The Six Immortals

Chapter 80


Bi Fan, skillfully, sent the rope flying out, again, towards the Ogre flower.

Bi Fan’s throw was exceptionally accurate, and the rope landed right on the flower’s stem.

As long as he could gently pull the flower, it would continue to bend towards him without shedding more petals.

But there were a lot of strong men present at the scene, who simply wouldn’t allow Bi Fan to take the flower for himself.

“Stop him! Don’t let him take the Ogre flower…”

“Attack! He’s trying to take the Ogre flower again!”

…. ….


The most elite of martial artists, who were present on the scene roared, as the launched ferocious attacks. Some of these attacks were targeted at Bi Fan, while some others had launched their attacks to clear their paths to the flower, in the hope of getting to the Ogre flower before him.

Bi Fan realizing the threat of the incoming attacks, started to pull at rope a lot faster now.


The gale that these powerful attacks brought with them, started to sweep away some of the petals that had adorned the flower. More petals started to drift with the wind, giving rise to a very beautiful, yet heartbreaking scene.

The petals of an Ogre flower are very beautiful in appearance, and the manner in which they fluttered in the breeze, created a picture so beautiful, that some people just stood there motionless, as they gazed at them in awe.

Almost half of the petals had been swept away by the wind by now, which was making Bi Fan more and more anxious by the second. Soon, he had managed to pull the Ogre flower within arms-reach, and he quickly incorporated it into his Yin Yang pouch.

During this time, several attacks had landed on his body, and the jolt from the force of these attacks, had bruised his body. If it hadn’t been for the amazing defensive capabilities of his armors, Bi Fan would have succ.u.mbed to these attacks, and died.

“Stop him!” Several strong men threw themselves in Bi Fan’s direction, launching fierce attacks to stop him from getting away.

Of course, there were those as well, who had decided to pursue the petals that had been blown away by the wind, instead of getting involved with Bi Fan.

“Withdraw!” It was time for Bi Fan to make a decisive call, and he called ‘the dance of mist’ footwork into action, as he quickly made a run for it.

Bi Fan was being chased after, by a good number of people, most of whom were at the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer, so naturally, he was well aware that it wouldn’t be a very good idea to fight them all at once.

“Attack!” Bi Fan softly whispered to w.a.n.g Zhong, as he fled past his side.

Then suddenly, Bi Fan turned around, and mustering all his strength, threw a punch.

His punch wasn’t intended to hurt anyone, but was thrown with the simple intention of demonstrating his strength.

w.a.n.g Zhong, as instructed by Bi Fan, swung his sword to obstruct the people that were following Bi Fan.

“Boom!” A loud noise erupted as Bi Fan’s punch landed on the ground, right in front of the all the fighters who were following him, and split open a crevice in the ground.

Several people gasped, as they realized that if the punch had landed on them, then it definitely would have injured them very seriously.

By the time they recovered from the shock, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong had already covered a good amount of distance, and were on their way out.

“Chase them or not?” This decision was giving several people a headache.

The punch that Bi Fan had thrown, clearly demonstrated his strength, and on top of that they could all make out that w.a.n.g Zhong was at the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer; on the whole, the two of them working together as a team, would make for an awfully difficult fight.

Since they hadn’t been able to take the Ogre flower themselves, they had decided to resort to s.n.a.t.c.hing it from Bi Fan. But after witnessing the compet.i.tion that they would have to overcome to achieve their goal, many of them realized that chasing after Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong would be like using a wicker basket to draw water from a well. And after all said and done, all their hopes and efforts, may amount to nothing in the end.

They were all wise men, and quickly made up their minds. Apart from one man, who was still chasing after Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong, the others had turned around, and were now chasing after the petals that had been blown away by the wind.

The man who was still chasing after Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong was Jian Shen’s Gu Feng. He was strong, full of confidence, and, had big ambitions, so naturally he wouldn’t give up this chase easily.

Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong were aware of the ident.i.ty of their pursuer, and hence, they decided to carve out a b.l.o.o.d.y trail from within the ranks of the Devils’ Race beasts, as they made their way towards Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf.

Since Bi Fan hadn’t given the command, the Chimera didn’t spring up to fight with Gu Feng, but continued to follow them closely from within the shadows.

They were being tracked down by an enemy, so it wouldn’t be fruitful to reveal all their secrets.

“Go! If the man continues to follow us, we will kill him!” Bi Fan said.

Blue Dragon and the others, nodded in agreement.

Although Lone Leaf and Blue Dragon hadn’t partic.i.p.ated in the fray for the Ogre flower, they knew that Bi Fan would consider their needs as well, especially since he had managed to procure so many petals from the flower.

The four of them quickly left the scene; after all, this was a very dangerous place to be.

Gu Feng was still chasing after them when Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong reunited with Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf. The moment he realized that Bi Fan has two more strong companions, making a total of four strong opponents, against just him, he started to reconsider his move.

Gu Feng was well aware of the fact that he simply couldn’t match up to four such strong fighters alone.

“Holy grandmother! This is a huge loss! I don’t even know who these guys are!” Gu Feng had made up his mind; he was abandoning the pursuit.

Gu Feng’s resolve was strong, and he still wanted to chase them down, but he was well aware of the fact that he could deal with the four of them all on his own. He was ambitious, but not stupid.

Gu Feng attentively stared at the backs of Bi Fan’s four-man team, as he tried to print their movements in his mind, with the intention of chasing them down later.

Now that he had made his decision, he turned around, and made his way around the Devil’s race creatures, and doubled back to the battlefield, in the hope scrambling a petal from the people who had decided to pursue the other petals, which had been blown away by the wind.

He desperately needed a petal, and wouldn’t stop at anything to get his wish.

By the time Gu Feng retuned, he realized that the fight for the remaining petals had already been resolved, which was obvious from the smiles that were gleaming on the faces of some of the people, who were present on the scene.

After some inquiry, he found out that Jian Shen, as a whole, hadn’t been able to get any petals at all, so naturally, his face got even uglier than it was before.

“Brother Gu Feng, since you started to chased after those men, we’ve managed to collect some petals here.” A pale-faced youth address Gu Feng, laughing all the while.

The youngster was Tian Luo School’s Luo Yun. He too had chased after Bi Fan, same as Gu Feng, but had decided to fold his cards a lot sooner than his counterpart, and luckily, had managed to obtain two petals during the fray, which had taken place in Gu Feng’s absence.

“Luo Yun, don’t gloat.” Gu Feng groaned in a cold voice.

Luo Yun continued to laugh heartily: “Brother Gu Feng, it seems you made a mistake. You missed out on so much here.”

“Luo Yun, don’t p.i.s.s me off, or else…..” Gu Feng was fuming with rage now.

Jian Shen students were a little more aggressive than the students of most other schools, and were often considered hot tempered. Gu Feng, more so than others.

Gu Feng was already quite disheartened, and Luo Yun’s jibs had made him furious; at the moment, it looked as if Gu Feng wanted to put a sword through the man’s heart.

Luo Yun realized that he had said more than he should have, and he quietly retreated to one corner; simply unable to find the courage to mock Gu Feng any further.

“Everyone, the two men who s.n.a.t.c.hed the Ogre flower, were fairly strong. Was anyone able to recognize them?” the speaker was a very st.u.r.dy looking man, and emerged from the crowd in a very domineering manner. He belonged to Jiu Yu Da’s Four Oceans; his name was Lu Fei.

“I have never seen those two before, but the two of them were quite strong. We will need everyone to partic.i.p.ate against them.” Gu Feng said.

Luo Yun reasoned: “The two of them were definitely not from Jiu Yu Da, otherwise, we would have definitely heard about them.”

“No matter who they are, we must find them.”

The most elite students from the Jiu Yu Da sect, had arrived at the scene in the hope of procuring petals from the coveted Ogre flower. But the biggest benefits had been received by two unknown ent.i.ties; their egos, simply couldn’t resign to the fact.

Gu Feng had cleverly concealed the true strength and numbers of Bi Fan’s platoon, as he wanted to come out on top.

If these people found out that they were planning on chasing after four men, instead of two, then some of them might back off.

But if they did track Bi Fan and his platoon down, then the others would find themselves at a very grave disadvantage, and Jian Shen School would be able to take advantage of that fact, and could s.n.a.t.c.h all the petals for themselves.

Humans are a very self-centered breed; and Gu Feng was no different.

Gu Feng hadn’t obtained any petals; so naturally, his heart was filled with sense of resentment. He wanted the petals; all of them.

The air inside the Devil’s Abyss was different, and the atmosphere lacked positive Aura. Owing to this fact, no one would do the stupidity of consuming a petal from the Ogre flower inside the Devil’s Abyss, in the hope of entering the next layer.

Bi Fan had s.n.a.t.c.hed so many Ogre flower petals, that if they managed to track him down, then everyone present, would be able to get at least one petal.

With the thought of Ogre flower petals in their hearts, Jian Shen students, led by Gu Feng, along with others similar groups, set out in the Devil’s Abyss, in the hope of tracking Bi Fan down.

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