The Six Immortals

Chapter 7

He Announces His ReturnAs soon as he got back to his residence, Bi Fan started practicing.He didn’t care if he was being considered a genius or something; he just considered diligence to be a crucial thing.Cultivation was a tough road, like rowing a boat against the current, if you stop, you move backwards.This had been Yan Yu Si’s sincere advice to Bi Fan; she hoped that it would take him to great heights in the future.He would practice Wan Zu fist during the day and during the night he would mull over the ancient methods of blood devils.The ancient technique of blood devil included inner breath; a person would have to hammer their body into shape in order to refine strength. This technique was all one needed.It was said that using blood devil technique, a pract.i.tioner could possess a person by simple knowing their name. The pract.i.tioner could then make the said person, obey any command; this allowed pract.i.tioners to quickly kill their targets.Bi Fan knew from Quinyang Door that the blood devil technique was not known to many people and was also a forbidden technique. So naturally, no tried to execute it.Even though Bi Fan would soon be capable of practicing, he was determined to find out what the blood devil technique was capable of doing, although it would be a shame if he was caught.So he decided to study for some time and see for himself, if it was possible to practice it.After several nights of research, Bi Fan discovered that he would be able to practice several techniques of ancient blood devil, as long as people are unable to judge by his inner breath, so he decided to try it out.Bi Fan found that ancient blood devil technique included several things such as poison, overcast, immense power ups, which later on could be used in a life threatening situations.So eventually Bi Fan decided to learn the ancient blood devil technique, he would schedule those practices in the middle of the night to avoid being seen.Bi Fan was convinced that there was nothing like the devil’s path, it was all about strength for him.He hadn’t been brainwashed by anyone to follow the devil’s path, he just wanted to be able to protect himself.Bi Fan thought that as long as he doesn’t reveal it to anyone, it was highly unlikely that he would be caught.Ancient blood devil technique was indeed extraordinary. Bi Fan had only started refining his body and strength, which was only the first step; he was capable of doing Wan Zu fist a lot faster now.Once he had tasted the sweetness, he could not give up on the ancient blood devil technique.Ten days pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye, Bi Fan’s power was increasing rapidly, his Wan Zu fist power had reached over nine hundred and ninety jin, he was only a whisker away from ‘martial strength’ status.But he felt stagnated, he couldn’t get a breakthrough no matter how hard he practiced, he was unable to increase his strength even temporarily.Hence, Bi Fan decided to explore alternate ancient blood devil techniques to increase his power.Inability to expose his inner breadth was causing a hindrance to his practice of the ancient blood devil technique.Moreover, practicing a technique without taking its advantages could a.s.sist the enemy.Ordinary pract.i.tioners had no interest in inner breadth; they only learnt martial arts to refine their body and exercise.Today, Bi fan had just finished looking after the Panacea in the medicine orchard and returned to his residence only to find Xiaofeng standing outside, dressed in white. She looked very beautiful.Xiaofeng, for her age, looked distinctly mature, her good looks, specially her proud chest invited glances from fantasizing men.Although Bi Fan still looked young for his age. A few people were looking at them.“Xiaofeng, what can I do for you?” Bi Fan greeted her.Xiaofeng was surprised to see the change in Bi Fan, but she was aware of the people glancing at them: “Bi Fan, have you finished your work for the day?”“Yes I have completed my work for the day.”“Then, can you do me a favor and go away from the mountain for a few days for collectingand delivering supplies? Yunufeng is responsible for delivering supplies to your old friends in case of sickness, but since Yunufeng only has women, I don’t have an option but to ask you for help. ”Xiaofeng was speaking naturally without any trace of doubt.“Sure, no problem.” Bi Fan instantly agreed.Bi Fan was all too familiar with the location where supplies were given, the White Plains. There were many houses around the White Plains, mostly occupied by slaves, these people mostly did the odd-jobs, a lot of boys from the orchard also lived around the White Plains.Bi Fan was supposed to go and examine the situation of his ‘old acquaintances’, he could not help but think about the orchard’s steward, Zhu San and his colleague, Daniu, two of his biggest bullies.They had left a very deep mark on Bi Fan, one that he will never be able to forget.Xiaofeng, casually looking at Bi Fan, said: “Bi Fan, kindly also take some clothes for yourself, you have a big body, so you will require a bigger size of clothing.”To Xiaofeng, it may have been just a casual remark, but it warmed Bi Fan’s heart, this was the first time anyone had spared a thought for him.“Thank you, Xiaofeng.”This was the first time that he was leaving the Yunufeng in almost half a month.Even though the journey down the mountain was b.u.mpy, Bi Fan’s spirit soared.“Daniu, Zhu San, you two dogs, just you wait, I have suffered enough because of you two, now it’s time for payback.”His heart cried for revenge as he walked down the mountain.White plain is the outermost part of the Quinyang Mountains, a variety of materials were brought in from the outside and stored there.It was a very busy area, always bustling with noise; the personnel in charge received a constant stream of supplies.After arriving at the plain, there was no hurry to get supplies.As he strolled around, Bi Fan decided to visit the medicine orchard.Going back to the place where he had spent over a decade of his life, he felt a sad sensation.This place was a sad memory for him, he didn’t want to ever return, and he wasn’t even willing to consider it.But there could be some people who might miss him; he had to pay a visit.Out of those two bullies, Daniu was the one whose behavior Bi Fan could never forget.So, Bi Fan decided to see his ‘old friends’, and announce his return.Daniu’s body was strong as an Ox, even though he didn’t practice; he still had a strong body. Daniu would often beat Bi Fan up, so he would help him in taking care of his tasks.When he reached the orchard, the boys were having their meal; Bi Fan quickly scanned the place for Daniu, and found him feasting on his food.“Daniu, I’m back!” Bi Fan shouted.Daniu raised his head, and his eyes opened as wide as that of an Ox, looked at Bi Fan, but completely failed to recognize him.“Who are you boy? Can’t you see that I’m eating my meal, you dared to annoy me, I will kick your life out of you!”Daniu didn’t like to disturbed when he was eating, it made him very, very angry.“It’s Bi Fan, you recognize me, right?” Bi Fan smiled.Daniu muttered “I don’t recall anyone by that name, are you deliberately trying to pick a fight?”Daniu, along with all the other boys were so accustomed to calling him ‘Idiot’, that they had completely forgotten his real name.“Ah yes, well, you don’t even remember me, I’m the guy you used to bully and call ‘Idiot’, you haven’t forgotten that, have you?”“No, how can you be ‘him’, you look nothing like him, but…Idiot is dead.” Daniu shook his head.Bi Fan said: “Daniu, do you remember that day two years ago, you broke my hand, just to test your strength and….”He wanted to recite a few more incidents from his miserable past; things that even a lifetime wouldn’t be enough, for him to forget.“It’s you, Idiot!” Daniu’s mouth fell open in shock; he stared at Bi Fan as he was look at a ghost.

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