The Six Immortals

Chapter 41



Bi Fan did not hesitate at all as he climbed on top of the Chimera and rushed towards the point, from which this evil aura had erupted.

Recently, Bi Fan had been having a lot of difficulty finding suitable opponents, and he felt like taking a chance here.

Along the way, Bi Fan decided that it was better to change his appearance a bit, as he didn’t want to risk being spotted by ‘rising sun’ disciples, as it might lead to unnecessary trouble.

That being said, Bi Fan did not fear ‘rising sun’ disciples, he simply didn’t want to be delayed on his course to ground zero of the incident that had just occurred.

Bi Fan had this strange feeling that the things could get really messy around that area.

“Was the devil’s territory really an ancient battlefield?” Bi Fan was taken aback as he pondered over the idea.

In the ancient past, the strength of men far exceeded that of todays. Their strength was beyond match and so were their weapons.

If this really was an ancient battle field, then any leftover weapons that anyone could find, would certainly be extraordinary by present day’s standards.

Today, the world considered the ‘immortals’ to be an almost extinct layer, and following their decline, the ‘immortal’ weapons had also faded away. Only a very few, handful of very powerful factions around the world were rumored to possess a very small amount of such weapons.

Excited by this thought, Bi Fan kept pushing the Chimera to accelerate its pace.

The Chimera too was very curious, and so was running as fast as he possibly could.

Along the way, Bi Fan encountered several humans and demons, all of whom, where trying to find their way to the point of origination of this freak incident.

Bi Fan didn’t want to get involved in any kinds of fights right now, as getting to ground zero was his top priority at the moment.

The really surprising thing was that Bi Fan spotted several ‘brave’ layer demons on route. He had no idea why he hadn’t spotted them previously, maybe they remained hidden from public sight as they didn’t wish to be disturbed. But owing to the narrowness of the path, they were forced to come out in the open to investigate this incident.

If the demons that preferred their privacy were provoked, then a fierce fight was called for.

Bi Fan was even more excited now; finally, finding new targets for his practice wasn’t going to be a very difficult task.

Although Bi Fan ran into many humans on the way, none of them were sitting on the back of a demon, let alone something as strong as this Chimera. So naturally, Bi Fan was stealing all the attention.

Bi Fan’s Chimera gusted past everyone on the way, as he drifted towards the center of the scene, and eyes b.a.l.l.s followed them.

Ground zero of this outbreak was very deep into this level of the devil’s territory, and was awfully close to the second level.

Bi Fan’s ride, the Chimera, reduced its run to a walking pace as they neared their destination.

Bi Fan just stood there, shocked, as he looked at the surroundings he had just arrived at.

In front of him, were tall trees, tall withered trees. A huge expanse of the forest had withered down to a stale yellow color.

The evil spirits that had done this were obviously very strong, but it wasn’t just that, from the looks of it, it appeared that this outbreak was a pretty violent one.

A few humans and demons had already arrived at the scene, but no one was willing to take the initiative of leading the way ahead and into the devastated expanse that lay ahead of them.

No one knew what was really happening here, no one knew why and how these evil spirits had appeared or where they had come from.

The hearts of everyone present were puzzled, but curios, and they all awaited answers.

Ever since Bi Fan had arrived at this place, he could feel that the Yin Yang lotus that inhabited his body had been growing very restless. The black part of the lotus, especially, seemed very excited.

Under pressure from the Lotus that resided in his body, Bi Fan jumped off the Chimera’s back, and started walking towards the area that was enveloped by the spirits.

At present, Bi Fan simply seemed to have no control over anything. It appeared as if the Yin Yang Lotus was making him walk and had taken control over his body.

“Greedy, Chimera, stay back, wait for me outside, do not come in here.” Bi Fan bit his tongue as he tried to gain some control back to issue orders to his companions.

As he entered the region, he could sense his body being affected by the spirits in the vicinity, and he simply could not let the Chimera and the Marten take this risk.

The Chimera was about to follow Bi Fan into the region, but as soon as he heard Bi Fan’s command, he quickly retreated his footsteps.

The Marten had wanted to step into the region several times, but each time, his heart, filled with fear, stopped him. He couldn’t help as he jumped up and down, hoping to channel out the adrenaline rush.

Bi Fan, step by step, slowly walked towards the center of the region that appeared to have been possessed by evil spirits.

All the creature and humans that were present on the scene, stared at him in awe, as if, he was their pathfinder.

As they watched Bi Fan cross almost twenty meters into the region without facing any abnormal activity, finally some of the creatures and humans decided that they too couldn’t wait any longer and decided to venture into the region enveloped by the spirits.

“Ah….” Blood-curling screams echoed, as the minds of these humans and demons were attacked by the spirits. The pain they suffered was beyond the bearable limit, so they quickly retreated their footsteps and fell back.

Some six men had rushed into the area at a very quick, but failed to get out of there quickly enough, and soon fell to the ground, dead.

The ones who hadn’t yet entered into the region, looked on, gasping at the scene they were witnessing.

The creatures that were present on scene had been so badly sacred off by this incident that they backed further away from the spirits.

The Chimera and the Marten were quiet smart, as soon as they heard the screams of the ones that had tried to follow Bi Fan; they quickly realized that no one will be able to follow him into the region. This also meant that some of them might try to create trouble for them, as everyone knew that the two of them were with Bi Fan, so the two of them quickly retreated from their spots and hid.

“d.a.m.n it, how has that person managed to penetrate almost thirty meters into the region, no one else can even step foot into it.” A human spoke out furiously.

“We need to find a way to enter the region; otherwise that guy will take away all the credit.”

The people present outside were getting more and more anxious. The demons, however, had taken a few steps back, and had calmed down; they weren’t really interested in magic that much.

Bi Fan had penetrated a decent distance into the area without facing any problems so far, so he gradually relaxed a bit.



Bi Fan had penetrated a decent distance into the area without facing any problems so far, so he gradually relaxed a bit.

Since it was the Yin Yang Lotus that had guided Bi Fan into this zone, he was sure that the Lotus would ascertain that nothing untoward happened to him.

Once he had entered about thirty meters into the zone, he could feel the real strength of the spirits. He could feel their presence against his body, and he could feel that they were trying to enter into his mind.

The black part of the lotus finally started acting; silky black threads started emerging from Bi Fan’s body and started to absorb the Spirits.

Bi Fan stood there, at the center of a whirlpool, with all the malignant spirits rushing towards him, frantically.

These spirits were formless, invisible. The humans and creatures standing outside the zone couldn’t see them, but Bi Fan could sense their presence.

The Yin Yang Lotus was absorbing the spirits and aura at a maddening rate. The Black petals were a.s.similating those evil spirits whereas the White petals were in charge of absorbing the Aura.

Bi Fan could sense that the aura surrounding him was now thinning out, so Bi Fan decided to walk a little deeper into the Abyss, as some of the spirits might have decided to stay away from the demons.

Bi Fan was aware, that the demons and humans, who were waiting and watching from the outside, may cause his some trouble later, in fact, he considered a fight to be inevitable and unavoidable upon his return.

Bi Fan could sense the enthusiasm with which the Yin Yang Lotus was absorbing the Aura, and he felt that it was best to let the Lotus take its time.

Bi Fan continued to walk deeper into that forbidden zone, and the ones that stood outside, looked on, in astonishment at the freak that Bi Fan was.

“Woah, that’s amazing, it’s as if those evil spirits have no effect on him.” One youngster wondered in admiration.

“Nah, nothing can stop so many spirits, he’s probably already been possessed by the spirits.” Another man argued, refusing to be convinced otherwise.

“We can’t just stand here and wait; there might be some amazing treasures inside that area.”

“I have some mind soothing Dan pellets, high price, available for purchase here.” A man yelled.

Some of the people who were in possession of these Dan pellets suddenly burst into action. They ingested the pellets and made their way towards the region that was engulfed by the spirits.

Perhaps it was the spa.r.s.e density of the Spirits close to the entrance that allowed the Dan pellets to nullify the effect of the spirits and the humans that entered the region now, had already penetrated about ten meters into the region without much trouble.

“Hey you there, I’d like to buy some of those mind soothing pellets.” The people that were standing on the outside were rushing over to the ones who had these mind soothing pellets, desperate to enter the possessed region.

“Over here, one pellet for a hundred spars, how many would you like to buy?”

“A hundred spar for a single pellet? Are you serious? I have a family to feed, please can you give me one for lesser.”


There were many people standing on the edge of the possessed area who had these mind soothing pellets, but what they didn’t have was courage; the courage it took to enter the spirit inhabited region that lay in front of them.

Although, at this point of time, such people had been presented with an opportunity to make a small fortune, and to them, their fortune, was in selling these Dan pellets for a few extra spars.

“I have a mind soothing Dan pellet, the pellets goes to the highest bidder, hurry!” A youngster pulled out a mind soothing pellet as he advertised his product loudly.

In no time at all, the teenager was surrounded by a flock of humans, who were bidding for the pellet and the exchange took place quickly.

Similar scenes were seen in several other places all around and the whole vicinity was bustling with excitement.

Some people had chosen to gather a little farther away from the main scene, near the demons, choosing to remain out of this for the time being, but the glint in their eyes clearly reflected that they were waiting for the opportune moment to make their move.

As soon as a person would get their hands on the pellet, they would eat it and rush into the zone.

Bi Fan had gone further into the region and had almost vanished from the line of sight of the crowd that waited outside in antic.i.p.ation. Bi Fan, at this point had already gone at least a hundred meters into that possessed territory, if not more.

The deeper he ventured, the denser the aura, the more intense the spirits. The Yin Yang Lotus was busy, absorbing the entire aura and the spirits that dwelled.

Bi Fan didn’t have much of a role to play here, and he submitted himself to simply inspect the Lotus that resided inside his body; only to find that Lotus was becoming more and more l.u.s.trous.

And the center of the Lotus seemed to be protruding a bit now, almost like there was bulge in the middle. But even then, it didn’t feel as if the Lotus was in an uncomfortable position, on the contrary, it appeared as if the Lotus was having a jolly good time, and was continually growing more radiant.

Bi Fan was really curious to see what further changes the Yin Yang Lotus would exhibit.

After reaching this point, going any further was becoming very difficult for him, mainly due to all the physical pressure.

Bi Fan had no other choice and he came to stop, so he could rest for a while, while the Lotus continued to absorb the aura and spirits in the surrounding region, and then he started moving further again.

Bi Fan had no idea how far the center of this eruption was, as he hadn’t yet had any visual contact with its source.

Those who had entered the region behind him realized that, as they ventured deeper into the region, the force of the spirits increased, along with the difficulty and risk involved in going any further. The smart ones were quick to quit and return back to the safe zone, whereas some were far too sacred to go any deeper.

The ones, who had paid a very high price while acquiring the mind soothing pellets, especially, didn’t want to give up very easily.

Ten meters…. Fifteen meters….. Twenty meters….

These people were already under a lot of pressure and some of them were still pushing themselves very hard to go further in.

“Please don’t let the devil possess me!” Many people inwardly prayed as fear overwhelmed their courageous start.

One strong and courageous man managed to venture almost twenty five meters into the region, but suddenly, he started going berserk. He started shouting like maniac as he tore his clothes apart and pulled at his hair.

“Oh my G.o.d! He has been possessed by the devil!” The people who stood a few steps behind him instantaneously stopped, looking gloomy and scared, as they watched him die a gruesome death.

A human had been possessed even after being supported by the Dan pellet. So now, not a lot of people were willing to take the risk.

One of them, however, had exchanged all of his possessions to obtain the Dan pellet and refused to return without any rewards, and so he continued to walk deeper.

He failed to learn the lesson from the mistakes of his predecessor, but managed to teach one to his followers.

He too failed to survive, and died a deranged death.

This time, without any sort of hesitation, everyone turned around and started heading back.

The people who had sold off these Dan pellets in the first place were secretly laughing at their customers.

“The man who entered the region first, who was he? Too courageous, he wasn’t even afraid of the spirits.”

“Let’s examine this situation for the time being instead of reporting this to our superiors immediately. Maybe it will stop, or it might get worse too.”

“I remember what that man looks like, if he manages to come out alive, then we must find a way to cut him off.”

Everyone gathered, was waiting to see what happens to Bi Fan, but at present, none of them could see him, as he had already faded out of their visual reach.

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