The Six Immortals

Chapter 70

“Oh h.e.l.l!” w.a.n.g Zhong cursed out, as he retreated his body back, as fast as possible.

w.a.n.g Zhong was a very experienced fighter, and was equipped with a very rich combat experience, which is why he was already on a guard, to some extent.

w.a.n.g Zhong somehow got out of the way, and Li Zhong Ren’s Saber landed on the ground beneath, where he had been standing. The effect of the attack was so immense, that it split open a crack in the ground, which was almost ten meters deep and one foot wide.

“Woah!” w.a.n.g Zhong was inwardly speechless.

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf, were left completely astonished as well. They were just on the verge of joining the fight, but now, they just stood there, over-awed.

“Attack! No one gets out!” Bi Fan shouted loudly.

Bi Fan voice woke, Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf, with a start, and the two of them charged towards the San Yuan group.

Bi Fan was on the lookout for the strongest of them, and hence, decided to go after Wu San, leaving Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf to deal with the remaining four San Yuan Students.

The Chimera, once again, had strict orders from Bi Fan, to not charge recklessly into the battle, and remain hidden. It once again, was endowed with the responsibility to intercept and finish off any fleeing enemies.

Li Zhong Ren was a Yuan Shi student, and hence, it was very important to kill him, now that they had already entered into a fight with him. Because if he left the Abyss alive, then he would be able to get back to his school, and Bi Fan’s platoon, would end up facing their wrath, which wouldn’t be a good thing for them.

Yuan Shi was naturally going to retaliate very strongly, and send more men, stronger men, to deal with them.

Lone Leaf, at least, had Bei Ming’s backing, so naturally he would be better off. But Bi Fan and Blue Dragon wouldn’t do so well. So, to the two of them, this was no joke; it was a matter of life and death.

Fortunately, the four San Yuan students that were accompanying Wu San, weren’t particularly strong, and, Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were comfortably able to hold their own against the four of them.

Wu San was worthy of being called smart; he had managed to conceal his true intentions, and manipulated Li Zhong Ren, into doing his will.

Wu San had been dreaming of killing w.a.n.g Zhong ever since w.a.n.g Zhong had beaten him. Today, he had been presented with an opportunity to just that, and fortunately, he had a fickle-minded Li Zhong Ren at his disposal.

As for Li Zhong Ren, he was too pre-occupied with Wu XiuLi’s charms, to see the truth.

Anyway, Wu San hadn’t exactly lied either, and had very calculatedly modified the truth. Lone Leaf and Wu San hadn’t exactly always been on good terms with each other; after all, Lone Leaf was from Bei Ming, which was the only reason that Wu San hadn’t killed him already.

Wu San had played his move well. He had used Lone Leaf’s presence to instigate the fight, and so, Li Zhong Ren, had easily believed his words.

w.a.n.g Zhong had seen through it, but didn’t bother pointing it out to anyone.

Wu San was very relieved, since his idea had worked out so well.

The battle had already begun, now all that was left for him to do, was to kill everyone that he was opposed with.

Wu San could only sense Bi Fan’s inner strength, and in disdain, readied his sword to put an end to Bi Fan’s life.

Wu San didn’t consider Bi Fan to be any match for his own ability, and hence, he didn’t even bother to defend himself, and decided to go ‘all-out attack’.

Bi Fan’s heart grinned as he had decided to use all his strength, from the very beginning, this time around.

“‘Rainy-fly Sword!’ ‘Prancing tiger!’” Bi Fan pounced at Wu San, putting all his strength in his attack; all his inner strength, and all of his physical strength.

He was well aware of the fact that, if he was get involved with Wu San, then winning wouldn’t be an easy task. At the moment, he was at an advantage, as his opponent wasn’t exactly prepared to deal with him, and so naturally, he decided to take full advantage of Wu San’s mistake.

As he watched Bi Fan move, Wu San realized that he had been fooled, and he quickly changed his strategy, and prepared himself to defend the incoming attacks.

Unfortunately for him, it was already too late. Bi Fan’s punch shattered Wu San’s sword, which broke into countless pieces, while Bi Fan sword hit his throat.

Although Wu San was wearing armor on his chest, and a helmet on his head, but his throat was still left bare of any additional defenses; and well, was left more than scratched, after Bi Fan’s attack.


Wu San crashed into the ground, and didn’t budge thereafter.

One Hit!

Bi Fan had managed to kill a man, who was at the peak of ‘transformation’ layer in just one strike, a feat, which even Bi Fan couldn’t dare to dream off.

Of course, Bi Fan’s success was largely attributed to the fact that Wu San had gravely underestimated his ability.

Wu San was dead. Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf, simply couldn’t believe their eyes, which obviously reflected on their shocked faces.

The four remaining San Yuan students were just staring blankly at the scene. They knew exactly what Wu San was capable of, and simply couldn’t accept the fact that, he had been killed in just one strike; especially by man who was barely at the peak of the ‘brave’ layer.



The eyes of the four remaining San Yuan student were so red, that they started to tear.

Li Zhong Ren and w.a.n.g Zhong had also seen Wu San’s end, and the two of them had temporarily come to a halt.

w.a.n.g Zhong had fought Wu San before, and was well aware of his strength and ability. Watching him die in this manner, made w.a.n.g Zhong realize, that Bi Fan might even be strong enough to do the same to him.

All this time, he had been very dissatisfied with the fact that he had lost to Bi Fan, but now, a chill was beginning to crawl, up and down, his spine.

“If I had tried to fight Bi Fan alone, he might have ended up killing me as well…” w.a.n.g Zhong could feel the gooseb.u.mps that were rising on his body.

Li Zhong Ren was also quite scared now, as he too was only at the peak of ‘transformation’ layer, same as his dead friend. An even though he was slightly stronger than Wu San, the difference wasn’t very big.

Now, Wu San was dead, and if Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong teamed up against him, then he knew, that they would kill him in no time.

As soon as the thought of this possibility crossed his mind, Li Zhong Ren started to consider the idea of abandoning the fight.

Wu XuiLi saw Wu San’s death, and couldn’t recover from the shock for a long time.

“Zhong Ren, you must kill him! You must kill that devious boy, and avenge by senior’s death. As long as you kill him, and take revenge for Wu San, I’ll do anything you say.” Wu XuiLi’s eyes were blood-shot red, while her body language was similar to a wild animal, which had just gone berserk.

Li Zhong Ren heard her voice, and the flame of desire found a new fire inside his heart, but he still hesitated this time around.

“She is a beauty, but then again, I’m still young, and I still have my whole life ahead of me; a life that I can really enjoy. So, I think I should withdraw now.” Li Zhong Ren had already made up his mind.

Li Zhong Ren replied loudly: “Don’t worry my beautiful, I will kill them all, and avenge your senior’s death.”

Li Zhong Ren launched a fierce attack against w.a.n.g Zhong, and his Saber charged for w.a.n.g Zhong’s head at a vicious speed.

After killing off Wu San, Bi Fan quickly collected his whole body.

Wu San was one of San Yuan’s most talented youths, and naturally, would be equipped with some very valuable items. Bi Fan, at the moment, didn’t have the time to slowly search his dead body for valuables, so he quickly incorporated it, in its entirety, into his storage facilities.

After collecting Wu San’s body, Bi Fan started to look for his next opponent.

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were dealing with four opponents at once, four very fierce opponents, and were being overwhelmed at the moment. Wu XuiLi, especially was causing a lot of trouble, as she was so desperate to avenge Wu San’s death, that she was even willing to injure herself to inflict injuries onto their bodies, and had already managed to inflict several wounds to Lone Leaf and Blue Dragon.

Li Zhong Ren and w.a.n.g Zhong’s duel was a stalemate, and it didn’t look like there would a winner any time soon.

So Bi Fan decided to help out Lone Leaf and Blue Dragon first, and made his way towards Wu XuiLi for starters.

As soon as Bi Fan joined the fray, the pressure that had been piling on Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf, decreased significantly.

The San Yuan students really hated Bi Fan, and simply couldn’t bear the sight of him. Wu XuiLi had gone completely crazy, and was attacking him wildly. But the other three were quite scared of him, and were holding back a bit, as they were afraid that he might kill them too.

“Rising Sun!” Bi Fan decided to employ a technique that he had stolen from one of his previous victims.

At this time, he was engaged in a battle against men from schools that were located outside Jiu Yu City, which meant that they wouldn’t be overly familiar with their counterparts in Jiu Yu City’s schools. So, using a ‘rising sun’ school trademark technique, would come in handy in the event that someone managed to escape out of the fight alive, as they would end being misled to believe that he’s a ‘rising sun’ student.

Bi Fan was extremely cautious, so much so, that he had even considered the possibility of one of his enemies succeeding in escaping, despite his extensive measures to prevent the same. He knew that he could kill them off easily, but still, that didn’t mean that he could let his guard down.

By using ‘rising sun’ technique, which was a secret technique that was only known to ‘rising sun’ students, meant, that Bi Fan could easily impersonate a ‘rising sun’ student; and no one would suspect it either.

‘Rising sun’ technique wasn’t at par with the ‘rainy-fly sword’ technique, but then again, it was Bi Fan who was using it, and so, the end result was formidable.

Wu XuiLi was trying to face Bi Fan alone, and soon, started to fall under the wind, unable to cope with his ability.

Li Zhong Ren had been watching Bi Fan closely. And as he continued to watch Bi Fan, it become obvious to him, that Wu San’s death at the hands of Bi Fan, was no fluke, and Bi Fan truly was very strong.

Since he had gotten a good look at Bi Fan true ability, he couldn’t help feel, even more, scared for his life now.

“Landslide Strike!” Li Zhong Ren cast out a formidable and unique technique, and his Saber charged towards w.a.n.g Zhong at the speed of lightening, ready to split w.a.n.g Zhong into two.

“Oh s.h.i.t!” w.a.n.g Zhong realized just how forceful the attack was, and quickly retreated, simply unable to find the courage to stand up to an attack like this one.

Li Zhong Ren’s attack had only covered half the distance between them, when he suddenly changed directions, and stepped back, and then quickly, made a dash.

“Li Zhong Ren is trying to escape! We need to make sure he doesn’t!” w.a.n.g Zhong shouted out loudly; anxiously.



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