The Six Immortals

Chapter 168 – Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu

Chapter 168 – Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu


Jiang Wen and Hong Yun Tian’s match was indeed very interesting, and was producing some excellent moments, which had been keeping Bi Fan completely enthralled in their contest.

Both men were extremely skilled and their understanding of their martial skills was beyond comparison, which was turning this into an excellent learning experience for Bi Fan.

Both, Jiang Wen and Hong Yun Tian, were comparable in terms of internal energy levels, and martial skill expertise. Both men had rich combat experience to back their skills, and even though the match had been continuing for almost an hour, it still wasn’t possible to pick a winner.

“Raging Flame Sword!” Jiang Wen finally decided to raise the stakes, and casted out a more advanced technique.

“Three thousand rivers!” Hong Yun Tian simultaneously casted out the Tian Shui Sect’s high level skill to match Jiang Wen.

Even though both martial skills were of equal quality, their styles were exactly the opposite of each other.

Bi Fan was so immersed in the contest that he’d completely forgotten about the outside world; he only had eyes for Hong Yun Tian and Jiang Wen’s movements.

Jing Feng pointed out: “Notice Bi Fan, once he starts watching a contest, he turns a blind eye to everything else. Even if you call him, he won’t notice it.”

“Yes, well, why don’t you show us?” Luo Jia smiled.

“Bi Fan, KKOO…” Jing Feng trash talked in Bi Fan’s ears, and darted away, but Bi Fan didn’t show any signs of noticing his mischief.

Luo Jia laughed: “Really… it seems that if we ever feel like cursing Bi Fan, we should do it when he’s watching a match.”

“You should take inspiration from his diligence rather than making fun of him, really!” Yan Yu Si spoke up.

Luo Xiong was raging with fury to see that Yan Yu Si was once again ready to defend Bi Fan, and it appeared as if he’d die from excessive anger.

If eyes could kill, then Luo Xiong would have murdered Bi Fan millions of times by now.

The contest was approaching its climax, but Luo Xiong was busy glaring at Bi Fan.

Hong Yun Tian and Jiang Wen’s match was reaching a critical juncture, and their fierce collisions and extreme speeds were keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Both men were very popular, and their supporters were rhythmically cheering them on.

They both were obviously doing their best, and neither man seemed willing to lose this epic battle which had been raging for over an hour now.

Eventually, neither man’s energy was able to outlast the other’s, and they came to a mutual agreement on settling the match as draw.

Bi Fan asked in a concerned tone: “Brother Jing Feng, do you think you can beat them in a fight?”

“One on one, I’m not sure… but since I have a Beast Pet, I’ll win for sure.” Jing Feng replied.

“Jing Feng, you also have a beast pet? Ah, it seems like I have a lot of catching up to do.” Mo Nan smiled.

Mo Nan obviously didn’t seem jealous, and in fact, seemed rather happy for Jing Feng. When these two men weren’t busy competing with each other, they usually turned into friends.

“I’m just a little luckier Bother.” Jing Feng smiled and said: “Don’t worry, later in life, we’ll all have beast pets of our own.”

Jing Feng glanced over to look at Bi Fan as he said this, since he knew that Bi Fan had extra Jungle Python eggs in his possession.

Bi Fan had been intending on giving the last two remaining Jungle Python eggs to Mo Nan and Ji Ying Lan, but knew that this wasn’t the right place for it.

Even core disciples rarely have beast pets, and even if they have one, their pets aren’t very powerful, or have limited room for growth.

Jungle Pythons can easily transform into powerful beasts, and it’s even possible to evolve them into real dragons.

Blue Dragon possesses a Nucleus, and once his Jungle Python swallows the same, he might actually transform into a real dragon.

Once a beast is able to transform into a dragon, its strength grow by leaps and bounds, and it can possibly turn into a formidable killing machine.

Bi Fan had started caring about the Quinyang Sect’s future, and wished to help his friends in gaining some strength.

However, giving them the Jungle Python eggs wouldn’t be of any use over the course of this tournament, since the eggs would take a long time to hatch. Even after the egg has hatched, they will need to allow the serpent to grow a bit, which would take even longer.

Now wasn’t the time to reveal his valuables, and so Bi Fan had decided to wait for a more appropriate time and place.

The tournament proceeded and continued to excite everyone.

Over the course of the next matches, Ji Ying Lan was met with w.a.n.g Feng, and w.a.n.g Feng added three more points to his bag. Ji Ying Lan straight away conceded the fight since his opponent was far more powerful and an ally of the Quinyang Sect.

But Bi Fan’s real concern was regarding the situation surrounding Wu Ji Xuan, since the man had met Li Bei’s Li Jia, and had managed to score an easy victory.

Since the start of the tournament, till present, Wu Ji Xuan hadn’t faced anyone strong enough to pose any challenge to him. Bi Fan was slightly disappointed by this, since he still hadn’t been able to get a glimpse of Wu Ji Xuan’s real strength.

Bi Fan was sure that he’d have to face Wu Ji Xuan at some point in the contest, so naturally it would better for him if he knew his opponent’s cards.

The morning round ended, and out of the four Quinyang Sect disciples, three had emerged victorious, while Ji Ying Lan had lost to an ally.

Ling Xin Ya and Luo Xiao Tian were both very happy with the sect’s performance, and both men repeatedly praised their four disciples.

The contest suspended for an hour’s break, allowing everyone to disperse for lunch. After the lunch break, the second round commenced, and the lottery was drawn again.

These draws are always dependent purely on luck; the lady luck could pave a man’s path to glory here.

This time, Bi Fan pulled out the number twelve, and even though he didn’t know his opponent’s ident.i.ty, he wasn’t concerned about it, since he had already recovered his energy.

However, since Bi Fan had already recovered his internal energy, he was quite anxious for the contest to proceed, since he wanted to get his eyes on some more new skills.

The contest progressed quickly, and soon it was time for Mo Nan to take the stage.

Mo Nan seemed to be a bit out of luck this time, since he had pulled out the same number as Wu Ji Sect’s Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu.

Although Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu is a woman, her strength supersedes that of men like Xuan Yuan Feng, which meant that she was only second to Wu Ji Xuan, within the Wu Ji Sect.

This world only respects strength, and if Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was stronger than Xuan Yuan Feng, then Mo Nan was certainly going to have a lot of problems.

Xuan Yuan Feng was strong enough to give Jing Feng some serious problems in battle, and this woman was even stronger.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was a complete mystery, and no one knew what she was really capable of.

“Brother Mo Nan, you must be very careful, no one knows about Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu’s real abilities. Also, do not get lured in by her beauty.” Jing Feng cautioned.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was really beautiful, elegant and refined in appearance, so much so that even Yan Yu Si wouldn’t be able to overshadow her easily.

It was hard to tell her real age since she had a very young face.

“You’re joking right? I like mature women. She might be beautiful, but I’m not a Lolicon.” Mo Nan curved his lips as he replied.

Jing Feng said: “She is still young right now, but she’ll grow up to be a mature and beautiful woman in a few years’ time.”

“Cut it out!”

“Brother Mo Nan, you must win this, it won’t look good if you lose to such a little and delicate looking girl.” Bi Fan said.

“Don’t worry, I don’t care about her beauty, and I’ll fight with my full strength.” Mo Nan stated.

Mo Nan started making his way towards the stage where Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was waiting for him.

Ever since Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu had taken to the stage, all the men in the arena had been ceaselessly screaming and whistling.

The young girl was so attractive that even middle-aged men were unable to hold themselves back.

“Brother Mo Nan is going to have a tough time…. It’s going to be so hard to fight such a cute girl. But well, at least he won’t be able to take his eyes off her.” Ji Ying Lan laughed.

“I’d like to see the faces of the Wu Ji Sect people if Brother Mo Nan somehow manages to seduce her into admitting her defeat.” Jing Feng flashed an evil smile.

“I’m afraid that only you, Jing Feng, can pull off something like that….” Luo Jia commented.

“Ha ha… that would be fun to see! But, yes, only young Jing Feng is charming enough to do that…” Yan Yu Si burst out in laughter.

The Quinyang disciples simply couldn’t help but stare at Yan Yu Si’s beautiful face as she laughed.

Yan Yu Si was renowned for her beauty, but she rarely ever laughed like this.

Luo Xiong had known Yan Yu Si for a long time, since they had grown up together, but even he hadn’t seen Yan Yu Si laugh in this manner.

Yan Yu Si’s carefree laughter was a clear indication that she was enjoying her current company, which was making Luo Xiong’s heart even more uncomfortable than before.

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