The Six Immortals

Chapter 112 – Shock Rune

Chapter 112 – Shock Rune


“Shock Rune! Take the world by surprise!” Bi Fan suddenly saw these words on the inside of the book’s binding, as he was putting it back.

Without any hesitation, Bi Fan quickly got down on the floor, and started organizing its cover again. He held the Book in manner, as if he was holding a treasure in his hands.

“Shock Rune, it couldn’t be!” Bi Fan simply couldn’t believe it.

On the inside of the cover, there were some writings, which explained the basics, usage, and refining methods of Shock Runes.

Shock Runes have different levels, two-colored, three-colored…..and all the way up to nine-colored.

A two-colored Shock Rune increases a user’s strength to twice in combat, which is an exceptional advantage. Whereas, a three colored Rune increases the strength to four times. A four-colored Rune expands the strength to eight times, and so on. So, basically, a nine-colored Shock Rune would raise the fighting power to two-hundred and fifty six times of the normal fighting ability; the kind of power, which is simply unimaginable.

The last lines of the instructions were written in bold, ‘Shock Runes require high physical strength to endure the effect of the Rune. A higher level Shock Rune requires a higher physical strength, before it can be used. Using a Shock Rune to increase fighting capacity takes a huge toll on the user’s body, and can even cause the body to explode if the body is unable to take the load. Users must take extreme caution. Remember! Remember!’

In addition to this, the Book’s cover also explained the methods which could be used to refine the various levels of Shock Runes, and the materials which were required to achieve them. So basically, as long as one had enough refining material, it is even possible to synthesize a level nine Shock Rune.

“This Shock Rune is tailor made for me, this is amazing!” Bi Fan was extremely excited.

The Rune which he had obtained was already capable of turning into a level two Shock Rune, which would enhance his strength to twice of his regular fighting capability.

At present, Bi Fan’s total fighting strength was around twenty-two Yun Shi, which, with the help of the Shock Rune, could be expanded to forty-four Yun Shi. This kind of strength would fully enable Bi Fan to compete against pract.i.tioners who were inside the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer.

The usage of the Shock Rune was a difficult task, and the Runes would require refining before usage, almost as if it was magic.

Using such runes needed careful planning, and Bi Fan would need to prepare the Rune in advance; and only then could these Runes be used properly.

Since a level two Shock Rune doubles the total strength output in battle, the energy consumption also increases significantly.

On top of that, there’s the additional threat of over burdening the body, which is why most people were never able to use these Runes.

Using these Runes must always be reserved for critical moments only, and should not be used for recreation.

“I must practice the techniques, which are described in the battered jade book, to enhance my physical strength, so I can use the level two Shock Rune with ease. I need to prepare my body to able to withstand that kind of load.” Bi Fan thought to himself.

Recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecast, Bi Fan started refining the Shock Rune first.

Just as he started refining the Rune, its texture started to change. Two colors of lights started to embellish the charm, and it started radiating beautifully in their light.

“Wow, this is amazing, ah, it seems like the lady luck is favoring me. Ha Ha…..” Bi Fan started laughing.

Bi Fan tried to use the Shock Rune. The moment he tried to harness the Rune’s power, he felt a large amount of power rushing throughout his body, but in the pretext of enormous pain. His body, at present, was unable to withstand this much pain, and so, he stopped.

However, now he knew that such power could be made use off, if needed. Using such power would certainly be very interesting, and he was more than happy to withstand a little bit of pain to be able to access such immense strength.

Soon after, Bi Fan started practicing the methods which were described in the battered Jade Book, with even more pa.s.sion, as he wanted to prepare his body to be able withstand the load of a level two Shock Rune.

Now that Bi Fan had added a new ‘Killer’ weapon in his a.r.s.enal, he made a decision, that he won’t be using this Shock Rune unless the moment, absolutely, demanded it.

Moreover, he needed to keep the existence of this Shock Rune a secret. If people found about its existence, then some people might try to steal it from him.

Once Bi Fan had memorized the methods of refining the Shock Rune, he incorporated the Book, and the Rune, inside his Tian Yuan ring.

As for the book of Runes, it wasn’t much use to him now, since he had already memorized its contents, but still, he needed to protect it from others.

Now that he had a Shock Rune in his possession, he needed to enhance his physical strength in a way that his body could sustain the load, which the Rune’s usage will endow on his body. He started his practice, with the confidence, that in a few days’ time, he should be able to withstand the load with ease.

Bi Fan’s physical strength was already quite high, so he knew that he’d be able to use the Rune freely, soon enough.

At the time of the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament, Bi Fan intended to use the Rune in secrecy, if need be, to register wins over his opponents with ease, if need be.

Once he had mastered the usage of the Shock Rune, although his total strength doubled, but his energy consumption was a lot higher, owing to which, he wouldn’t be able to fight for long. But his strength, after the enhancement, his strength was tyrannical.

“It seems that the heavens are on my side. I’ll forge my path to fame in no time.” Bi Fan laughed.

Youngsters always seek fame and glory. And Bi Fan wanted to narrow down the distance that separated him from Yan Yu Si, which is why his hunger for power was even deeper than that of most others.

At present, Bi Fan’s strength was nothing in comparison, and he desperately needed to improve it. At present, he wasn’t even capable of standing in front of her with confidence, so the idea of pursuing her was way out of question.

Yan Yu Si probably had many suitors, and some of them must be the leaders of their generation. Bi Fan needed to be strong enough to defeat these men; his low-key profile wasn’t going to help him win her over.

Bi Fan’s short term goal was to rank, number one, in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament.

Soon after, Bi Fan started practicing the martial arts which he had acquired over his travels, and started expanding his understanding of these skills as well.

Bi Fan had some very complex and impressive techniques in his a.r.s.enal, some of the more advanced ones included, Rainy-fly Sword, Prancing Tiger, The Immortal Finger, The Dance of Mist, Free Burst, Fire and Ice Dragon Burst, The Rising Sun, The Blood Devil, and more.

He had the right techniques. Now, if he was able to master these skills, then, it was possible for him to establish a firm foothold in the list of well-known leader of the younger generation.

Bi Fan had already learnt the succeeding forms of these skills as well.

But he hadn’t been able to practice the ‘The Immortal Finger’ and the ‘Dance of Mist’ properly, due to shortage of time, which is why he was unable to use them properly for now.

‘The Immortal Finger’, as well as ‘The Dance of Mist’ had become even more powerful now, and Bi Fan’s total output, of both these moves, had increased significantly.

With these attacks to rely on, Bi Fan’s confidence was reaching new heights.

With only one month remaining, Ling Xin Ya personally started teaching Bi Fan. He even started personally engaging Bi Fan in combat to test his moves, and helped him perfect them.

Ling Xin Ya had a very sharp eye for spotting flaws, and he pointed several flaws in Bi Fan’s techniques.

Whenever, he would spot a flaw, Bi Fan would try to understand his mistake, and would then, immediately start correcting his mistake, and then consult with Ling Xin Ya again.

Under Ling Xin Ya’s supervision, Bi Fan martial proficiency started to lift very quickly, and even though he was casting out the same skill, the output, and the power, was significantly different.

Bi Fan could finally understand why the leading martial artists of various sects were able to cast out their moves with so much more excellence than their less renowned counterparts. Guidance from a proper teacher is very important to learn a skill proficiently.

Bi Fan was already thanking his stars. Ling Xin Ya was a great teacher, and being his direct disciple was turning out to be an excellent learning experience. Moreover, Ling Xin Ya was a very selfless man, and taught him without expecting anything in return. Bi Fan had almost started worshipping his Master.

However, Ling Xin Ya hadn’t given Bi Fan any new techniques thus far, since his strength was still fairly limited. If Ling Xin Ya gave Bi Fan stronger techniques, than it is quite possible that it may have a negative impact on his growth, and he may even die.

And it is for this reason itself, that Ling Xin Ya was refraining from giving Bi Fan any powerful weapons as well, at least for the time being.

“Bi Fan, the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon is a big stage; you must enjoy yourself, and play your strengths well. You will also learn a lot of new things. But you mustn’t burden yourself with your ranking; your life comes first. That’s always the most important thing. Keep that in mind, always.” Ling Xin Ya’s words were honest, and heartfelt.

“Thank you Master, I will keep that in mind.” Bi Fan was overwhelmed with a sense of grat.i.tude.

Ling Xin Ya’s advice was common sense, but there are those who are rarely presented with such huge opportunities, and those, who have strived their entire lives for an opportunity like this one. The things that such men can do to achieve their objective, can sometimes defy justifiable means.

“Bi Fan, I heard that you have a bet with Luo Sheng, and that you will duel him in the disciple’s tournament, is it true?” Ling Xin Ya asked.

“Yes, Master. Luo Sheng forced me to it; I really didn’t have a choice.” Bi Fan replied.

Ling Xin Ya said: “Bi Fan, Master does not blame you. Just be careful, and remember, you must not kill Luo Sheng. His grandfather, Luo Xiao Tian, is an elder, and a very influential man. If you kill Luo Sheng, then I’m afraid that you won’t be able to escape death.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Bi Fan nodded.

Ling Xin Ya said: “The Disciples tournament will probably start first, and then you will also have to partic.i.p.ate in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament; you must go and prepare yourself for them.”

Bi Fan took his leave, and started his final preparations.

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