The Six Immortals

Chapter 130 – Importance of Physical Exercise

Chapter 130 – Importance of Physical Exercise


Bi Fan and Jing Feng stepped off the stage, and started to practice, in order to restore their inner energies.

Both men had used up their entire energy, and since their fight was the last to finish, they didn’t really have much time to restore their energies for the next round.

After this contest, upon emerging victorious, Bi Fan had established his standing in the Quinyang Sect.

Now, no one was questioning Bi Fan’s strength, since he had beaten the strongest Neimen disciple of the Sect, Jing Feng.

“Ling Xin Ya, you have acquired a brilliant disciple, and you must do your best to train him up properly. If there’s anything you need for his training, don’t refrain from asking me.” Yu Qing Yang stated.

Ling Xin Ya was very happy to hear the words: “With your support, Bi Fan’s training will proceed even more smoothly.”

Yan Yu Si was a little worried about Bi Fan, and came over to inspect him, and the condition of his restoration.

Upon seeing that Bi Fan was breathing easy, and didn’t seem uncomfortable in any manner, she calmed down.

Xiao Feng seemed as concerned about Jing Feng, and looked him over and over again, as she was afraid that he might have injured himself severely.

Jing Feng’s tattered clothes made her even more nervous, but even after careful inspection, she was unable to find any bloodstains on his clothes, which came as a major relief to her.

As the next round of the contest was announced, Bi Fan and Jing Feng still hadn’t fully recovered their energies, but since the contest wasn’t going to wait for them, they were forced to cease their practice, and made their way to their respective contest stages.

In this round, Bi Fan was faced with a ‘transformation’ layer fighter named, Lu Jia.

“Brother Bi Fan, your strength is exceptional, and you’ve even managed to defeat Jing Feng, but I will not admit defeat just yet, since I wish to beat you.” Lu Jia said: “You’ve just undergone a very demanding battle, which means that you’ve certainly used up a lot of energy. If I can just beat you somehow, then I’ll be able to build myself a name in the Sect.”

“Well, you’re ambitious, I’ll give you that, but beating me isn’t as easy as you think.” Bi Fan sneered.

Bi Fan had only been able to restore about seventy percent of his inner energy, but his physical strength was back to full capacity, which is why Bi Fan was quite confident of beating Lu Jia with ease.

Especially after defeating Jing Feng, Bi Fan had become even more confident of his abilities, and was full of fighting spirit at the moment.

“Here I come.” Lu Jia cast out the ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’, but his skill set was far backward when compared to Ji Ying Lan’s display.

“Okay, nothing there.” Bi Fan observed the display, and quickly realized that there wasn’t much that he could learn from Lu Jia.

“’Fufeng Double-edged Sword!’ ‘The Flying Willow!’ ‘A Thousand Willow Needles!’”

Bi Fan continuously started to cast out the three forms of the ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’, which were far more powerful than usual, owing to the changes that he had made after his fight with Ji Ying Lan.

As he cast out the three forms, he was able to pierce his sword through Lu Jia’s skin. But Bi Fan had no intention of taking the man’s life, which is why he stopped his sword mid-way, owing to which, the wound wasn’t very deep, and no real harm was done to the man.

Lu Jia was so frightened by the injury that he intentionally threw his sword down, in submission.

“Brother Lu Jia, you lose.”

Bi Fan was far more powerful than Lu Jia, and his technique was far superior as well, so an easy victory didn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

Since he ended the fight pretty quickly, Bi Fan decided to use the opportunity to restore his energy, and quickly stepped off the stage to practice and meditate.

After the next round, Bi Fan was going to face Mo Nan, and Bi Fan had no intention of losing that fight either.

Bi Fan practiced for a long time, and once his energy was fully restored, he finally opened his eyes.

“Brother Bi Fan, your restoration technique is very strong as well ah.” Jing Feng laughed.

“Brother Jing Feng, yours is no less.”

“Brother Bi Fan, I would like to learn some methods to improve my physical strength as well, from you. I hope that you will not be stingy in that regard…” Jing Feng asked politely.

“Of course not, I’ll teach you Brother.” Bi Fan smiled.

Bi Fan had mastered several different methods to exercise and improve physical strength; the strongest ones however, were the ones that were described in the battered Jade Book, and obviously, the ‘Blood Devil’ techniques.

The methods that Bi Fan had taught to w.a.n.g Zhong weren’t as powerful as the ones that were described in the Jade Book, but still, most of them were still fairly good.

The ‘Blood Devil’ technique wasn’t a general practice method, and was regarded as an evil method, which was only used by the devil’s disciples. The methods that were described in the ‘Blood Devil’ technique, weren’t ease to practice either, and were extremely brutal, which was another reason that he couldn’t teach them openly.

Bi Fan had chosen some of the more orthodox methods, and had made several changes to them, which had made their output a lot better. Even though he had adapted some changes from the ‘Blood Devil’ technique in these custom methods, he made sure that the changes were so subtle, that no one would even notice them.

Bi Fan had always nurtured the notion of teaching these methods to his friends, and since Jing Feng had made the request on his own, Bi Fan, naturally, wasn’t going to refuse his friend.

“Thank you Brother Bi Fan, I knew that you’d be willing to help me.” Jing Feng smiled.

After losing the battle to Bi Fan, Jing Feng was already beginning to regret not honing his physical strength, and felt that he had wasted a lot of time in realizing the mistake.

“If my body strength was higher, then I wouldn’t have lost to Brother Bi Fan.” In reality, Jing Feng still wasn’t ready to admit his defeat.

So far in the contest, Bi Fan was the only unbeaten contestant, which effectively made him the first runner. Jing Feng and Mo Nan, on the other hand, had both, only lost one fight each, and were tied for the second spot, at the moment.

As for the remaining of Bi Fan’s opponents, apart from Mo Nan, no other fighter had any considerable strength.

But Bi Fan still needed to defeat Mo Nan in order to ensure his position as the front runner for the championship.

Bi Fan and Mo Nan exchanged glances; both men were raging with a desire to fight.

Although Mo Nan knew that he didn’t have very good chance of beating Bi Fan, he still wanted to make every effort to win the fight. Even though he knew that he’d fail, he wasn’t going to retreat from the challenge.

“Bi Fan is really powerful, as long as he’s able to beat Mo Nan, he will certainly win the championship.”

“Nevertheless, Brother Mo Nan is also quite strong, so I don’t think that Bi Fan will have it easy against him.”

“I think that Bi Fan is going to win the championship, so I’ll support him.”

“I’ll support Brother Bi Fan.”


… …


Unconsciously, Bi Fan had managed to win the respect, and admiration, of many Quinyang Disciples.

Bi Fan managed to win the following round with ease, and was able to oust his opponent without making any serious efforts at all.

Bi Fan was supposed to face Mo Nan is the next round, and both men finished their fights quickly, since they needed time to mediate and focus their attention.

Bi Fan finished his practice and opened his eyes, only to see a nervous Jing Feng staring at him: “Brother Bi Fan, you must beat Mo Nan ah… If you lose to him, then he’ll have one up on me, since I lost you earlier. Mo Nan will never stop making fun of me, if you lose to him….”

“Of course, like I said, I want to win the championship, so I won’t be sparing any effort to secure my victory.” Bi Fan seemed firmly resolute.

Jing Feng was quite relieved to see Bi Fan’s demeanor.

Both Bi Fan and Jing Feng are both very persistent men, and are always full of spirit, which is why they are as successful as they are today.

“Brother Bi Fan, I will try to finish my fight as soon as possible, and then I’ll come over to support you.” Jing Feng smiled.

Jing Feng was a man of principles. He had fought Mo Nan several times in the past, so naturally, he’d know Mo Nan’s weaknesses, but he kept his mouth shut, and didn’t reveal anything to Bi Fan.

Even though he wanted Bi Fan to beat Mo Nan, he wasn’t willing to provide him with any unfair advantages.

Mo Nan’s defeats to Jing Feng had always demonstrated that Mo Nan’s strength wasn’t much weaker than Jing Feng’s, since he’d always lost by a very fine margin.

Even though Bi Fan had defeated Jing Feng, a fight always carries a factor of luck. As the tournament was proceeding towards its end, an unexperienced compet.i.tor like Bi Fan, was more likely to fall under the wind.

It was still possible for Mo Nan to defeat Bi Fan; well it wasn’t impossible.

As far as Mo Nan was concerned, he always treated every contest very seriously, and never underestimated any opponent.

The seriousness, with which Mo Nan was practicing before the contest, was a clear indication as to how seriously he was taking this fight.

This contest, at present, had become the talk of the contest, and all the eye b.a.l.l.s were fixed on Mo Nan and Bi Fan, as the spectators continued to discuss the upcoming event.

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