The Six Immortals

Chapter 100 – A group of Devils

Chapter 100 – A group of Devils

(Mustang: Hey guys, The Big Milestone! Yes, we have reached a hundred Chapters, Its three digits from here on. Enjoy the Chapter guys.)


“The Yuan Shi Sect’s Blue Phoenix is number one on my list. She’s mysterious and beautiful, and very few men have seen her up close.”

“Xuannv Palace’s Yan Yu Si is ranked second in list. It is rumored that she comes from a very small place. I had never expected the smaller towns to be capable of bringing up such beauties.”

The others listened in amazement as Lone Leaf described the women.

Bi Fan was actually quite surprised, as he had never imagined that Yan Yu Si would be so highly ranked in terms of desirability.

Yan Yu Si was a famed name in the Jiu Yu City, so naturally, Blue Dragon had heard of her, who too, like Bi Fan was quite surprised, and so he said: “Brother Bi Fan, I never expected your fellow pract.i.tioner to be ranked so highly in the list of attractive women. Your podium is close to the water, Brother: you’re a lucky man.”

Blue Dragon was looking at Bi Fan with a jealous look on his face.

“Brother Dragon, I didn’t get that?” Lone Leaf was a bit confused.

Blue Dragon explained: “Yan Yu Si comes from the area around the Jiu Yu City. Brother Bi Fan has the honor of being in the same Sect, which she originally hails from.”

“No way! Brother Bi Fan, you’re a lucky man. You must take advantage of your proximity, ah!” Lone Leaf exclaimed.

Bi Fan remained silent. He was trying to imagine Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf reaction if they found out that he lives close to her at the Yunufeng peak.

Blue Dragon continued: “Brother Bi Fan, you haven’t met her yet, have you? You must find an opportunity, and take me to Quinyang; I really want to see what she looks like. Deal ah?”

“Yan Yu Si is the daughter of the head of the region, but she’s off to the Xuannv palace for most of the year, so it’s kind of hard to meet her.” Bi Fan didn’t tell his friends that he actually knew Yan Yu Si, although he didn’t exactly mean to deceive his companions either.

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were under the impression that he had never met her. So he answered their questions is a manner which coincided with their presumptions.

“Man, I’m willing to survive anything, just to get a look at a beauty like her.” Lone Leaf sighed.

Bi Fan giggled, but didn’t comment further on the subject. He was considering himself quite lucky that Yan Yu Si actually knew his name, and was beginning to thank his forefathers for his fortunes.

Subsequently, Lone Leaf described some of the other top-ranked women, and the men continued to click their tongues in amazement, again and again.

The talk of women always gets a man’s spirits up.

They were ranking these women, not only in terms of beauty, but also in terms of their talents, skills, strength, and reputation amongst peers. Women with cute features, and no brains, didn’t make it to their list.

The four of them continued to talk about women on the way, and time pa.s.sed a lot quicker than usual.

Whenever they encountered a beast of the Devil’s Race, Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf would get to work. Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong on the other hand, only took a very few opportunities; not because they weren’t interested, but simply because Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were being so enthusiastic, that they two of them decided that it’s better to stay out of it.

The Secret forest of the Devil, mostly inhabited ‘Enormous Strength’ and ‘Spiritual intelligence’ layer beasts, while they would occasionally into ‘transformation’ layer beasts as well.

Compared to the rest of the Devil’s Abyss, the forest was considerably more dangerous. So much so, that if someone ran out of luck, then, they might even end up b.u.mping into a large group of ‘transformation’ layered beasts.

Once, Bi Fan, and his companions, encountered a group of about a dozen or so beasts, all of whom were into the ‘transformation’ layer. They didn’t hesitate for even a moment, as they scuttled for their lives.

So many powerful beasts grouping together obviously meant that they were guarding an extremely precious herb, but the only way of finding out the truth was to take them on, which, to the four of them, was as good as courting death.

“Run ah!” Suddenly, the four of them heard screams coming from some distance ahead of them. More screams followed, all from the same direction.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s face suddenly became pale: “It takes courage to enter into the Secret forest of the Devil, and only the most powerful youngsters of our generation dare to venture in here. The people up ahead, are obviously facing some very powerful beasts…”

w.a.n.g Zhong’s face was reflecting a hint of urgency, and it looked as he was asking for a decision to be made immediately, whether to proceed or withdraw?

Bi Fan thought for second, and then said: “Let’s hide, and inspect the circ.u.mstances.”

“And, if that flock of the Devil’s Race is too strong, then we do not come out.” w.a.n.g Zhong finished his sentence.

The four of them had barely hidden themselves, when they saw a man fleeing in disarray. He was wearing a horrific expression on his face, which ignited a terrifying thought about the terrors that he must have faced.

Moments later, a large black cloud flew past them, and it seemed to be chasing after the man.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the Devil’s Race up ahead, comprised of a huge group of Devils; so obviously, it was not very surprising that people were trying to escape.

The four of them stayed very still, but it appeared as if the dark clouds, comprising of the Devils, had managed to catch up with their preys, and had already slain them.

“That was a lot of Devils!” w.a.n.g Zhong was quite surprised.

Bi Fan said: “Let’s go and take a look at the bodies. There’s no point in letting anything precious go to waste.”

Bi Fan cautioned everyone, and the four of them proceeded forward.

Moments later, the four of them saw four bodies lying on the ground. The faces of these bodies were completely distorted, owing to illusions which had deluded them to their deaths.

“Let’s take one body each, and let the rest depend on our luck…” w.a.n.g Zhong suggested.

Blue Dragon, Lone Leaf, and Bi Fan agreed. Their harvest from this trip had already exceeded the wildest of their imaginations. They weren’t about to act stingy now.

Bi Fan quickly searched the body which was a.s.signed to him, and cleared the deceased of his mortal possessions. He received eighteen Yin Yang pouches, but he was too lazy to check their actual contents.

So many devils in one area, naturally, they must be protecting something very valuable. Bi Fan started to search his immediate vicinity.

However, he couldn’t find anything, since he had no idea which direction he was supposed to look in.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “Let’s get out of here. The devils who killed these men will surely return soon. I don’t think we will be able to deal with so many of them…”

“Yes, let’s quickly leave this place.” Lone Lead nodded in agreement.

At this point, they weren’t really inclined on using the devils for sharpening their minds, and were more worried about their fates, if they ran into them.

Bi Fan was equipped with a secret weapon, the Yin Yang Lotus, but he really didn’t want to expose his secret. So he agreed, and decided to leave the place for the time-being.

“I can always come back later.” Bi Fan thought to himself.

The four of them left in a hurry, but were unable to get very far, and soon found the sun above their heads blocked out by a large black cloud.

“It’s over. We are going down the gutter this time.” w.a.n.g Zhong’s face reflected his despair.

Soon enough, that large gas cloud dispersed into four divisions, and enclosed one man, each, in their enclosures.

“Yin Yang Lotus, I’ll be very grateful if you help out here.” Bi Fan started praying within his heart.

The Yin Yang Lotus wasn’t about to disappoint Bi Fan in this moment of need, and a huge number of black silk threads emerged from his body. The black silk threads quickly started devouring the devils in Bi Fan’s part.i.tion, while some of them drifted away to absorb the devils which were engaging his companions.

The Black Silk Threads seemed quite intelligent, and had even gone to the other separations, in order to protect w.a.n.g Zhong, Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf.

Lone Leaf, Blue Dragon and w.a.n.g Zhong, were so caught in the illusions that they were very highly unlikely to notice, that the Black Silk Threads were a.s.sisting them by devouring the devils.

Otherwise, the three of them would simply not be able to withstand the illusions that these devils were manufacturing, and were sure to be deluded to their deaths soon.

Even though Bi Fan was being protected very fiercely by the Yin Yang Lotus, which was busy devouring the majority of the devils which were attacking him, he too, was barely able to cope up the with illusions that he was visualizing, which in a way, was good for him, as he was getting a chance to train in a protected environment.

As for the Black Silk threads, they were having a good time devouring all the devils in the vicinity.

But even then, the Black Silk Threads seemed so intelligent, that they were actually allowing the four of them to train, while they protected them from the most adverse effects of the illusions.

There were a lot of devils in this flock, and the Black Silk Threads were basically spoilt for options in the buffet which was laid out for them.

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