The Six Immortals

Chapter 15

The Selection BeginsAs time pa.s.sed, Bi Fan started taking ‘inner breath’ Dan. And now he could even practice longevity burst properly.‘Inner breath’ Dan in the beginning had given a warm effect, which then, rapidly circulated throughout his body.With the Dan helping him break the layer barriers, Bi Fan was now moving up very quickly.After consuming the Dan pellets, he could feel a significant rise in his strength.Soon enough, he could practice the ‘Dance of mist’, ‘immortal finger’, backed by ‘inner breath’ strength, practicing martial arts was now, a lot easier.Late night, he would practice ‘blood devil’ technique, in secrecy to improve his physical strength.Regardless of any layer, physical strength was an important thing.Most pract.i.tioners concentrated their practice of ‘blood devil’ technique to increase internal physical strength. Some extreme pract.i.tioners would even take small amounts of poisonous substances to increase internal strength.After concluding his practice, Bi Fan would take out some time to study the ‘divine seals’ book.Bi Fan had purchased the book with the sole principle of gaining knowledge about ‘divine seals’, so he could identify them at the required time.Even though the book only contained very basic knowledge of ‘divine seals’, it was still very intellectually portrayed.As he would study, time would simple fly by, and a bright sun would illuminate the sky.Bi Fan would freshen up while Greedy slept, and then he would go to the medicine orchard to take care of his responsibilities.The Panacea in the orchard didn’t give him much trouble, making his life easier.Yan Yu Si was well aware of Bi Fan’s ambition, and was kind enough to give him less work so he could concentrate on his training.And Bi Fan looked after those precious herbs as if they were his own property.On any given day, Bi Fan would be found crouching over the herbs, inspecting them, caring for them, until he was satisfied with the result.He was living a busy life, his pa.s.sion for martial arts wouldn’t let him sleep and his days were spent looking after the orchard.And in a flash, three months had pa.s.sed away. Quinyang door disciple selection tournament was fast approaching.After three months of rigorous training, Bi Fan’s strength had greatly increased.His strength was at the peak of ‘inner breath’ layer.In addition to this, Bi Fan was already able to execute ‘the immortal finger’ technique. However, the target would have to be closer than one meter to cause any kind of damage, but nevertheless, Bi Fan was ecstatic about his progress.This technique was Bi Fan secret weapon, and could prove out to be very critical under duress.Moreover, he had also been practicing ‘the dance of mist’, but at his current level, he was still unable to perform the technique efficiently.He was still unable to practice the teaching from ‘the double-edged sword’ book. He was afraid that in the moment of need, he might not be very handy with a sword, as some of the trade secrets in the book could potentially be used to great effect.Bi Fan still continued to practice the ‘blood devil’ technique, so much so, that he and his practice of the technique were practically inseparable.He continued to read the ‘divine seals’ book, but still hadn’t tried to put it to use.Strength is the key, but for exceptional rise in strength, one needs to make use of Dan.One day, Xiaofeng came to see Bi Fan. She smiled at him as she asked: “Bi Fan, very soon the tournament for selection of disciples will commence. Would you like to partic.i.p.ate in it?”“I will go and give it a try.” Bi Fan nodded energetically. Bi Fan’s heart was set on it, he wanted to go and see the tournament for himself.At his current level, getting selected into a school wasn’t going to be a problem, but he wanted to get a good ranking.A good ranking would be accompanied by rewards, Dan pellets or even magical equipment. And not to forget, glory.And if he performed really well, and some good school fancied him, then he could even become a core disciple.The disciple in such schools fared much better than others. They received better resources for all kinds of trainings. Also the tutelage offered in top graded schools was much superior, which would make his progress faster, much faster.Xiaofeng looked as Bi Fan with a sense of surety, and said: “With your strength, you will surely make it as a disciple; I have no doubt about it, so you should definitely take part.”After she finished speaking, she turned around and started walking away, as gracefully as always.Xiaofeng had a very slim figure; Bi Fan couldn’t help but stare at her as she walked away.It’s not that Bi Fan had any ill intentions for her; he was just simply admiring the sight. The schools in Quinyang organized these tournaments ever year to select their disciples. And every year, many partic.i.p.ants would register, and would come prepared, having trained hard. On top of that, many experienced partic.i.p.ants, who had previously tried and failed, would also return. Many respected elder martial artists would also come to watch. No naturally, to be named into the top few in such a tournament would gain a lot of respect.Neimen School had a great reputation, and was considered a very powerful school. If a young martial artist reflected a lot of potential, even Neimen School could be tempted into taking a new student.So naturally, Jing Feng was quite popular. He had ranked third in the Jiu You list, the first ever from any Quinyang School.Neimen school students were often as strong as the ‘brave’ layer and went as high as the eighth layer, ‘enormous strength’. Jing Feng, last year, had already crossed into the ninth layer, ‘transformation’.Jing Feng, aged only fifteen, was considered to be an immensely talented youngster in Quinyang.Not only this, Jing Feng also had a great deal of combat experience as well.In the list of young generation martial artists in Quinyang, many considered Jing Feng to be second only to Yan Yu Si.However, he was most popular amongst the women; all they would talk about is how suave he is, and how handsome he looks.With the contest, a lot of people had started discussing about Jing Feng.Even the women in Yunufeng kept whispering about Jing Feng.The more Bi Fan heard about Jing Feng, the more he started to admire him.Simultaneously, it also motivated him to surpa.s.s his targets, he would practice even harder.The selection tournament was scheduled to take place in three days.The selection tournament would take place in the Ming Fung valley, as the site was large enough to accommodate the number of spectators who would come to watch.Xiaofeng after giving him the idea to partic.i.p.ate in the tournament, she personally accompanied him there.Most women in Yunufeng were also going to spectate the tournament. However, their goal wasn’t to cheer Bi Fan on. They only desired to see Jing Feng in action.After the completion of selections, i.e. the tournament, there was a huge possibility that Jing Feng might make an appearance.Many female students had gone to Ming Fung Valley just to catch a glimpse of the charming Jing Feng.Bi Fan reached the Ming Fung valley with Xiaofeng and saw a sea of people. The place was very crowded.Quinyang region had a lot of pract.i.tioners, tens of thousands maybe. So such a large gathering wasn’t very surprising.In fact, this really was nothing. The contests for Neimen school students usually exploded with excitement and were immensely popular, sometimes, as many a million people would come and watch.It was the first time that Bi Fan had ever seen such a huge crowd, he was appalled, and his mouth hung open in amazement.Xiaofeng smiled at him and said: “Bi Fan, don’t get so worked up, relax…. relax…”“I am not nervous….” Bi Fan muttered. But in reality, he obviously was. His sweaty clinched fist gave him away.Xiaofeng decided to help Bi Fan relax and started giving him a shoulder ma.s.sage.“Ah….” Bi Fan exhaled loudly, he felt a little uncomfortable, but kept his mouth shut, and continued to enjoy the beauty of the service being delivered.

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