a poem called “Returning to Live in the South” about his love for nature and dislike of politics.↩
2. meng is slang for cute. selling meng refers to using his cuteness to get what he wants↩
3. not meant literally. in simpler words, whatever he wants he is given↩
4. MTL spat out “#1 school” but it seems like… that"s actually the school"s number, not its rank.↩

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