The Six Immortals

Chapter 56


As soon as Bi Fan joined the fray, the Blue Dragon became even more aggressive and compet.i.tive. The game was on, to see who kill more beasts.

“Brother Bi Fan, let’s see who wins this time, but don’t hold back, ah!” The Blue Dragon stated out, compet.i.tively.

His ambition was his drive, and the factor that fueled him to practice as aggressively as he did.

The Blue Dragon had a very lowly status within the Eastern Aristocracy, and he had suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of others, within his family, as a child, which is why he was so cold and removed as a person. He had worked very hard to improve his strength, hoping to make amends for his status in the family.

Gradually, with time, the Blue Dragon began to receive some attention from the hierarchy of the family, but, many members of his family still looked down upon him, owing to his ident.i.ty. After all, he was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d; an illegitimate child.

The Blue Dragon had never known his mother; while his father, was one of the heirs to the Eastern Aristocracy, who had a very unusual and casual life-style. He had several wives, and had almost twenty children. His father had never given any attention to him as a child, and the Blue Dragon had grown up without any affection, or attention.

His ident.i.ty was the reason behind his compet.i.tive nature. The Blue Dragon had sworn that he will become the strongest amongst the younger generation of the Eastern Aristocracy, pledging to surpa.s.s all his contemporaries.

The Blue Dragon was leaving no stone unturned, and was nothing short of a killing machine at the moment.

Bi Fan, too, was a young man, and was as compet.i.tive as the Blue Dragon, and so he decided to take these compet.i.tions more seriously than he did before.

With his purple-feathered sword drawn, he employed the ‘fufeng double-edged sword’ technique to its best, and the unstoppable sword swung left and right, slaughtering everything in its path.

The Chimera hadn’t joined the two of them, and had stayed back, away from the battle. The Chimera needed to maintain his energy in order to protect the two of them, in case they ran into trouble later on.

These Devils’ Race’s beasts were out of luck; they had managed to run themselves into two such compet.i.tive and strong youngsters, and their momentum quickly started to topple over as they their number thinned out.

The Blue Dragon and Bi Fan seemed really excited to fight beside one another, and were killing their enemies while practically having a laugh at the same time.

“Brother Bi Fan, you seem to have steered yourself in to a different gear now, you’re killing them a lot faster than me, and I’d reckon that you might have overtaken me by now.” The Blue Dragon complemented Bi Fan in a loud voice.

“I doubt it, you got started before I did, and you’re still in front.” Bi Fan laughed.

They were laughing while enthralled in a very aggressive compet.i.tion, making it a very strange scene.

If their compet.i.tion had any audience, then the poor bystanders would have felt awfully strange about these proceedings.

Blue Dragon and Bi Fan were keeping a count of their kills, and would discuss the numbers often, which would only fuel further propulsion as they would increase their speeds to keep up with one another.

Soon enough, they had managed to kill of the entire flock of the beasts that had stood in front of them. In the end, the Blue Dragon came out to be the victor of the compet.i.tion, as he had killed a few extra beasts, but then again, he had started a little earlier than Bi Fan.

Bi Fan had killed slightly lesser demons, but wasn’t taking his defeat personally, and looked quite relaxed about it.

Bi Fan said: “I lost.”

“I think I lost this one, after all, I had already killed several of them before you joined in.” The Blue Dragon laughed.

They didn’t go any further into it, and simply laughed it off.

“Brothers, your strength is really good, ah!” A sudden and unexpected voice alarmed Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, and the look on their faces changed drastically.

This unknown arrival was awfully strong, and had probably been watching for a while. But for some reason, Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon hadn’t taken any notice of his presence, until now; a strange thing, considering the strength of this youngster.

The Blue Dragon’s eyes were ice-cold and emotionless as he asked: “Who are you?”

“I’m Lone Leaf from the Bei Ming School. Brothers, don’t be so alarmed; it seems that fate has brought us together; we can be friends.” The youngster was had a very elegant appearance; he was quite handsome and smart looking, in general.

“Bei Ming school, that’s a member of the Jiu Da sect!” Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon were shocked for a few seconds.

Lone leaf smiled: “I was merely born into the Jiu Da sect, but I’m not a core disciple of the Bei Ming School; not until I break into the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer, which is the minimum requirement to enter the School’s core as a disciple.”

Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon were, once again, taken by surprise; they knew that the Jiu Da sect wasn’t the same as the rest of the sects. But they weren’t aware that the standards were so high, that one needed to enter the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer to become a core disciple there.

The Jiu Da sect was not the same as the rest of the sects in Jiu Yu City, in fact, they were considered beyond comparable.

Lone Leaf was very strong, and was at least as strong as the ‘Enormous strength’ layer, but even then, wasn’t strong enough to become a student of Bei Ming School. This was a clear indication of just how strong the young generation of the Jiu Da sect was.

Bi Fan simply couldn’t imagine a sect as strong as this one.

Recently, Bi Fan had undergone a ma.s.sive rise in terms of strength and ability, and felt quite pleased with his new found status. But suddenly, he wasn’t feeling that proud anymore.

He simply didn’t feel so big anymore, as the Jiu Da sect wasn’t even willing to accept students, who were, stronger than him.

The Blue Dragon felt the same way, but, at the same time was raging with a willingness to fight; he simply didn’t want to be looked down upon by anyone.

“Brother Leaf, even someone as strong as you hasn’t been able to get in, then, an ordinary Neimen student like me can only feel humbled.” Bi Fan smiled.

Bi Fan had learnt in his travels, that sometimes it was better to talk humbly in order to avoid running into trouble and get his way with people.

“You are too kind Brothers; moreover you are also quite strong, and abundantly talented. If you have the desire to join the Jiu Da sect, then I’d say that it’s only a matter of time before you make the cut.” The Lone Leaf said: “Brother, I don’t know your names yet.”

“Eastern Blue Dragon!” The Blue Dragon introduced himself in a cold tone.

Bi Fan said: “I’m Bi Fan. I request that you guide us in the right direction here, brother.”

“Brother, you are very polite. Please, allow me to help you out, in case you need any a.s.sistance.”

Lone Leaf sounded very forthright and earnest; but Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon, still, couldn’t lower their guards around him.

“Blue Dragon, Brother Bi Fan, What do you intent to do next, do you wish to break into the deeper into the first layer and fight stronger demons of the Devil’s Race there?”

Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon knew where this was headed, and wanted to refuse the offer before it came their way. But Lone Leaf spoke up before they could get the words out.

“Brothers, this must be your first time into the Devil’s Abyss. I have been here twice before; follow me, and I’ll take you to the best places, rather than wasting time here.”

Blue Dragon and Bi Fan, both, wanted to move into the deeper, stronger parts of the Devil’s Abyss, but neither of them knew the way, so they were just randomly fighting whatever they could find.

“I really want to go deeper into the Devil’s Abyss to gain good battle experience, but you see, one person isn’t enough in those regions. It requires at least two good fighters to go there; with the three of us in a team, things will work out even better. I sincerely hope that the two of you join me.” Lone Leaf invited the two of them to join him in a very earnest tone, seemingly devoid of any falsehoods.

Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, quickly, exchanged glances for a moment, and then Bi Fan nodded as he accepted the invite: “Sure, we will go together in to the depths of the Abyss and gain some valuable battle experience.”

“That’s really good news.” Lone Leaf was overjoyed: “The deepest parts of the first layer, of the Devil’s Abyss, is often used by several students of the major Schools to gain good battle experience, so it is possible that we might run into some students of rival schools. So please stay away from me in such a case. If they find out that you’re cooperating with me, then you may run into trouble later. So apart from being careful of the demons, you must also take precautions against the humans there.”

“Thank you for warning us brother, we will be careful.” Bi Fan replied.

Blue Dragon asked: “Do a lot of youngster from the Tian Yu world enter the Devil’s Abyss?”

“Yes, of course. There are many layers inside the Devil’s Abyss, to suit all kinds of needs of different kinds of martial artists. The compet.i.tion within the students of the major sects is very fierce; and if we don’t progress fast enough, then we are kicked out. So we often enter into the Devil’s Abyss to train, and sometimes to hunt beasts for spar only as well.” Lone Leaf explained.

Subsequently, Lone Leaf mentioned some things that he felt would come in handy, and the two of them listened very carefully and made a note of the same.

The Devil’s Abyss was a very dangerous place, and it was necessary to sail ships, in here, with extreme caution.

Blue Dragon and Bi Fan weren’t blindly arrogant youngsters; and understood the fact, that there were a lot of people, who were stronger, and more knowledgeable than them.

They could make out that Lone Leaf was imparting the knowledge that he had gained from personal experiences, so they naturally didn’t want to miss the opportunity to learn these new things.

“I think we are ready to go now.” He told them everything that he needed to, and then started leading the way ahead.

Bi Fan and Blue Dragon started after him, but carefully, without lowering their guards.


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