The Six Immortals

Chapter – 219 Origins of Zi Wei and Hong Yan

Chapter – 219 Origins of Zi Wei and Hong Yan


Over a hundred people had died inside the valley, out which the nine ‘emerging from the womb’ layer men were the strongest, and so there corpses were naturally bearing several valuable items.

Jing Feng and the others didn’t care to be polite and seized the valuable articles from the corpses without any hesitation.

Zi Wei and Hong Yan, owing to their previous experience, hadn’t panicked this time but were still too slow as compared to the others.

It was the time to collect the harvest of their victory, and so Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong very patrolling very carefully along with the Chimera to make sure there was no one approaching in their direction.

It seemed like a ma.s.sacre!

Since there were corpses of over a hundred people, it was almost impossible to clean up the mess in a short period of time.

Bi Fan was getting more and more anxious now. Several strong martial artists had entered the secret storehouse and it was probable that someone might end up near the valley soon.

“Brother Jing Feng, please be quick. Focus your attention on the valuable items only and leave the rest before anyone finds us here.” Bi Fan shouted.

Disarming corpses was not as easy as it sounded, and it obviously consumed a lot of time.

Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong continued their patrol, in the hope of ensuring that no one ever gets to see them there.

During the patrol, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong noticed four powerful men approaching swiftly in the direction of the valley.

Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong exchanged glances. Bi Fan immediately signalled the Chimera to block the way of the people that were approaching.

“Attack!” Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong rushed forward at once in order to kill those four people.

In this world, only the strongest could survive.

If Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong showed any mercy right now, they might end up getting killed later.

Both Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong had formidable strength and they soon killed one man each. The remaining two people tried to escape.

“Catch them! Don’t let them slip away!” Bi Fan shouted to w.a.n.g Zhong.

w.a.n.g Zhong and Bi Fan both caught one man each. At that moment, the Chimera breathed dense black flame which immediately turned one of the men into ashes.

Then the Chimera started chasing after the second man at a speed much faster than that of Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong’s.

This man had just witnessed his companion being turned into ashes by the Chimera, therefore he was naturally scared to death and ran as fast as he could in order to save his life.

However, he was soon overtaken by the Chimera, who was in no mood to spare his life. The Chimera immediately snapped at his throat and killed the man in just a few moments.

“Brother w.a.n.g Zhong, we must keep searching the surroundings. We can’t let anyone else enter the valley before Jing Feng and the others have finished.” Bi Fan said.

“Alright.” w.a.n.g Zhong began with another round of patrol.

The Chimera was also searching the surroundings discreetly since its smelling sense was much sharper than Bi Fan or w.a.n.g Zhong’s.

It took Jing Feng and the others over one hour to clean the valley.

“Brother Bi Fan, we have found much more than the treasure. This time we have collected over hundred good weapons.” Jing Feng chuckled.

“That’s great! Now we all should leave this place as soon as possible. Although we have collected so many valuable things from this secret storehouse, but I won’t mind searching for more.” Bi Fan was clearly very happy.

“This is so awesome! I never thought that robbing people would be so interesting!” Zi Wei and Hong Yan were really excited.

Hong Yan said: “Brother Bi Fan, we shall kill all our enemies.”

Bi Fan sighed: “Good. Now walk as fast as possible since the other martial artists present in this secret storehouse would soon be hunting for us!”

Bi Fan and his team quickly left the valley and continued venturing deeper into Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse.

One of the most valuable treasures that could be found inside this secret storehouse was transportation token. It seemed that all the young martial artists had directed themselves after the transportation token.

The Tong Tian sect wasn’t one of the largest sects of the ancient times, but some of its martial skills had no match in today’s world.

With time, the Tong Tian sect disintegrated and its martial techniques were soon forgotten by the people. Later, several new sects emerged and along with these new sects emerged new techniques.

The new sects created by the following generations were far more inferior to the ancient sects in experience as well as in martial techniques.

Therefore, it was only natural that the martial artists of this generation eagerly seek the martial techniques as well as battle weapons that belonged to the ancient sects.

This world has been a home to martial arts from times immemorial, and hence there were several secret storehouses like Tong Tian sects’ throughout the world, and the aspiring martial artists could get ancient weapons from such places if they were lucky enough.

No doubt that the thought of acquiring these weapons brought endless bloodshed with it.

The Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse had a very small amount of treasure buried inside it. Since it also had an age bar to enter, competing for treasures here was far easier than in other treasure hunts.

Several young martial artists from various cities had arrived there and Bi Fan had already encountered several ‘emerging from the womb’ layer martial artists by now.

Fortunately for Bi Fan and his team, most of the people inside the valley had died while fighting among themselves, otherwise, the thought of seizing the ‘stick of nine thundering dragons’ was simply wishful thinking.

Bi Fan and his team were really very lucky in this respect.

Bi Fan and his team kept moving forward and fought with several other teams, but couldn’t find any more treasures for a while.

However, after facing several life threatening situations, their internal strength increased quite rapidly.

Bi Fan, Jing Feng, Mo Nan, Ji Ying Lan, w.a.n.g Zhong, Blue dragon, Zi Wei and Hong Yan – all eight of them had noticed great change in their strength.

The progress wasn’t limited to these eight; even the Chimera was also progressing along with them.

Several people had entered the secret storehouse to settle their personal enmities. Whenever such people would spot their enemies, they would start fighting without reasoning with them.

Therefore it was not just the treasure that was causing bloodshed inside the storehouse.

However, Bi Fan and his team had their own reasons for killing people – they wanted to enhance their combat experience and strength, and therefore they only killed the people they didn’t know.

Finally, Bi Fan and the others reached a vast stretch of plains after days of wandering in the woods.

The plain was extremely vast and several people were fiercely fighting simultaneously at that place; it seemed more like living h.e.l.l.

There were a total of over hundred people fighting, and seemed to be divided in two separate groups. From the intensity of battle, one could judge that both these parties were highly influential.

While pursuing the treasure, no one could be trusted. Even if some temporary alliances were formed, people showed their true colours as soon as they neared a treasure.

Therefore, for two people to be fighting together for the treasure, absolute understanding was required.

“These two teams are really very powerful. They have several ‘Gold Dan’ layer people among them.” Bi Fan was quite shocked.

“Yes ah! It’s rather surprising that so many people are gathered at one spot.” w.a.n.g Zhong added.

Jing Feng laughed and said: “There are so many people fighting. I think we can show them some of our talent as well.”

“There’s no need to hurry! Let’s check what they are up to first. Once we enter the fight, it will be very difficult to withdraw.” Bi Fan said.

At this time, complexions of both Zi Wei and Hong Yan had already changed. Bi Fan carefully observed them and discovered that they both were eyeing the fiercest team.

They seemed to be very concerned.

“Are Zi Wei and Hong Yan related to these people?” Bi Fan thought to himself.

The background of Zi Wei and Hong Yan was still unknown to Bi Fan and the other boys. It was clear to them that they hailed from some influential families or sects, but their exact origins were still an unsolved mystery.

“Zi Wei and Hong Yan, do you know these people?” Bi Fan asked them.

Zi Wei’s expression changed as she hastily shook her head and replied: “I don’t know these people.”

“How could I possibly know these people? It’s such a large world. Am I supposed to know every living man or woman in this continent?” Hong Yan snapped back almost at the same time.

“Oh! Of course, how would you know these people? Alright, let’s wait for these people to injure themselves first. We will attack them later when they are exhausted, kill them and take their valuables.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

“No….! No….!” Zi Wei and Hong Yan replied in unison.

Hong Yan swallowed her saliva a moment later, smiled and said: “Brother Bi Fan, these people have already entered ‘Gold Dan’ layer. How can we possibly fight them?”

“Ha ha….. Alright, if you are unwilling, I won’t force you.” Bi Fan smiled.

Jing Feng said: “Ah, yes! After all, killing your fellow disciples isn’t a good idea.”

These words changed Zi Wei and Hong Yan’s expressions and they both made ugly faces. Although they were naive but they were not idiots. There was a possibility that they were both linked to these powerful people.

However, on the opposite sides……

Zi Wei asked: “Are you from Hong School?”

“Are you from Bai Sheng Palace?” Hong Yan asked.

“Ha ha…. So you both are from the two greatest schools of Tong city.” Bi Fan laughed.

“Mister Zi Wei, why didn’t you tell me that you hailed from Bai Sheng Palace?” Hong Yan looked rather pale.

Zi Wei forced a smile: “Hong Yan, you never asked me. Moreover, you never told any of us that you hailed from Hong School either.”

The situation between Zi Wei and Hong Yan was too delicate right now, and therefore Bi Fan decided that it was best to not intervene.

“It doesn’t matter which school you belong to. We are all still a team!” Bi Fan feared that these two girls might have instantly turned against each other.



Zi Wei and Hong Yan sneered as they turned their faces away from each other.

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