The Six Immortals

Chapter 176 – The Pet Slayer

Chapter 176 – The Pet Slayer


Sometimes the most basic moves are more useful than the most powerful of attacks, and Bi Fan knew that Li Qian Xun was looking for his weaknesses.

Bi Fan knew well that Li Qian Xun’s beast pig was just waiting on the flanks, waiting for him to expose a weakness.

Suddenly, Bi Fan intentionally exposed a flaw in his movement, and Li Qian Xun recklessly charged straight into him with tremendous force, pushing Bi Fan back several steps. The attack was so forceful that Bi Fan almost dropped his Dragon Scale sword.

“Great Lion, attack!” Li Qian Xun had nick named his Pig ‘Great Lion’.

The Mangalica Pig immediately charged out the moment Li Qian Xun gave the command, like an arrow from a bow, at the speed of lightening.

“Ah….” Bi Fan screamed as he staggered back.

The Pig was quite intelligent and was overjoyed to see Bi Fan’s reaction, so naturally he increased the pace of his advance.

“Oh s.h.i.t!” Li Qian Xun’s face suddenly became pale as he remembered the manner in which Xuan Wu Ji had lost his pet, and realized that Bi Fan was about to do the same to his.

“Great Lion, quickly come back…..”

Unfortunately, Li Qian Xun’s reaction was too slow. By the time he reversed his initial command, his pet pig had already increased his pace, and was already beyond the point of making a return.


Bi Fan was more careful this time. He first used ‘The Immortal Finger’ and targeted the pig’s eyes, and then immediately used his sword to follow up after the recoiling pig.

“Woooo!” The Pig opened his mouth to scream after he took the first attack.

The moment the pig opened his mouth to scream, Bi Fan quickly and accurately stabbed it in its mouth with his Dragon Scale Sword.

The pig didn’t scream this time, but sprayed out a lot blood as it fell down to the ground.

Li Qian Xun had charged after his pig to rescue it, but was too late to arrive.

“Bi Fan, you actually killed my Great Lion?” Li Qian Xun’s voice was ice-cold.

“Why do you call it ‘Great Lion’? It was really just a pig ah.” Bi Fan scoffed in disdain.

“AAAA!” Li Qian Xun howled and then wildly rushed towards Bi Fan. He slashed his golden nine rings broadsword at Bi Fan with the intention of chopping him to pieces.

This time, Bi Fan didn’t dodge and instead used his sword to block the incoming attack.

“Bang!” the fierce collision sent sparks flying in all directions.

Bi Fan was actually in an advantageous position after blocking this attack.

The faces of the audience were revealing the disbelief of their hearts, since the large golden nine ring broadsword was very heavy; everyone knew that.

Such a huge blade, when brought down with such huge force shouldn’t get blocked off by such a light weight sword like Bi Fan’s dragon scale sword.

This situation could only have one explanation: Bi Fan was a lot stronger than Li Qian Xun.

Li Qian Xun couldn’t believe his eyes either, and looked rather dazed by these sudden turn of events.

Bi Fan couldn’t be lenient at this critical juncture, and his dragon scale resembled a viper as it made its way towards Li Qian Xun’s body.

Li Qian Xun quickly collected his wits and somehow managed to dodge Bi Fan’s attack.

However, Bi Fan didn’t hold back, and switched his attack mid-way and managed to scratch Li Qian Xun’s arm, and blood started to flow from the wound.

Li Qian Xun was looking at Bi Fan with hateful eyes, and charged straight back at him again, swinging his heavy blade as viciously as he could.

Bi Fan started adopting a tricky play once again, and decided to stay back, while occasionally launching a counter attack to make things more uncomfortable for the injured Li Qian Xun.

Bi Fan was constantly increasing the force of his attacks, and even Li Qian Xun’s heavy blade wasn’t proving to be of any use.

Even though Li Qian Xun didn’t wish to, he was forced to admit his defeat.

Bi Fan had managed to overwhelm Li Qian with sheer force, which had always been Li Qian Xun’s main attribute.

On top of that, Li Qian Xun seemed quite dazed after the death of his pet, which was an even greater blow to him since he was no longer able to play his strengths properly.

“Bi Fan! Pet Slayer! …..”

“Bi Fan! Bi Fan! ….”

After beating Li Qian Xun, Bi Fan established himself as the biggest ‘dark horse’ of this tournament, and was now amongst the only four people who were unbeaten in the tournament so far.

Jing Feng and Wu Ji Xuan were both renowned fighters, whereas Bi Fan and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu were both new comers. But Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was expected to be good since she hailed from the Wu Ji Sect, which is why no one was very surprised by her progress.

But Bi Fan’s case was different since he was only a Quinyang Sect disciple, and wasn’t even in the scene three years ago, which is why no one had even heard of his name.

“What’s this Bi Fan’s bottom line? How did the Quinyang Sect manage to procure such a talent?” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng was very surprised, and was quite curious about Bi Fan’s history.

“The Quinyang Sect could have been concealing Bi Fan from the eyes of the world, so he could make a sudden appearance here and shine.”

“Unlikely. The Quinyang Sect’s situation isn’t very luxurious at the moment, and they aren’t exactly in a position to conceal such talents…. They need the attention, and they need it as soon as possible… it has been the same for a long time now.” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng shook his head.

“So that means that this Bi Fan has only emerged in these last three years, which means that he’s even more talented than we thought.” This time, it was Wu Ji Xuan who spoke up.

“After we return, we must immediately investigate into this matter. If Bi Fan is as talented as we are beginning to imagine, then we must find a way to eliminate him as soon as possible.” Xuan Yuan Ling Feng’s tone was cold, and devoid of any emotions.

Bi Fan returned to his Sect’s dressing room and found himself surrounded by his comrades, all of whom wanted to congratulate him on his performance.

“Brother Bi Fan, you just have three more matches left. As long as you can win them all, you’re guaranteed a place in the finals.” Jing Feng stated.

“Brother Jing Feng, you’re almost there yourself, you also only have four games left.” Bi Fan smiled.

Mo Nan said: “Brother Bi Fan, now you’re the real ‘Pet Slayer’, and this t.i.tle is getting you a lot of limelight as well.”

“Bi Fan, you must be very careful in the contest later on. You might have to face more difficulties still.” Yan Yu Si cautioned.

Even though Yan Yu Si wanted to give Bi Fan a positive remark, she knew that too much praise might put him under a lot of pressure.

Too much pressure isn’t a good thing, and people sometimes are unable to perform properly if they are subjected to too much pressure.

“I will.” Bi Fan nodded fiercely.

The contest continued and both, Mo Nan and Jing Feng, got weaker opponents and managed to get three points with ease.

As for Ji Ying Lan, he met Zhou Feng Ya a second time. This time, Ji Ying Lan didn’t act mindlessly, and applied the ‘Fufeng double-edged Sword’ law to his best knowledge, and managed to win the fight in less than ten minutes.

“I’m not a waste!” Ji Ying Lan finally raised his head.

“You’re strong! I guess I was mistaken, you’re just another h.o.r.n.y guy.” Zhou Feng Ya said lightly.

Ji Ying Lan looked even gloomier now. He had managed to rid himself of the ‘waste’ tag, but had worn a new and worse ‘pervert’ hat.

Then, Zhou Feng Ya turned around and disembarked the stage immediately, and Ji Ying Lan didn’t get a chance to explain anything to her.

In reality, Ji Ying Lan wasn’t amongst the weakest in the tournament, and had managed to win quite a few matches as well.

The contest was getting more and more exciting with each pa.s.sing set.

The top-ranked fighters were especially under a lot of pressure, since even upon losing one match, their ranking would get very badly affected.

Everyone wanted to face weaker opponents, but someone would have to face Wu Ji Xuan in each round.

In the eighteenth round, it was Jing Feng’s turn to face the misfortune since he picked up the same number as Wu Ji Xuan.

Jing Feng knew that he was no match for Wu Ji Xuan, but he still didn’t wish to concede his defeat very easily. Regardless of the outcome, Jing Feng wanted to give his best in the match.

“Jing Feng, do you really want to fight this match?” Ling Xin Ya asked.

“Yes, I’ve been waiting three years for this. No matter what the outcome is, I want to test my limits against Wu Ji Xuan, so I can know the disparity in our strengths.” Jing Feng’s tone was very firm.

Ling Xin Ya shook his head and sighed: “Then you must be very careful, and remember that you still have two more matches tomorrow. If needed, don’t shy away from conceding the fight early.”

“I will.” Jing Feng nodded.

As Jing Feng left the room, almost everyone seemed to be concerned for his safety.

Wu Ji Xuan was so strong that no one had been able to persist for more than five minutes against him, and Wu Ji Xuan would inevitably win the fight cleanly and easily.

On top of that, the hatred between the two sects had been on the rise in the tournament, so there was an added threat that Wu Ji Xuan might try to harm Jing Feng, purely to spite the Quinyang Sect.

Jing Feng was a mainstay of the Quinyang Sect, and his safety was very important for the future of the Sect.

Yan Yu Si wanted to personally convince Jing Feng to give up the fight, but knew Jing Feng’s temperament, and was well aware that he wouldn’t change his mind once he had made a decision.

“I hope that Jing Feng doesn’t get hurt!”

Everyone was praying the same thing.

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