SLKD – Volume 3 Chapter 7

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Return to Human World, Bathing, Shopping

“Father, Mother, I will be going now.”  Silent Water reluctantly bid farewell to her parents.

After obtaining the Nora Gra.s.s, we went back into Bijur forest… to the lake where I landed when I fell from the sky.  The reason for this being that in this area the dimension fabric was weaker, resulting in a lesser amount of magic needed for returning to the human world, thus a higher success rate when using the teleportation magic.

Thinking back, I finally understood why people said that the area around my house has an exceptional amount of dimensional cracks, and why Silent Water appeared near the creek that is just a stone’s throw away from my house… so this was the reason…

“Alright, Silent Water, remember to be good, and don’t cause any trouble for Little Xiang-sama.”

“I get it, Mother.”

Just when Silent Water finished her last word, her mother nodded in approval, and began to activate a white magic array.  This magic array was very different from the black dimensional door Yalide created when I came to the Demon World, this looked much safer, and reliable.

‘Brat, what do you mean by that?’

‘Haa~~ Nothing, it’s just a misunderstanding.’

“Then, Little Xiang-sama, please take care of Silent Water.”

Silent Water’s gentleness must have been influenced greatly by being raised by such a well-mannered mother.

“Without fail… dear mother?  Uh… Please be careful on the way back.”

“I will…”

“Then… dear father?  Goodbye.”

“Hmm!”  Paulie Water nodded his head.

Silent Water kissed her mother goodbye, and gave her father a hug, then we entered the teleportation array together.

The moment I stepped into the array, I felt nauseated and so, I closed my eyes.  When I opened my eyes again… I saw an endless blue sky… I am back in the Human World…

“The house in front must be your home, right?  The design is very weird…”

“Uh…  It can’t be compared to the castle you called home…”

“The dog at the front door…  that low cla.s.s earth spirit also belongs to you?”

“That is correct…  Dusty~~~”

The first thing I saw when I reached home was Dusty lying down in front of the house, and from the looks of it, it must have been waiting for us for a very long time.

When it heard me, Dusty looked up, wagged its tail, and rushed at me with all the speed it could muster, “Woof~~~ Woof~~”

I kneeled down, and hugged Dusty who was throwing itself at me, and patted its round head with love, “Haa~~  Dusty, I am so sorry for leaving you alone at home.”

“Woof~~~”  Dusty licked my face happily, making me itch.

“Ohh~~~  Your relationship with her looks better than expected.”

———————— Home Sweet Home

“Human, what is this weird clothing?”  Reidy lifted Silent Water’s dress high up, while scrutinizing it.

“That dress is not weird at all… it is just a bit different from what you spirits normally wear… why don’t you go take a shower for now…”

Silent Water only has four sets of clothes, it seems inappropriate not to buy more clothing for her.

“Humph~~  Don’t order me around, alright then, quickly escort me to the bathhouse.”

“Bathhouse…  I believe you meant the shower room, right?”

“Don’t mind the minor details… you really are a useless human.”

“Then… you only need to turn this on, and hot water will start flowing out. ”  I demonstrated by turning the k.n.o.b for the showerhead.

“What?  So troublesome.  And not to mention, this place is so small… this isn’t nearly as big as the bathhouse where I usually bathe…”  Reidy reasoned, while she sized up my shower room that spanned more than sixty square meters.

“Well, sorry for having a small house… this can be used to clean your body.”  I pointed to the shower gel.

“Hey, what do you mean by that?  Are you calling me dirty? ”

“No…  No such thing….”  Alright, you may not smell, on the contrary you smell really good, even so you are still definitely dirty, with all those dirt stains and stuff.

Of course, when facing this lady, I kept all those words in my heart….

“I don’t think you even dare, what’s that over there?  Is it also used for washing the body?”  Reidy pointed to the shampoo.

“That’s for your hair.”

“What the h.e.l.l?  Why is it so complicated?  Using two separate products to clean both your hair and body?  Humans really are spoiled.”

This is like the pot calling the kettle black… you of all people have no rights to say others are spoiled…

“Ugh…  Then I’ll take my leave first…”

“What else can you do other than leave?  Out you go.”  Reidy pushed me out of the shower room as she rebuked me.

I stood in front of the shower room dumbstruck, I couldn’t fathom what’s with her.  I didn’t even mention anything about staying inside.  This was utterly ridiculous, and so, I came to a conclusion:

This girl… we just can’t get along…  I had better not provoke her, and try my best to compromise…  After all, she’s still a pampered lady….

———————— Living Room

“Dusty, did you miss me?”  I played with Dusty while lying on the couch, while she laid on my chest licking me continuously.

“Dusty, I’m really sorry leaving you alone at home.”  I patted her head.


“Oh, it’s fine? Seeing you so spirited really puts my mind at ease.  We will take our bath later since Reidy is still inside.  Since we rarely have such good weather, why don’t we go out and play?”

“Woof! Woof!”  Dusty jumped from the couch, opened the TV cabinet and took out a softball from a box.  Then her hind leg swung, closing the cabinet door.

That softball was bought the day after Dusty had come to live with us; it was for the purpose of playing with Dusty… Something that must be commended was Dusty’s reaction speed, because every time I threw the ball, she caught the ball even before the ball landed…

“Little Silent…  Do you want to go for a walk?”

“That’s not necessary, Master, I will stay here.  If not later, when Reidy comes out from the bath and finds no one, she will definitely lash out at Master again. Furthermore, I am preparing the dishes.”

“Oh?  Silent Water sure is well-behaved…”  I chuckled and patted Silent Water on her head.  I am glad Silent Water is so understanding.

“Then, let’s go Dusty.”  I grabbed the ball in Dusty’s mouth and walked toward the entrance.


————————— One hour later

“Dusty, come, it’s time to go home.”

After sweating, my whole body loosened up!  I guess about one hour has pa.s.sed?  No matter how slow Reidy is, she should be done by now, right?

————————— Home

“Hey!  Human, where did you go?  Why did you take advantage of the moment when I am bathing to sneak away?”  Just as I opened the door, the first thing I saw was Reidy standing right in front of the door with her arms crossed.  I have to say, Reidy’s skin has become very pinkish after the bath, that beautiful yet serious expression, looks a lot like a young mother reprimanding her child for coming home late.

“Me?  I took Dusty for a walk….  Come on Dusty, let’s go have our bath.”  I signaled to Dusty after she had put the ball back in its original place.

“What! You are going into the bath with her?”  Reidy exclaimed in a loud voice.

Seeing such a big reaction from Reidy, I felt baffled, “Yup…  Is there anything wrong?”

“I didn’t think that… didn’t think you are such a pervert… to go as far as ba…bathing… to…together… with girls?”

“Girls?  Are you referring to Dusty?  I don’t think that’s a problem even if she’s a girl?”  I looked at Dusty who was wagging her tail.

“What?  Why isn’t it a problem?  Girls are girls, and should not bathe together with guys!  This is common sense!  Common sense!  Can’t you comprehend it?”

“Where did you learn your common sense?  Dusty is just a cute little…. big dog no matter how you see it, right?”

“Who cares what she is, regardless, girls are girls.”

“Uh… then, it should be okay if the other party agrees, right?”  What a lady…

I bent over and asked Dusty, “Dusty, are you willing to take a bath with me?”

“Woof, woof!”

“Is this fine with you?”

“How do you even know what she’s saying?”

“…  Then Dusty, if you are willing, stand up and shake my hand.”  I said as I stretched out my hand.

As expected, Dusty with her high level of intelligence understood my words, stood up, and stretched out her hand… feet?… paw and placed it onto my hand.

“How about…”


“Why not?”

“I just won’t allow it!”

“Come on, Dusty, don’t heed her too much… she just came from the spirit world, and can’t adapt very fast.”  Dusty and I went towards the bathroom, totally ignoring the unreasonable Reidy.

—————————— After bathing

After my bath, while walking out, I was viciously scorned by Reidy who was sitting on the couch, “Pervert!”


Even if she was being unreasonable, to be despised by such a beautiful girl, I still felt hurt…

“Master, time to eat.”

“Ok, got it, I will come down after I am done drying Dusty’s fur.”

‘Freed, now that we obtained the Nora Gra.s.s, what do I need to do to use its effect to mask the spirit energy from Silent Water and the rest?’

I brought back a large quant.i.ty of Nora Gra.s.s, as a precaution for when the spirits might lose theirs.  Furthermore, Dusty also requires it… as for reasons only G.o.d knows, her rank had risen to a low cla.s.s spirit, which fulfilled the condition that spirit peddlers are looking for when catching spirits.

‘Eh, it’s simple, you just have to cut a little of it, put it in a bottle, or a satchel, or any other kind of containers and let them carry it around.  Another option is to use a string to connect the cervix of the Nora Gra.s.s, and wear it like a necklace.’

‘Oh. so that’s how you do it.’

‘Oi!  Human, why are you not eating this rice thing?  Isn’t it delicious?’

“Nothing much, I was just thinking about some stuff, you should eat more if it’s so good, I’ll take you guys shopping in the afternoon.”

“Shopping?  What’s that?”

“It means taking a stroll out in the streets.”

“Ohh~~~ Speaking of it, human culture seems very advanced, it even has many different kinds of weird and funny stuff.”  Reidy eyes sparkled with antic.i.p.ation when I mentioned going shopping.

After eating, I used a pair of scissors to cut out three small parts of Nora Gra.s.s, then used a string to string them up separately, and gave them to Silent Water and the rest to wear.

Silent Water and Dusty wore it without hesitation, but Reidy alone squinted her eyes and looked at the ‘necklace’ on my hand, “What is this disgusting thing?  Why is it so ugly?”

“This is a necklace made from Nora Gra.s.s, wearing it will prevent humans from finding out your ident.i.ty as a spirit.”

“Really?  I guess I don’t have a choice; alright, I will wear it… but… human, I can’t do it myself, you must help me put it on.”

“Orh. . .”

I walked behind Reidy’s back, lifted her golden-colored hair, causing her pale neck to be visible… to have such a beautiful spectacle right in front of me made my heart beat rapidly.

‘There is no doubt that she’s a humanoid spirit, to have such a nice complexion.’

‘Yalide, please don’t interrupt me.’

‘Ok, ok. I just remember, brat, about my book, when are you….’

‘Not buying.’

‘Why not? Don’t tell me you are like other humans, one that break promises?’

‘Not really, just give it some thought, if you want to read that, doesn’t that mean I have to read it too?  Furthermore, with that book in the house, what if Silent Water and the others find it accidentally, what should I do then?’

‘I don’t care, you despicable brat!’

“Hey!  Human!  What are you doing?  Don’t tell me you have fallen for my beauty?”  I heard Reidy’s arrogant tone as I snapped back to reality.

“Of course not, I am only thinking about where to go later.”

“What?  Only that?”


“Forget it, stand aside, I can do it myself.”  Reidy for no reason became angry…  Ugh~~ forget it, I don’t get her, I never will.  Well, she’s a missy… always loving to throw a tantrum…

———————— On the streets

“Wow~~~ what’s that?”


“Is it edible?”


“I want it.”


“What’s that?”

“Cotton candy…”

“Is it edible?”


“I want it.”


“What’s that?”


“Is it edible?”

“Yup…  I understand…  I’ll go buy it for you.”

“What the h.e.l.l~~~ do you really think I am such a glutton?  Nevermind, since you already volunteered to buy it, then quickly go buy it.”


—————————— Clothing Store

“Wah, this clothing is almost transparent, why is the material so thin?”  Reidy grabbed the legendary s.e.xy pink-colored undergarments and waved it in my face.

“Uh… about that, Miss Reidy, that really doesn’t suit you, so…”

“What do you mean by that?  If you said it like that, then I should give it a try as opposed to your opinion.”  Reidy took the clothing, turned and walked towards the changing room.

I did not follow her, as I am afraid she will really change into it… afraid that I’ll die by blood rushing to my head if I witnessed that scenery.

“Silent Water, what do you think of this?”  I picked out one blue-colored shirt, and displayed it in front of her.

I am not sure why, but I have this feeling that the color blue suits Silent Water very well…

“Master…  Silent Water likes it a lot…”  Silent Water only took a glance and said she likes it? Is she serious?

“You… Are you sure you don’t want to take another look at it?”

“No need, I trust Master’s decision.”

“Ugh…  I didn’t know you trust me so much, then…. let’s buy this, and, what about this one?”

“It looks good.”

“Is it?  Then let’s get this too…”

“d.a.m.n you, human!”  Reidy appeared out of nowhere, and gave my back one heavy slap.

“What?”  I turned my head, and saw a red-faced Reidy, holding onto a piece of underwear that could kill.

“You pervert, such an embarra.s.sing outfit, how could you let me wear it?”

“Huh? When did I ask you to wear it?”

“Are you telling me it’s not your fault?”

“How exactly did it become my fault?”

Nani-nani?  Can one really be that shameless?

“Are you really telling me it’s not your fault?”  Reidy repeated the question again.

“Ugh… fine, it’s my fault, please forgive me.”  At the same time, I stole a glance at the kind and gentle Silent Water.

Silent Water who was standing at one side did not speak a single word, she only blissfully looked at the clothes I picked for her.

—————————— Public Park

“Ah~~~  So tired.”  I sat down on the park’s long bench, while watching Silent Water and Reidy happily feed the pigeons, I let out a deep sigh.

‘Haha~~brat, this is really unexpected… that thunder spirit and you are polar opposites.’

‘Agreed, I am totally countered by her.’

‘However, not being angry after all that, you have incredible patience.’

‘Ah~~not really, it’s just that, they’re spirits so I think we should treat them better.  After all, they had never been to the human world…  Furthermore, their ancestors, suffered a lot… enslaved by the demons, I feel fearful just from thinking about it.’

‘You rascal… ahh~~~this is so like you, well~~~it seems… it will still be worth it for those girls even if it will cause them some headache.’

‘Are you talking about imaginary girls again?’

Hearing Freed mention those girls again… Do I really know that many girls?

‘Hehe~~You will know when the times come.’

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