" "You know the rest, Carol, and forgive me for being so selfish. I hope the fortune I am leaving you will more than offset any pain and privation I have caused you. I love you very much, Carol.

Asa Sidney" "

When Nancy stopped, all of Carol"s relatives hurried to her side. Jacob Sidney put an arm around his new-found relative. "So I"m your grandfather, eh? Well, I must say that makes me very proud. Carol, please, don"t hold what I"ve said against me, and I don"t want one penny of your inheritance."

"Nor I," added Peter Boonton. He managed an apologetic grin. "After all I"m your great-uncle!"

Carol found it hard to say anything, but finally she whispered, "I can"t believe it. Suddenly I have a grandfather, a great-uncle, two lovely aunts, and two wonderful cousins. And-and a most marvelous friend."

Her eyes searched the room for Nancy, who had disappeared. Mr. Drew had left too. But in a few minutes both came back, saying they had been on the telephone.

"My dad has an announcement to make," she said, her eyes dancing.

The lawyer addressed the group. "We called the Fernwood Orphanage. Fortunately the Board of Directors was having a late-evening meeting. They agreed that since relatives of Carol"s have been found who want her to make her home with them, the orphanage will waive any further claim."

A friendly argument between the Marvins and the Faynes followed. Both families wanted Carol to live with them. During the discussion, Nancy was wondering what her next mystery would be. It was a puzzling one, which was called Pa.s.sword to Larkspur Lane.

"We"ve decided, Nancy," Bess announced, "that Carol"s going to spend most of her time at boarding school, and divide the rest between the Marvins and the Faynes."

"And I recommend that Carol learn judo," George said with a grin, "so if those horrible Jemitts should ever break jail, she"ll know how to handle them!"

Everyone laughed and a thrill went through Nancy. The Boonton-Sidney feud was over!.


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