The Six Immortals

Chapter 198 – Purple Night Blade Law

Chapter 198 – Purple Night Blade Law


Everyone gathered in the dining room early next morning for breakfast.

For some reason w.a.n.g Zhong didn’t come down.

Yan Yu Si asked: “Bi Fan, did you succeed in talking w.a.n.g Zhong into joining the Quinyang Sect?”

Yan Yu Si’s voice was loud enough for everyone to hear her words.

Jing Feng was surprised: “Miss Yan Yu Si, if Brother w.a.n.g Zhong joins the sect, then it would be really great!”

“I would like to invite him into joining the Sect, but I don’t know if Deputy Master and Wise Elder are in agreement…..” Yan Yu Si asked smilingly.

Ling Xin Ya thought and said: “w.a.n.g Zhong is a good talent; attracting good talent into the sect is always a good thing.”

“This doesn’t sound very good…. We don’t know anything about his history.” Luo Xiao Tian frowned.

Yan Yu Si said in a cold voice: “w.a.n.g Zhong’s origins might be unknown to us for the time being, but if we squander time in finding out about his past then some other sect might seize the opportunity.”

“Since Miss Yan Yu Si is strongly in favor of this, I will not intervene.” Even though Luo Xiao Tian was an Elder, he still wouldn’t dare to offend Yan Yu Si.

Yan Yu Si wasn’t just the daughter of the Sect’s master, but she was also a very highly talented Xuannv Palace disciple. It was quite possible that she could surpa.s.s Luo Xiao Tian in the future.

Bi Fan was very pleased to hear the verdict since he had already convinced w.a.n.g Zhong.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, I was able to persuade Brother w.a.n.g Zhong into joining the Quinyang Sect last night.”

“That’s really great.” Yan Yu Si seemed very pleased. “Bi Fan, why don’t you go and get w.a.n.g Zhong?”

Bi Fan quickly went upstairs to fetch w.a.n.g Zhong.

“Brother w.a.n.g, the Quinyang Sect has agreed to let you join the sect, and now we just need to wait until we return to the Quinyang Mountains for your official indictment.” Bi Fan informed him.

“As long as we get to practice together, no place is an issue for me.” w.a.n.g Zhong was very excited at the thought.

Bi Fan said: “Brother w.a.n.g, you should come and watch the Jiu Yu Imperial list with us today!”

“Well, I really want to watch the young generation of the Jiu Yu City in action.” w.a.n.g Zhong readily agreed.

“Let’s go down for breakfast then. The contest will help you broaden your horizons.”

Since the third round was expected to be very exciting, a lot of people had showed up to watch the contest.

Each contestant would have to fight twice in the same day, so the weaker contestants were not very likely to perform well.

However, some core disciples like Yan Yu Si and Xuan Yuan Po Jun were far above their peers.

Amongst the others, City Sect’s w.a.n.g Yang, Rising Sun’s Jiang Zi Long, Tian Shui’s Hong Hu, and Wu Ji Sect’s Xuan Yu had already reached the ‘Primal infant’ layer.

[Mustang: Primal Infant layer seems to be the unknown layer between Gold Dan layer and Primordial Spirit layer.]

The other fourteen were inside the ‘Gold Dan’ layer or lower realms.

The balloting ended and Yan Yu Si met with a ‘Bone’ layer fighter in the first fight, and she notched her victory without making much of an effort.

Luo Xiong had a bout with bad luck since he ran into Wu Ji Sect’s Xuan Yu.

Since the Wu Ji Sect despised the Quinyang Sect, Xuan Yu attacked mercilessly, and even though Luo Xiong tried his best, he eventually lost the fight.

Though there were no two ways about it, Luo Xiong was still very upset with his loss.

Yang Yan fared a lot better since he ran into Bu Gua Sect’s Li Dao Yang.

Even though both men were inside the ‘Bone’ layer, Yang Yan was slightly stronger since he was at the peak of the realm while his opponent was at the mid-level mark.

After an arduous and dragged out battle, Yang Yan managed to win the fight.

“This is wonderful! I really wish to reach the strength of a ‘Bone’ layered fighter as soon as possible.” w.a.n.g Zhong was astonished by the display.

“I don’t know what kind of effort it would take to reach that high….” Jing Feng laughed.

“I never thought that I’d learn so much from just watching them in action.” w.a.n.g Zhong was quite surprised and excited.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun didn’t need to expend much energy in winning his fight either.

w.a.n.g Yang and Jiang Zi Long’s contest was the most awaited fight of the morning round since both men belonged to opposing Sect’s, and given their strength, the fight was expected to be very intense.

Both men were at the peak of the ‘Primal Infant’ realm, and were using similar weapons. As for their martial skills, w.a.n.g Yang cast out the ‘Purple night Blade’ law, whereas Jiang Zi Long decided to go with an equally matched ‘Raging Flames’ law.

Soon, both men resorted to using the highest forms of their skills.

Once w.a.n.g Yang employed the best move of the ‘Purple Night Blade’ law, a purple light surged out of his body. This light was so intense that it completely concealed w.a.n.g Yang within its radiance.

Similarly, as Jiang Zi Long cast out the ‘Raging Flames’ law, countless flames raged onto the stage and surrounding his body within their intense flames, making his figure completely invisible from the outside.

A loud voice shook the entire arena as the purple light collided with the infernal flames.

Even though Bi Fan was watching very carefully, he was still only able to see some very basic movements, so he obviously knew that he wouldn’t be able to practice either of the laws at this point, and would need to research the skills in depth before being able to use them in any capacity whatsoever.

This is was the first time that w.a.n.g Zhong was able to watch Bi Fan’s dedication towards watching the contests: “Why does Brother Bi Fan seem so enthralled?”

“Brother w.a.n.g, do not bother Brother Bi Fan, he always watches the contests in this manner. Trust me…. he doesn’t even respond if you call him……” Jing Feng laughed out.

“I guess there’s no point in bothering him then.”

w.a.n.g Yang and Jiang Zi Long’s contest was far from over at this point. Since both men had already failed to win the match after using their best skills, their anger started coming into play.



Both men started attacking reckless, and soon they started sustaining injuries.

But neither man seemed to be paying any attention to their physical condition since both men would charge right back into the fray after an injurious collision.


Their unceasing tragic collisions were continuously adding to the increasing number of wounds on their bodies.

But still neither man seemed willing to be reconciled into losing the fight. The City Sect and the Rising Sun sect were old enemies, and both men were willing to do whatever it took to impose their Sect’s dominance by the medium of this battle.

“Boom!” their weapons collided once again and the violent encounter sent both men flying away from the point of the collision.

They sprayed blood from their mouths as they fell to the ground.

Both men tried to get up and onto their feet, but their efforts went in vain as their bodies failed to leave the floor of the ring.

“One, two… five, six….. nine, ten. I declare Jiang Zi Long and w.a.n.g Yang’s match as a draw!” the referee announced loudly.

“w.a.n.g Yang! w.a.n.g Yang!…..”

“Jiang Zi Long! Jiang Zi Long!…..”

The spectators always love a good show, and since both men had tried their best, the audience cheered for the both them in appreciation.

“Amazing! These two men are so powerful; I must try and combat them some day.” w.a.n.g Zhong was extremely impressed.

“You are only inside the ‘transformation’ layer; you will never be able to fight against people like w.a.n.g Yang.” Luo Xiong commented in a cold voice.

w.a.n.g Zhong shook his head and said: “I’m no match for them at this point, but that doesn’t mean that I will never be able to match them in the future.”

“You’re so far away from them that it’s impossible for you to catch up.” Luo Xiong replied indifferently.

Jing Feng said: “Brother Luo Xiong, don’t say what you may not be able to justify in the future. We are young; and that’s our biggest strength and advantage.”

Jing Feng had realized that since w.a.n.g Zhong hadn’t yet joined the Sect, he wouldn’t be in a position to answer back to Luo Xiong, which is why Jing Feng decided to rescue him.

Jing Feng wasn’t afraid of offending Luo Xiong since the two men didn’t have a very congenial relationship to begin with.

w.a.n.g Zhong knew his status well, and decided to keep his mouth shut for now.

Verbal arguments do not determine winners and loser; it’s better to let facts decide the outcome of any disagreement.

w.a.n.g Zhong had already vowed that he’d catch up with w.a.n.g Yang and Jiang Zi Long as soon as possible.

w.a.n.g Yang and Jiang Zi Long were both extremely strong, which would put w.a.n.g Zhong under a lot of pressure during his training. But pressure can also be a very strong driving force, and w.a.n.g Zhong felt that it would propel him into practicing harder.

Bi Fan was watching from the sidelines, and even though he didn’t say anything, Luo Xiong and Luo Sheng’s actions had already crossed the threshold of his patience.

“Luo Xiong and Luo Sheng have been a thorn in my side since the very start, if don’t eliminate them soon then they will bring me down instead.” Bi Fan thought.

Ling Xin Ya had been secretly watching the exchanges between Bi Fan’s group and the Luo Brothers, and knew well that their differences were increasing by the day.

Ling Xin Ya was worried that if Lou Xiong and Bi Fan continued in this manner, then there would be some serious disputes within the Quinyang Sect.

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