The Six Immortals

Chapter 145 – Sky High Prices

Chapter 145 – Sky High Prices


“Twelve million Spars.” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng made another bid, but he waited a long time before doing so, since he was worried that the Quinyang Sect may give up on the Green Bladed Sword.

If they consumed too much of their financial resources, then they may be forced out of the contention for the final item, the ‘Spirit’ weapon.

“Twelve point five million spars.”

Luo Xiao Tian was also a bit hesitant now, since the current value of the sword was far more than its actual cost.

But even in auctions like these, a weapon of such quality was quite rare, and since he had the opportunity to obtain the weapon here, he wasn’t willing to let it slide away from him.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng could sense the hesitation in Luo Xiao Tian’s eyes, and decided against raising the big again. If Luo Xiao Tian didn’t follow his renewed bid, then the Wu Ji Sect would have to buy the sword, which would be a huge loss for them.

Eventually, Luo Xiao Tian’s twelve point five million bid won the Green Bladed Sword. Even though the sword turned out to be quite expensive in the end, it was still a very valuable contribution to the Sect’s a.r.s.enal.

“Wise elder, you did a great job today. Anyway, we will have to compete against the Wu Ji and the City’s Sect for the ‘Spirit’ device, which isn’t going to be easy, so it’s better that we at least have something good to show from this auction.” Ling Xin Ya said with a smile.

“You need not tell me that, I know what I’m doing. When it comes to it, I will see how that things progress, and make a decision accordingly.” Even though Luo Xiao Tian was a narrow-minded man, he was still a Quinyang Sect faithful, and his entire family had been a part of the Quinyang Sect for several generations now.

“The next item is the last high grade item for the day. This is a military armor comprising of a helmet, and complete body armor, and its defensive capabilities are simply amazing. The price for this item is reserved at one million spars. This is your chance to make your bids, and seize this armor.” Long Xiang Tian announced in a loud voice.

The military armor included a helmet, a breast plate, greaves, and multiple guards for the arms. The gold plated armor was dazzling in a brilliant golden glaze.

Once the armor was revealed, all the eyes remained stuck to it for a long time, while the mouths were already drooling. The man wearing this armor would be secure in knowing that his back is well protected, and could easily take unfair advantages of its defensive ability in a battle against any enemy.

The most critical parts of the armor were made from a special kind of metal, which was then plated and inscribed with a golden color. The armor looked quite thick, and its tough-make clearly depicted that it must be quite heavy as well, which meant that the bearer of this armor must have enough strength to carry it in battle.

The value of the armor was much higher than the Green Bladed Sword, and usually this item was likely to sell for a price of around ten million spars in an auction.

But owing to the ambience in the auction hall today, the armor was likely to fetch a much higher price.

This was the last high grade item for the auction, and the Rising Sun, the City’s Sect, and the Wu Ji Sect were very likely to bid very heavily for this item, since they still hadn’t purchased a high-grade item so far.

The Tian Shui Sect and the Quinyang Sect were also unlikely to give up on this item very easily, since they too wanted to add more firepower to their a.r.s.enals.

The moment Long Xiang Tian ended his announcement, the bids started to follow.

“Two million spars!”

“Three million spars!”


…   …


The price was soaring at an alarming rate, and in a flash, the price of the military armor had already reached ten million spars.

The price still didn’t stabilize, and continued to reach new heights.

“Eleven million spars.” The Ba Gua Sect elder raised another bid. This time, he actually wanted to buy the item, since it would make a very valuable contribution to the Ba Gua Sect’s strength.

The Ba Gua Sect was trying to squeeze the Quinyang Sect down, which is why they were looking for any and all opportunities to add to their Sect’s strength.

“Twelve million spars.” Luo Xiao Tian naturally couldn’t allow the Ba Gua Sect to succeed.

If the item went to any of the other Sects, then there wouldn’t be very major and direct impact on the Quinyang Sect, but if the Ba Gua Sect was trying to make a move, then it was very important for the Quinyang Sect to intercept them.

At this time, the youth who were witnessing this auction, could only stare in rapture at the proceedings.

To these youngsters, ten million spars was such an astronomical amount, that they wouldn’t even dare to imagine such wealth.

“Amazing, ah! If I ever procure such high quality items, then I’ll consider putting them for auction here, just to make a quick buck.” Jing Feng’s eyes lit up at the thought.

Jing Feng could at least imagine procuring such items, since he was much stronger than the others, and was also known to undertake daring adventures.

“He’s right, I wish I could out up some of the items which I have, for an auction here; I’d make a bounty….” Bi Fan thought to himself.

Bi Fan had a lot of items stashed away, but knew well that he couldn’t sell them off here.

Most of Bi Fan’s valuables were procured under very sensitive pretexts, and couldn’t be put up for auction in such a public manner.

The Sects which didn’t have enough resources to partic.i.p.ate in this auction any further were wagging their tongues in envy.

Such an auction was a rare sighting.

Several other auctions were being held all over the Jiu Yu City today, but only the Heavenly Dragon Group had the strength and the power to put up three such high grade items, and a ‘Spirit’ Realm weapon for sale.

The compet.i.tion in the other auctions was far less intense when compared to the one in Heavenly Dragon business group’s.

“Thirteen million spars!” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng made another bid.

“Fourteen million spars!” the City Sect’s w.a.n.g Yun raised a higher bid.

At present, the current price of the armor had already exceeded the final price of the previous two items, as the auction continued to excite everyone. Even at this point, no one could tell which Sect was going to win this bid.

“Sixteen million spars!” the Ba Gua Sect made another very powerful bid, but it didn’t stand for long.

“Seventeen million spars!” The Rising Sun Sect raised the bid.

This was the first time that the Rising Sun Sect had made a bid, and they finally declared their interest in the item.

At this point, the eyes of the people who were still bidding were blood-shot red, their breathing was heavy, and anyone would tell that they were all quite anxious.

This military armor wasn’t just a high grade equipment, but was also quite rare, so naturally, no one was willing to back down so easily.

There was only one set of this armor on sale here, so only one Sect could have the last laugh. Now, it was a matter of financial competence.

“Eighteen million spars!”

“Nineteen million spars!”


…   …


The prices were still rising very quickly, since the bidders were increasing their bids directly by one million spars each time.

“I’m willing to give twenty million spars!” the City Sect’s leader w.a.n.g Yun said in a loud voice.

The auction was getting very intense at this stage, and it seemed that some people might have even forgotten that there was a ‘Spirit’ device left for the end, since they increasing their bids in a wild frenzy.

“Twenty one million spars!” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng wasn’t ready to be outdone yet.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng was making his own calculation, and wasn’t ready to allow the other Sect’s to register easy wins.

“Twenty two million spars.” The Rising Sun Sect declared their aspirations once again.

“Twenty-three million spars!” Luo Xiao Tian placed another bid, but it was evident from his face that he didn’t seem very interested in this item, and was only partic.i.p.ating to increase the price.

The price still hadn’t stabilized yet, and the powerful Sects were constantly raising the bids.

“Twenty-four million spars!” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng gritted his teeth.

“Twenty five million spars!” The Rising Sun Sect renewed the bid without any hesitation.

“Twenty six million spars!” Even the Ba Gua Sect hadn’t given up yet.

Everyone was still contesting wildly, even though the asking price had already far exceeded the value of the item.

“Thirty million spars!” the man in charge of the Rising Sun Sect raised the bid again, in the hope of deflating his compet.i.tors.

“Thirty million ah!” the people inside the auction hall gasped in amazement.

“This is crazy! I simply cannot imagine an armor that’s worth so much money.”

“Yes ah! Our financial strength isn’t enough to match up to these guys…. We’ll never be able to become strong around here…”

Bi Fan’s mouth was hung open, and he really couldn’t find any words anymore.

These prices were astronomical!

A high grade armor being sold for over thirty million spars was a rare event.

Even Long Xiang Tian was quite excited, and his face had already started to blush. The higher the prices soared, the more anxious he’d become.

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