The Six Immortals

Chapter 75


Bi Fan had been watching the other fights from the corner of his eye; he was very relieved to see that w.a.n.g Zhong was prevailing in his duel, and his face was beaming a flamboyant smile.

“Hey blockhead, looks like those men of yours are getting a good one from my brothers.” Bi Fan smiled.

Bi Fan’s intention was to try and disrupt Zi Chuan’s thought process, and distract him.

“You’re one cunning boy! Distracting me isn’t that easy, boy!” Zi Chuan had so much faith in the ability of his men that, he didn’t even look around to check the status of the other fights.

Zi Chuan had been leading this group of robbers for almost two years now, so naturally they all had an excellent mutual understanding. Zi Chuan simply couldn’t be convinced that the seven of his men would have a difficult time against three of Bi Fan’s.

So naturally, the first thought that popped into his head was that, the enemy is trying to distract him, so he can take advantage of the diversion, and launch a fierce attack.

The two of them, were almost equally matched, if either of them managed to get any extra advantages, then the balance of the battle could shift very suddenly.

“Sister, I was just trying to help you out here, the rest is up to you…” Bi Fan started to pout.

Bi Fan wasn’t worried about the battle, as he knew that some of his friends were doing better than he was, and sooner or later, one of their enemies was going to get injured, or get killed. And when that time comes, their screams will distract Zi Chuan. And so, he continued to fight with Zi Chuan, without any hesitations.

Bi Fan continued to use the same technique again and again, learning, experimenting, as he had decided to use this opportunity to polish his skill further.

Moreover, Bi Fan was also trying to memorize Zi Chuan’s techniques, and had even spent some time trying to figure out the flaws in it.

Zi Chuan’s technique, and his weapon of choice, complemented each other brilliantly.

Bi Fan continued to observe his enemy for a long time, but couldn’t find any major flaws in his style.

However, the meteor hammer was a very heavy weapon, which meant that it consumed an awful lot of energy to use, which probably, was its only flaw.

Since he hadn’t been able to find any flaws that he could extort use from, he allowed the battle to drag on, as, he knew that his side’s victory was only a matter of time.

Zi Chuan had read Bi Fan’s tactic, and hence, left with no other options, he was forced to switch his strategy to a defensive one, and only attacked when he had no other choice.

Zi Chuan was patiently waiting; waiting for one his men to score a victory, so they could help him out.

Bi Fan was too slippery, and Zi Chuan was distinctly aware of the fact that he alone, was incapable of killing Bi Fan. So, he had pinned his hopes on the idea, that his men would surround Bi Fan, so Bi Fan could no longer move about as freely as was at the moment, and then, he would take advantage of that situation, and kill BI Fan off.

Bi Fan was holding all the cards here, and was just not going to miss this opportunity. He started trying out some combination attacks as well; he would attack with his sword, at a lightning fast speed, and then mix it up by throwing a, well concealed, punch.

Zi Chuan had been concentrating on defending for a while now, and still, was having an awfully difficult time in keeping up with Bi Fan. Occasionally, he would have to counter, simply to push Bi Fan back a few steps, if the pressure from Bi Fan increased beyond a threshold.

He just didn’t want to attack Bi Fan at present, as his hammer consumed too much energy.

In the past, his meteor hammer had always proven to be an excellent choice for a weapon, as most people simply couldn’t deal with the brutality of its power. But in a fight like this one, against Bi Fan, which had been dragging on for so long, his weapon was feeling like a big, and heavy, burden.

“Hey big guy, what happened to all the courage talk hah? Who’s the coward now? You’re acting like a turtle right now; a turtle that’s caved into his sh.e.l.l, with just the head stuck out!” Bi Fan mocked Zi Chuan again.

Zi Chuan was fuming with rage, and it looked as if he would start spitting blood soon, but he somehow managed to suppress his anger.

He was very clear on one thing; anger wasn’t going to do him any good.

Bi Fan every now and then, would resort to a few words of trash talk, with the sole intention of getting under Zi Chuan’s skin, even though he was well aware of the fact that Zi Chuan was no fool.

But Still, Bi Fan continued to trash talk, as he knew that even if Zi Chuan doesn’t make any rash moves, words would still affect his mental framework.

The fight had been going on for almost an hour now, and both sides were fighting ferociously, but still, the battlefield wasn’t giving rise to much noise.

Suddenly, a miserable shriek broke the silence.

Bi Fan had been watching the other fights as well, and so, he knew that the Chimera had burned one of his enemies down to a crisp.

The Chimera’s fire was simply too much for the man to take, and he screamed as he pa.s.sed into the void.

“Wooo……Ahhhhhhh…..Zi Chuan…boss….. save me….save me…..!!!!”

Zi Chuan heard the cry, and his whole being, started to panic.

“….Impossible! How’s that even possible?!” Zi Chuan mutterer: “The other side should be suffering the causalities, so why is Xiao Qiu screaming for help?!”

He simply couldn’t help looking over his shoulder; and, Zi Chuan had been distracted at last.

Bi Fan had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time now, and the moment he realized that Zi Chuan’s attention was divided, he launched the attack that he had been planning for so long now.

Rainy-fly sword! Prancing tiger fist!

Bi Fan, quickly putting both his hands to work, employed his two strongest techniques.

Zi Chuan was a very experienced fighter, and quickly sensed the danger.

Golden Hammer!

Zi Chuan, without the slightest hesitation, cast out his strongest move as well, and his hammer, almost as if it was bathing in a golden light, hammered its way through the air to meet Bi Fan’s sword.

“Boom!” A huge noise shook the vicinity as Bi Fan’s sword clashed with Zi Chuan’s meteor hammer.

Bi Fan had attacked with all his strength; his attack was so powerful, that Zi Chuan’s hammer simply couldn’t match up to it.

The collision shook Zi Chuan hammer, and created an opportunity for Bi Fan to do what he does best.

“The Immortals Finger!” Bi Fan cast out his secret attack, as he slashed with sword once again to conceal the attack.


Bi Fan’s attack poked open a hole in Zi Chuan’s stomach, and blood started to drip from his body.

Zi Chuan, indeed was a very tough man; he bore the attack in silence, and quickly launched a counter attack.

He knew, that at the moment, he had fallen under the wind, and if he continued to pa.s.sively defend any longer, then his circ.u.mstances would worsen.

Bi Fan had already achieved his objective, and so, he slowed down once again, as he was in no hurry to kill his opponent.

Bi Fan was clear on the fact, that his opponent was almost as strong as him, and trying to finish this fight early, would come at a price; and since, Bi Fa didn’t, absolutely, have incur this cost at the moment, he patiently waited for his opportunities.

The Chimera had already slain one of his enemies, and the remaining one, was literally left shivering with fear. It was obvious that he wouldn’t last much longer now, as his fighting efforts, were beginning to wilt under the fear of his opponent.

“GRRRR” The Chimera roared again and again, as he used his tail, his teeth, his front paws, to ceaselessly attack his remaining enemy, and managed to land several attacks on target.

The Chimera’s remaining enemy, had sustained several injuries in quick succession, and had started to slow down significantly now.

“Poof!” the Chimera seized the opportunity, and like a messenger of death, violently sprayed out his devious flame.

“Ah!” The man’s clothes instantly caught fire, which then spread to his hair, and in a moment, even his flesh was set ablaze.

The Chimera’s fire was extremely toxic in nature, and exceptionally hard to extinguish; if the hand was on fire, then it was best to cut it, to save the rest of the body.

The whole body of the Chimera’s opponent had been set ablaze by now; it was hopeless to try rescuing him now.

“Zi Chuan …..boss……… …… me……” The man issued cries for help intermittently.

Soon, all that was left of him, was a big pile of ashes, which were lying on the ground where he had stood just moments ago; even his weapons had been burnt away.

Bi Fan laughed: “Boss, looks like you lost another man, would you like to guess whose next?”

“Ah! I’m gonna kill you!” Zi Chuan was furious now.

His meteor, hammered, swept, crushed….

Zi Chuan wasn’t holding anything back now, and started to chase after the dodging Bi Fan, like a mad-man.

“Dahm….” Bi Fan cursed loudly, while he somehow managed to duck away, consistently, drawing support from his ‘Dance of Mist’ footwork, as he simply wouldn’t dare to exchange blows with the mad-man he was up against.

Zi Chuan was attacking so wildly, that his fighting power had almost doubled; his meteor hammer had become invincible, unstoppable;

Bi Fan, temporarily, decided to take a step back, as he waited for the right opportunity to launch a counter.

….  ….


The Chimera had killed off his two a.s.signed enemies, so he started to head towards Blue Dragons’.

The Chimera had burnt two very strong men to ashes, which had instilled a demonic fear of its might in the hearts of the remaining robbers.

The instant, Blue Dragon’s two opponents saw the Chimera stroll towards them, their faces started draining color, and their minds started contemplating means of escape.

“Chimera, these two men are mine! Stay away!” Blue Dragon announced promptly.

If the Chimera intervened, then Blue Dragon’s fighting time would get cut short, and so would be the credit he would get.

The Blue Dragon was extremely fond of fighting, and simply wouldn’t allow unnecessary interventions.

The Chimera looked at Blue Dragon, made a face, and changed directions and started to make his way towards Lone Leaf.

Lone Leaf’s opponent had already gone pale with fear, which was evident from the way his body was shivering.


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