The Six Immortals

Chapter 181 – The Desire to Achieve

Chapter 181 – The Desire to Achieve


“Many congratulations Brother Jing Feng!” Bi Fan was overjoyed with Jing Feng’s success.

In reality, Jing Feng’s injury would have affected the result of this fight, and even though Jing Feng would have won the fight in the end, but his injury would have gotten worse.

So under these circ.u.mstances, winning the fight by a walkover was the most favorable result for Jing Feng.

Now, Jing Feng could take advantage of the scheduled ‘rest-day’ and heal his injuries in time for the tie-breakers.

Bi Fan took advantage of the contest eleven’s time and focused his attention on his upcoming battle.

Bi Fan was still praying that to face Wu Ji Xuan or Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu; otherwise the situation might get very unfavorable for him in the future.

Bi Fan wasn’t sure about beating both of them on the same day since he wasn’t aware of their true strengths and trump cards.

Contest eleven was over and Bi Fan’s prayers were beginning to reach the point of desperation now.

“Number Twelve, Bi Fan and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu, please report to the stage!”

“Ah! Great!” Bi Fan practically jumped out of his chair screaming when he heard ‘her’ name.

“Ah….. Ah….” Jing Feng laughed: “Brother Bi Fan, you’re going to be in some trouble here ah….”

“I’m not; but why would you say that?” Bi Fan was a bit confused.

“Well, you screamed out the minute you heard that beauty’s name… that’s definitely going to be a problem.” Jing Feng teased.

Bi Fan’s complexion changed since he was worried that Yan Yu Si might take it in the wrong sense. Yan Yu Si on the other hand, turned her face away and completely ignored the remark.

“Brother Jing Feng, you know what I want… so please don’t make fun of me.” Bi Fan’s face was looking a bit sore now.

Anyway, Bi Fan completely ignored Jing Feng’s follow-up remarks and walked out of the dressing room, prepared to face his enemy.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was a complete mystery, and almost no one knew the true extent of her abilities. She was always very cold and detached towards her surroundings and no one in the Wu Ji Sect dared to come near her; apart from Wu Ji Xuan, who’d whisper a thing or two to her, every once in a while.

Perhaps due to her practice of ‘The Fiend Fright Burst’, her body was always exuding some amount of negative energy, and most of the Wu Ji Sect Disciples preferred to stay away from her since it gave them gooseb.u.mps.

As the two fighters ascended the stage, their eyes met each other’s, and sparks started to fly.

Bi Fan’s eyes were extremely staunch and firm, whereas Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu’s eyes were cold and indifferent.

Neither of the two spoke a word, but it was obvious from their gaze that they wished to kill the other.

“The Contest begins!”

The referee announced the start of the contest, but neither of the two moved from their place. In fact, they didn’t even draw their weapons, and continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.

“Brother Bi Fan hasn’t fallen for the pretty girl, right?” Jing Feng laughed.

Yan Yu Si said: “They both believe that they’ve met someone of equal strength, so neither of them will want to attack first; the person who attacks first, will probably be a chip short of the other.”

“That’s exaggerating it a bit… are you saying that Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu is stronger than me?” Jing Feng was extremely surprised.

“Yes. If my estimate isn’t wrong, then you’re likely to lose against Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu.” Yan Yu Si seemed very sure.

“Is Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu that strong?” Mo Nan was overawed.

The Wu Ji Sect already had Wu Ji Xuan, and in case Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was of the same caliber, then things were bound to get very difficult for the other sects.

“’The Fiend Fright Burst’ is no ordinary method, and its practice can make a martial artist extremely strong over time.” Ling Xin Ya explained.

“If that’s so, then is Brother Bi Fan in danger here?” Jing Feng’s face exposed a color of concern.

Even though Jing Feng and Bi Fan tend to make fun of each other in peace time, but in critical junctures, both men worry about each other’s safety.

“Don’t worry about Bi Fan; Even I haven’t been able to a.s.sess the true extent of his strength. He will not lose.” Yan Yu Si was confident of Bi Fan’s victory.

Bi Fan and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu’s momentum was constantly rising, and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu had already started evoking ‘the Fiend Fright Burst’. Evil spirts had started to soar out of her pet.i.te body, and were beginning to lower the temperature of the atmosphere inside the arena.

Bi Fan was beginning to feel a bit scared, while his body was studded with gooseb.u.mps. His momentum was beginning to get suppressed, and was now much lower than he had intended it to be.

Bi Fan was finally beginning to understand the ordeal that Mo Nan had faced earlier. If your momentum is being suppressed, then fighting ability automatically tends to suffer proportionately.

“I can’t wait much longer, or else I won’t be left with enough strength to attack.” Bi Fan though gloomily.

Just when Bi Fan intended to withdraw his sword and charge, suddenly the Yin Yang Lotus started to act up.

The Yin Yang Lotus’s petals started to tremble, and they issued black and white rays, which started to flow throughout Bi Fan’s body.

As those rays circulated around Bi Fan’s body, his body’s temperature started to rise and returned to normal, and he could no longer feel the corrosion from the evil spirits.

“I almost forgot that the Yin Yang Lotus might have been able to provide a.s.sistance here.” Bi Fan was extremely excited.

Now that Bi Fan wasn’t worried about the corrosion from the inauspicious energy around him, he was no longer anxious to attack first, and continued to play around with Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu.

Moreover, Bi Fan put up a gloomy face, and continued to make his appearance look worse with time.

Xuan Yuan Xian Yu was obviously quite happy to see that Bi Fan was being affected by her evil spirits, and naturally wished to cripple him completely.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu knew that she may not be able to win if Bi Fan was fighting at full strength, so obviously she didn’t wish to attack first.

“Oh s.h.i.t, Brother Bi Fan is being very badly affected by those evil spirits. If Brother Bi Fan doesn’t attack soon, then the circ.u.mstances will get even worse for him.” Mo Nan’s face was going pale with concern.

“Yeah, ah, if Brother Bi Fan’s momentum continues to get worse, then he might actually have to concede the fight directly…..” Jing Feng feared the worst.

At present, based on their exhibition of momentums, it seemed that Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was gaining the upper hand.

“Ah!” Bi Fan suddenly yelled out, pulled out his Dragon Scale sword and charged out towards his opponent.

“d.a.m.n it. Bi Fan attacked first… things are not looking good.” Ling Xin Ya’s voice clearly expressed his anxiety.

“Brother Bi Fan won’t lose a little girl right?” Jing Feng was completely alarmed by the prospect.

“And what’s wrong with losing to women?” Luo Jia pouted.

“Nothing, of course! I was just thinking about the sect!” Jing Feng promptly replied.

Bi Fan was casting out the ‘Fufeng Double Edged Sword’ law, and by now, his comprehension and expertise of the skill was much deeper than Ji Ying Lan’s, so naturally the attack was much more powerful as well.

Numerous blades enveloped the stage, and swiftly dazzled towards their target.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu started using ‘The Tai Chi Sword’ to defend herself, while constantly exuding more inauspicious aura since she wished to completely cripple Bi Fan’s strength.

There was nothing wrong with her plan, apart from the fact that she wasn’t aware that Bi Fan was impervious to it.

On the other hand, Bi Fan was acting very slyly, and seemed to have completely fooled Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu.

Bi Fan continued to put on a weak face, and even though he was attacking very fiercely, he wasn’t putting much strength behind his attacks. In fact, he was even intentionally crooking the angles of his attack to make it seem as if he was unable to fight properly.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was obviously overjoyed by this, and continued to simulate Bi Fan.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was very confident of her evil methods, and was confident that someone of equal strength would never be able to resist her evil energy.

She was continuously trying to suppress Bi Fan’s momentum further since she wished to completely stifle all resistance from him.

Since ‘The Fiend Fright Burst’ was a very powerful law, it consumed a lot of energy; in fact, far more than ordinary laws.

And as a result Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was obviously a bit anxious, and was hoping to end the fight as soon as possible.

Bi Fan was smiling within his conscious, obviously aware that she was falling into his trap, step by step, and was consuming more and more energy unnecessarily.

From the start of the tournament and until now, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu hadn’t summoned her beast pet since she hadn’t faced anyone strong enough to force her to do just that. As a result, no one knew if she actually had one to begin with.

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