The Six Immortals

Chapter 119 – Stupid Sword-play

Chapter 119 – Stupid Sword-play


Jing Feng laughed: “Brother Mo Nan, don’t be so jealous, this is just our normal custom…. Hey…..”

“, huh!” Mo Nan said in a cold tone: “Watch out for my sword now, I’m going to spank you for calling me Brother.”

Mo Nan cast out the third form of the ‘Floating Sword’, ‘The Rainstorm Sword’, and his attack brought a torrent of winds with it, as his momentum started to rise.

As Bi Fan continued to watch Mo Nan’s display, he started to realize that Mo Nan’s style of casting out the skill was quite different from Yang Feng’s, and was even more powerful than the latter.

Bi Fan continued to attentively watch his movements.

Jing Feng realized that he couldn’t act casually anymore, and his ‘glamor-boy’ smile had already started to fade.

He raised his Spear, as he prepared to cast out the ‘Thunder Fury’ attack.

Jing Feng’s attack was extremely strong as well; two strong contenders were up against each other, now it was time for the stronger fighter to emerge victorious.

Once Jing Feng casted out the ‘Thunder Fury’ attack, it started to seem as if real thunder strikes had descended from the heavens to help Jing Feng defeat his enemy.

As the thunder and lightning enveloped the stage, the terrified spectators started backing away.

“Brother Jing Feng has gotten even stronger since the last time.” Bi Fan thought to himself.

Bi Fan’s heart was already raging with a desire to battle Jing Feng and Mo Nan.

As the desire for a fight started to emerge from within Bi Fan, his momentum started to rise, which started scaring the others who were standing around Bi Fan. The people who were standing near Bi Fan, and close to the stage, to witness the fight, had now started to step back.

“Bi Fan is really strong, this is amazing!” Ling Xin Ya was astonished. Ling Xin Ya’s astonishment soon turned to happiness, as he started to realize that he had procured a very strong disciple.

If a person wants to grow in strength, it takes faith, and will power, but to achieve something extra-ordinary, it takes something more; a person would need unflinching conviction along with firm and indomitable determination.

Yu Qing Yang was also very surprised. Now that Bi Fan’s momentum was beginning to break out, he wasn’t very far away from the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer; this was the first time that he’d ever seen an ‘Enormous Strength’ layer fighter demonstrate such power.

Yan Yu Si’s eyes were gleaming with splendor, as she started to attach even more value to Bi Fan.

Up on the stage, even Jing Feng and Mo Nan couldn’t help but notice this sudden rise in momentum, and looked around to find its source, only to realize that it was originating from Bi Fan.

“Jing Feng, it seems that we have more compet.i.tion this time around.” Mo Nan smiled.

Jing Feng was quite excited as well: “That’s better; I was beginning to feel lonely around here.”

Mo Nan and Jing Feng were in an odd state. The two of them weren’t strong enough to compete with the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer disciples of the sect, but were far stronger than the other who were below that mark. Due to this reason, it had become very difficult for the two of them to find worthy opponents in the Sect.

Even though Mo Nan and Jing Feng were considered old rivals, they had always harbored friendly sentiments for each other.

Even though they always battled each other very fiercely, they were still friends, and would regularly exchange words, ideas and experiences.

“Boom!” Mo Nan and Jing Feng’s weapons came together, and both of them were pushed back a few steps, before they were able to regain their balance.



As soon they were both stable of their feet, they charged right back at each other.

Both, Mo Nan and Jing Feng, had a very deep understanding of their respective martial skills, which is why they were able to cast out their skills with such enormous power.

Bi Fan was watching very carefully, and would occasionally make a gesture, or pa.s.s a smile, which was an obvious indication that he was learning a lot of new things.

Ling Xin Ya was continuously watching Bi Fan, and was reading Bi Fan’s every movement. He had already realized that Bi Fan was trying to memorize their skills.

Ling Xin Ya smiled: “Atta Boy, I didn’t think that he’d be able to learn their skills that easily; carry on boy; you have boundless prospects awaiting you in the future. It seems that I can rely on Bi Fan to become the backbone of the Yang Shan peak.”

Yu Qing Yang could see the pleased look on Ling Xin Ya’s face, and couldn’t help but slander the man, within the secrecy of his heart: “Ling Xin Ya, this time you’ve really found yourself a gem.”

“Father, didn’t I tell you this earlier… but you wouldn’t believe me then.” Yan Yu Si started to laugh lightly.

“I’m regretting that already; now don’t rub it in.” Yu Qing Yang looked quite disheartened.

“Oh….” Yan Yu Si couldn’t help flashing another smile. Whenever Yan Yu Si smiled, all the surrounding men, whether old or young, would end up getting carried away, and would start staring at her.

Yan Yu Si, it seemed, was accustomed to such attention, and didn’t seem to mind it at all, as she continued to act according to her wishes, without showing any visible signs of discomfort.

“Here I Come!” Jing Feng screamed, as he launched another fierce attack.

The Hegemon Pike was extremely heavy, which when coupled with Jing Feng’s strength, made the weapon unstoppable.

Thunder Burst! Thunder Fury!

He cast out a different variation this time, with a speed that resembled that of lightening, and this attack was even more powerful than his previous attacks.

Mo Nan was able to withstand the majority of the attacks, but ended up taking a few hits, as he finally started to show the early signs of losing.

The key factor wasn’t Jing Feng’s ferocity, but his speed. Due to the sheer pace of Jing Feng’s attacks, Mo Nan was unable to dodge them all, and was forced to take a few hits.

Mo Nan wasn’t ready to be written off just yet, and was making some very subtle moves to counter Jing Feng, as he tried to stop Jing Feng’s oppressive onslaught.

Bi Fan wasn’t familiar with the usage of a spear, which is why there wasn’t much that he could learn from Jing Feng, and he was only trying to memorize Jing Feng’s attacking patterns.

Mo Nan’s usage of the various variations of the ‘Floating Sword’ technique, had been a very enlightening experience for Bi Fan, and his own knowledge of the second and third form of the skill had improved significantly. He was sure that he’d be able to cast the same moves out, but with more power than before.

Since Bi Fan was so engrossed in observing the fight, he hadn’t realized that his momentum had been scaring people away.

This year as well, the tournament was mainly in talk due to Mo Nan and Jing Feng, and had attracted several more people, who had arrived to witness the two men in action.

“One year has gone by; Mo Nan and Jing Feng have both reached the peak of the ‘Transformation’ layer; their pace is simply too fast. I started out with them, but here, look at me… I’m only inside the ‘Spiritual intelligence’ layer. I’m such a shame, ah.” One disciple seemed really upset with himself.

“You’re really good Brother. Don’t try to compare yourself with these ‘Transformation’ layer people; there no point in demeaning yourself. You look at me, I’m only inside the ‘Brave’ layer; you’re far better than me.”

“I think this Bi Fan guy is abnormal. He only came out in the last year’s Selection tournament, and this year, he has already reached the ‘Enormous Strength’ layer. He’s simply abnormal ah!”

The people, who were watching the tournament, were mostly talking about Mo Nan, Jing Feng and Bi Fan now. Of course, many were talking about Yan Yu Si as well, but these people were mostly keeping their voices low, since they didn’t want her to overhear their conversations.

Bi Fan had turned a deaf ear to these talks a long while ago, and his attention was completely transfixed on the match in front.

Mo Nan and Jing Feng’s contest was reaching a crucial stage now, and it seemed as if a winner would emerge soon.

Both fighters were being very subtle now, and were making very cautious and calculated moves. Carelessness at this stage would cost the match.

“Stupid Sword-play… skill… wow….” Bi Fan was pa.s.sing comments from time to time. Sometimes he would just utter a word, if he saw a wonderful move, out of sheer amazement. He hadn’t really realized that he’d said the word ‘Stupid’ and had then attached it to the word ‘Sword-play’.

Since Bi Fan was so engrossed in observing the match, he didn’t even realize that he was being rather loud at times, owing to which, a lot of people had heard his ‘Stupid’ remark.

“Bi Fan thinks that he’s so powerful, that he’s even started to abuse these guys ah?” A disciple laughed.

“Who is he calling ‘Stupid’, Jing Feng, or Mo Nan?” Another disciple tried to speculate.

These people, were usually quite bored, and had finally found a new joke, so naturally they wouldn’t let go of it that easily, as they started gossiping again.

Bi Fan was completely unaware that his praise had been mistaken for an abuse.

On the stage, Mo Nan and Jing Feng had also heard Bi Fan’s remark, and their faces had become a little unsightly.

‘Brother Bi Fan, why are you staring at us like that?’ Jing Feng seemed a little gloomy; if the fight hadn’t reached its climax, then he would have definitely asked Bi Fan this question.

Mo Nan, on the other hand, was the one who was wielding a sword. Obviously, he took the comment personally, since he thought that it was directed at him.

“I haven’t done anything to offend Bi Fan, then why would be abuse me like that?” Mo Nan started speculating in his mind.

“Puchi!” The two of them almost made a big mistake, and barely diverted their swords enough, as they flicked past each other’s clothing.

If it hadn’t been for their amazing reactions, then they would have ended up poking a hole in each other.

Mo Nan and Jing Feng were a little shocked. Their minds were so consumed with Bi Fan’s comment, and they were so engrossed in a speculating its meaning, that they had almost lost their focus.

Bi Fan’s intention was to praise, but a slip of tongue had turned the ‘Stupendous’ to a ‘Stupid’. He had no idea that this accidental abuse had already angered both, Jing Feng and Mo Nan.

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