13 ??s?? ?de??.

14 ?d?a t?? ?de??.

15 pa?ade??ata.

16 Philo, vol. I, p. 106.

17 t?????.

_ 18 De Ebriet._, VIII, 1, 361 f.

19 ???? t?? ?e??.

20 ????e???.

21 p??t??????.

22 s?f?a = ?e?? ?????.

23 p?es?te??? ????.

24 ?e?te??? ???? t?? ?e??.

25 d???e??.

26 M. M., _Theosophy and Psychological Religion_, p. 406.

27 Lucke, _Commentary on the Gospel of John_.

28 M. M., _Theosophy and Psychological Religion_, p. 383.

29 M. M., _Theosophy_, p. 404.

30 See the _Deutsche Rundschau_, 1895, x.x.xIII, p. 47.

31 ????e??? ???? t?? ?e??.

32 ? ????? s??? ????et?.

33 ????? t?? ????.

34 The original was, however, in German.

_ 35 Deutsche Rundschau_, 1895, Lx.x.xII, 409 ff., "The Parliament of Religions in Chicago," by F. Max Muller.

36 See Prof. Dr. Paul Flechsig, _Neue Untersuchungen uber die Markbildung in den menschlichen Gehirnlappen_, p. 67.

37 These p.r.o.nouns, referring of course to England and the Continent, were reversed in the original.

_ 38 Academy_, January 2, 1897, p. 12.

_ 39 Ascent of Man_, p. 187.

_ 40 Origin of Species_, 5th ed., 1869, p. 255.

_ 41 Descent of Man_, 1871, Vol. I, p. 36.

_ 42 Ascent of Man_, 1894, p. 9.

43 Vol. XVIII, p. 464.

44 Lloyd Morgan, _Animal Life and Intelligence_, p. 350.

45 H. Drummond, _Ascent of Man_, 1894, p. 169.

46 See _Science of Thought_, p. 405.

47 See the author"s preface to his English translation (second edition) of Kant"s _Critic of Pure Reason_, p. xxviii, to which we now add the prophetic words of Sh.e.l.ley, in his _Prometheus Unbound_ (II, 4):-

"He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the Universe."

_ 48 Ascent of Man_, 1894, p. 200.

_ 49 Science of Language_, 1891, p. 499.

50 Cf. _Biographies of Words_, by M. M., 1888.

51 This must of course be understood of authoritative or canonical Scripture.-ed. J. E. C.

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