The Six Immortals

Chapter 196 – Confluence with w.a.n.g Zhong

Chapter 196 – Confluence with w.a.n.g Zhong

(Mustang: A lot of people were confused about this at the end of the previous chapter, so allow me to clarify: Emerging from the womb < developing="" marrow="">< bone="" layer="">< gold="" dan=""><>< primordial=""><>< spirit="">


The Quinyang Sect was obviously very pleased with Yan Yu Si’s performance.

But the Wu Ji Sect was left feeling dejected once again. They had expected Xuan Yuan Ling to make it into the top ten without facing much difficulty.

Luo Xiong and Yang Yan were luckier and won their fights easily.

The winners of the morning round were required to fight again in the evening, and only the winners of this set would progress to the next round.

At the end of the evening round, only three Quinyang Sect disciples were able to advance to the third round, namely, Yan Yu Si, Luo Xiong and Yang Yan.

The top twenty of the tournament was composed of three Quinyang Sect disciples, four City Sect disciples, three Tian Shui disciples, five Wu Ji Sect disciples and three Rising Sun fighters. The remaining two fighters were Yuan Bing from the Eastern Aristocracy, and Dao Yang from the Ba Gua Sect.

The third round was obviously going to be far more taxing on the fighters than the previous two.

Bi Fan was really looking forward to the third round since he’d get to watch the most elite fighters contest against each other, which would obviously give him an opportunity to learn a lot of new and useful things.

However, there was one day gap in between to allow the already-eliminated round-two contestants to finish their final fights.

“Brother Bi Fan, you don’t have any plans for tomorrow, do you?” Jing Feng asked.

“No. I’ll still be practicing though….” Bi Fan stated lightly.

Jing Feng said: “Well, I’m planning on taking you out to see the Jiu Yu City tomorrow, and you’re not allowed to say no.”

“That’s right. Ji Ying Lan and I will also be going along! The four of us definitely need to take a day off… it will help us in relieving all the tension from this hectic schedule.” Mo Nan added.

Bi Fan thought for a second and said: “Well, I can go out for one day……”

Striking a balance between work and rest is very important to optimize practice outputs.

Bi Fan had been overdoing things recently, and figured that he needed to adjust his system a bit.

The other disciples had taken time out to see the city several times by now, but Bi Fan had only gone out once in his entire time in the city so far.

“Good! That’s a deal then; we’ll all go out early in the morning tomorrow, and we’ll eat our breakfast out in the city only.” Jing Feng clapped his hands to finalize the decision.

The weather was really good in the morning, and the faintly blue sky added to the beauty of the city.

Bi Fan, Mo Nan, Ji Ying Lan, and Jing Feng set out early in the morning.

The ma.s.sive city was busy even in the morning hours, and most of the morning business revolved around selling breakfast.

Bi Fan and his friends had a sumptuous breakfast.

Bi Fan was left delighted at the end of the meal since he had never tasted such delicious food before.

Bi Fan was hooked: “I had never imagined that food could be so delicious…. It would have been a shame to miss out on it.”

“There’s so much more in this city… you don’t even know what all you’re miss out on.” Jing Feng laughed.

“Hmmm…. I guess I’ll have to go out more often.” Bi Fan forced a smile.

The Jiu Yu City had a lot of unique things on display which left Bi Fan dazzled, and he ended up buying a lot of things.

Bi Fan was especially taken by the range of snacks, dried fruits etc… of course, wine was one of Bi Fan’s favorite items in the world, so he obviously bought a lot of it.

Although the calabash which Bi Fan had obtained inside the Wan Snake Cave contained a lot of wine inside it, but he couldn’t do any more than smelling it since most of those wines were medicinal in nature, and were quite strong in their make. Bi Fan would only be capable of drinking these wines after he broke into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer.

Moreover, the wines inside the gourd couldn’t be used to entertain friends, so he naturally felt the need to buy more.

On top of that, Bi Fan also bought a lot of items of everyday use.

Clothing, ropes, tents, food, Dan etc…. Bi Fan went around wantonly filling several of his Yin Yang pouches in the process.

Jing Feng said: “Brother Bi Fan, don’t you think you’re buying too many things?”

“Ha ha, they aren’t useless….. most of these things are very useful, okay…..” Bi Fan smiled.

Bi Fan continued to shop until noon, but his friends didn’t seem to mind much.

“Let’s go and get lunch.” Bi Fan smiled.

“Well, there’s an anchovy shop nearby…. I tried it three years ago, but the taste still lingers in my mouth to this day.” Jing Feng swallowed his saliva.

Jing Feng’s face was enough to validate the taste of the food.

“In that case, we definitely need to try it out.” Bi Fan smiled.

The others had a hard time keeping up with Jing Feng as they made their way towards the shop.

The shop was located in a very s.p.a.cious street, but the place was still very crowded at this time.

They were forced to wait for the others to finish.

They entered into the dining hall and started waiting for a table to vacate.

“Brother Bi Fan? That’s really you, isn’t it?” Someone called Bi Fan.

Bi Fan turned around to locate the speaker.

“w.a.n.g Zhong! That is you!” Bi Fan was amazed.

w.a.n.g Zhong was sitting alone on a table with some food and a cup of wine.

“Brother Bi Fan, I made this trip especially to see you. I heard that you were partic.i.p.ating in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List, so I decided to come and find you.” w.a.n.g Zhong seemed very happy.

Jing Feng came over, smiled and said: “Are you a friend of Brother Bi Fan’s? Well, since you’re a friend of Brother Bi Fan’s, you’re automatically my friend as well. Can we all sit together?”

“Of course! Brother Bi Fan, quickly get your friends to this table.” w.a.n.g Zhong stated.

“Well, I guess we need not wait after all.” Bi Fan was already very hungry, and very excited.

Bi Fan, Jing Feng, Mo Nan and Ji Ying Lan joined w.a.n.g Zhong on his table.

w.a.n.g Zhong seemed very pleased to meet Bi Fan’s friends: “Brother w.a.n.g, these are my friends, Ji Ying Lan, Mo Nan and Jing Feng. We all study and practice together.”

“Brother w.a.n.g, any friend of Bi Fan’s is a friend of ours, and thanks for being so kind to us.” Jing Feng smiled.

“That’s right. If you ever need any help, then you can always count on us.” Mo Nan added.

w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “Let’s drink to that!”

w.a.n.g Zhong drained the entire cup of wine in one single gulp.

w.a.n.g Zhong and the others started getting along very smoothly; in fact, they were sharing all kinds of experiences with each other… credit to the wine, it seemed.

Bi Fan couldn’t help noticing that even though w.a.n.g Zhong was at the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer, he still hadn’t made his breakthrough yet.

w.a.n.g Zhong possessed an Ogre Flower petal, and was ready for the breakthrough; in fact, he was almost guaranteed to make it through. His decision to wait was clearly indicative of the fact that he was trying to enhance his physical strength before making the leap.

Bi Fan had taught him the laws for physical enhancement several months ago, and w.a.n.g Zhong had made very good use of that information, and had already enhanced his physical strength to eight Yun Shi.

It was obvious that w.a.n.g Zhong had been working very hard on his training.

In fact, Bi Fan could tell that w.a.n.g Zhong’s thirst for power had been compelling him to train day and night; otherwise it wouldn’t have been possible for him to increase his strength so quickly.

“Brother w.a.n.g, when are you planning on making the breakthrough?” Bi Fan asked with a smile.

“In time; don’t worry.” w.a.n.g Zhong replied with a smile.

The w.a.n.g Zhong that Bi Fan had originally met just couldn’t wait to break through the bottleneck and increase his strength as fast as possible.

But now, w.a.n.g Zhong didn’t seem so anxious anymore. A stronger physical body was surely going to be very beneficial while making the breakthroughs to the various layers since ‘Emerging from the Womb’, ‘Developing Marrow’ and ‘Bone’ layers provided a surge of aura which enhanced and amplified this inherent strength of the pract.i.tioner’s body.

“That’s good, this is one thing that needs to be done patiently… the more abundant your acc.u.mulation of strength, the more beneficial it will be in the future.” Bi Fan smiled.

“I’m very thankful to you Brother; otherwise I would have never known this.” w.a.n.g Zhong replied gratefully.

“Brother w.a.n.g, Brother Bi Fan, how did you guys come in contact?” Jing Feng asked.

“It’s a long story…. We met inside the Devil’s Abyss, and then the four of us, Brother w.a.n.g, Brother Blue Dragon, Brother Lone Leaf and I, stuck together and fought inside the Abyss for months.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

w.a.n.g Zhong added: “Brother Bi Fan lead us through the Abyss, and we stole the show in all four directions! I was so inspired by Brother Bi Fan that I decided to follow him in the future as well, and decided that I want to make a career alongside him.”

“Well, maybe we could all battle the world together someday!” Jing Feng smiled.

The anchovies were delivered to their table soon after; Bi Fan had never bit his tongue while tasting a variety of food before.

“Delicious! Really delicious!” Bi Fan couldn’t stop praising the food.

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