The Six Immortals

Chapter 48


Bi Fan quickly located Jing Feng and the Blue Dragon, and caught up with them; and they relayed all the information they had received on the latest developments.

At the source of this anomaly’s outbreak was a deep, bottomless, cave. A few experts had tried to break into the cave, which had triggered the explosion Bi Fan had witnessed.

Owing to their humungous strength, the experts had managed to survive it.

Some of the experts who had decided to seal of the area, were waiting for more experts to arrive, so they could all go back in together and finish the task.

Some of the experts present on the scene were from Quinyang, which is why Jing Feng had been able to find out so much about what was really going on here.

“What do we do now? This is so disappointing, we can’t break into the possessed zone now…” The Blue Dragon expressed his anxiety.

He was a lonesome character, and his favorite part of the day was when he’d get to practice, or even better, fight. Most people like him weren’t overly fond of sitting idly or in general, waiting.

Jing Feng and Bi Fan looked at each other, and chuckled.

“Well, then let’s get out of here. No point waiting here if we can’t enter the zone.” Jing Feng said, extremely disheartened.

He wanted to enter the zone and experience the evil spirits for himself, increase his knowledge, explore. He hadn’t expected that the experts who had arrived here before him would seal the area off.

“Why don’t we go and hunt some beasts? Owing to this upsurge of evil spirits, a lot of beasts have come out of their caves, which means we will have a lot fun.” Bi Fan proposed.

Jing Feng seemed to like the idea: “Well, we did buy the Jade tablets, maybe this way we will at least be able to recover its cost.”

It is needless to point out that, as they would get to fight a bit, the Blue Dragon happily agreed.

The trio left the possessed zone and went looking for beasts inside the devil’s territory.

Ever since the evil spirits had soared, high, into the sky, there had been a huge influx of people into the devil’s territory, which had frightened the beasts inside the devil’s territory. In this unprecedented situation, many of the beasts had decided to join forces, in order to protect themselves.

At the moment, it would be fairly difficult to find lone beasts, and the ones who were wandering alone, were really strong.

Out of the three of them, Bi Fan was obviously the least experienced one. In fact, Jing Feng and the Blue Dragon, each, had their ways of tracking down wild beasts, which were quite effective and useful.

Before long, they managed to track down a sleuth of bears, and this group was almost thirty bears strong, while the strongest of them was in the ‘enormous strength’ layer.

“You guys want in?” Jing Feng asked.

“Oh yeah, I’m not afraid of them.” Bi Fan replied, in a very relaxed tone.

“Of course! I must!” The Blue Dragon was obviously quite eager.

The trio charged for the wolves simultaneously, Jing Feng wielding his mighty spear, looked like a dragon charging at his prey, in this case, the bear closest to them.

The Blue Dragon was holding his scimitar, charged the bears with a fearsome momentum, and looked quite scary.

Bi Fan on the other hand was only holding a regular light-ray sword, but his daring momentum was enough to scare off the weaker bears in the sleuth.

“Boom!” Jing Feng had already spilled first blood, his spear severing the head of a bear.

“Wooooo!!!….” The bears cried out in fear, again and again, as they tried to organize themselves into a formation, to attack their aggressors.

The Blue Dragon added another one to the dead list, relieving another bear from this world.

Bi Fan wasn’t far behind either; his sword punctured the throat of a bear, and went straight through.

“Ha…ha….this is fun! Let’s have ourselves a small compet.i.tion and see who kills more bears.” The Blue Dragon laughed.

The Blue Dragon didn’t wait for Jing Feng or Bi Fan’s reply and stormed straight for the next bear.

Jing Feng and Bi Fan were young, they weren’t just going to back out and throw the towel; the game was on.

The mighty spear swept everything in its range!

Jing Feng was leading; hardly any of the bears were strong enough to match him. He was already almost as strong as the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer, which meant that the bears really couldn’t hope to contest against him.


The scimitar was dreadful enough to scare any beast!

The Blue Dragon wasn’t using any complicated moves, but he certainly knew how to use his strength to achieve the desired end result.

The light-ray sword was slicing left and right!

Bi Fan was using the ‘Fufeng Double-edged sword’ technique, and every time he swung his sword, the number of bears in the group reduced by one.

In no time at all, the three of them had managed to kill all thirty bears in the sleuth.

“Ha ha, it seems like I won ah!” Jing Feng smiled.

Jing Feng was the strongest of the three, and had managed to kill the maximum number of bears. In fact, the strongest bear in the sleuth had also fallen to Jing Feng’s spear.

Bi Fan had almost managed to level with the Blue Dragon. The Blue Dragon was violent but decisive, and had managed to do slightly better than Bi Fan.

The three of them split the between themselves, whether they managed to obtain a nucleus from the bodies of these beasts or not, was dependent on their luck.

The Blue Dragon clearly didn’t have much s.p.a.ce left in his Yin Yang pouch to incorporate all the dead bodies of his share. Left with no other option, he decided to slice out the most valuable parts of the

Jing Feng was slightly surprised: “Bi Fan, how did you manage to procure so many Yin Yang pouches?”

“Just my luck, brother!” Bi Fan couldn’t explain things in detail, if he mentioned that he might have even resorted to murder to procure some of the Yin Yang pouches, then, he might get into a lot of trouble later on.

Jing Feng understood the situation all the same, so he didn’t press any further; he too, had pillaged a lot of Yin Yang pouches, so knew the value of such secrets.

Soon, the Blue Dragon had acc.u.mulated all that he could store, using his scimitar to slice up the dead bears.

They hadn’t gone far, when they started hearing the sounds of fighting coming from some distance ahead of them. There was a lot of movement, and they could tell that a big fight was being waged between a group of humans and beasts.

“Let’s go and check it out.” Jing Feng waved everyone one forward and the three of them cautiously made their way.

Usually, when a human is fighting a beast, it is considered rude to peep, it’s almost a taboo.

So obviously, Bi Fan’s trio quieted down in order to conceal their presence.

Stealthily, they made their forward, and hid in the trees that oversaw the fight, not very far away from the scene.

A pack of almost a hundred wolves surrounded a group of eleven humans, and both sides were intoxicated in this full scale battle.

Jing Feng, apparently, recognized these humans and his eyes suddenly became very cold, as if he was ready for war.

“Jing Feng, they will find out.” Bi Fan cautioned.

The other side had already found out. At the center of that human group was a man, whose strength seemed to be at par with Jing Feng; his strength was formidable; his eyes, looked over at Jing Feng, sharp.

Jing Feng smiled: “Let’s go and see what we can do here.”

Jing Feng, light at a feather, jumped off the tree and came out in the open. Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon, left with no choice, followed after him.

It was quite obvious, that Jing Feng didn’t just know these guys, but he also had a history with them.


“Jiang Wen, I never imagined that you would get suppressed so easily by such ordinary beasts.” Jing Feng laughed, jabbing at the other side.

It suddenly came to Bi Fan’s realization, that the other side belonged to the ‘rising sun’ school, and at the head of the group, was Jing Feng’s old rival, Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen’s strength was extraordinary; his sword seemed to be dancing in the breeze, slicing past one wolf after another. If it hadn’t been for Jiang Wen, the group would not have been able to withstand such a big pack of wolves for so long.

“Jing Feng, what are you doing here? Don’t you dare cause trouble for us.” Jiang Wen warned in a stern voice.

He seemed fairly afraid that Jing Feng, and his party, would end up a.s.sisting the wolf pack and the members in his group were already preparing themselves for another fight.

As soon as the wolves had seen Jing Feng pop up, they had separated away from the squadron of humans they were fighting against, even though they kept glaring at the humans, they didn’t dare to attack again.

The wolves were smart enough to know that more enemies wouldn’t be very good for their interests.

Jing Feng laughed: “I was just observing you. It seems that you’ve gotten a little slower…ha ha…”

Jing Feng’s trio was standing fairly close to the Jiang Wen’s, like a pride of lions; Jiang Wen’s anger was evident from the manner in which he was exposing his teeth.

“Brother, that’s the kid who shamed me.” One of the youngsters in Jiang Wen’s group pointed at Bi Fan, his voice reeking of hatred.

That boy was Jiang Sheng, the boy Bi Fan had managed to offend.

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