The Six Immortals

Chapter 82

“Woah, the Layer’s King is too strong!” w.a.n.g Zhong was left completely astounded.

The King of first layer of the Devil’s Abyss, continued to move closer to Bi Fan and his party. He was almost thirty meters tall, and his body seemed to be covered with Black Gas. This Black Gas, in reality, was another group of Devils, similar to the ones that Bi Fan and his party had encountered earlier, but these were obviously being controlled by the Layer’s King.

However, it still wasn’t possible to tell what the Layer King actually looked like, since he was completely covered by those clouds of Black Gases. His large, gleaming, eyes, however, were visible in the form of two large lantern-like holes.

The momentum of this monster was so intense, that even breathing in its presence was beginning to become a struggle for Bi Fan and his party.

“It seems we have run out of luck now…” the look on Lone Leaf’s face had already changed to a very grave one.

Bi Fan asked: “Brother w.a.n.g, what’s your opinion on this?”

“It’s going to be very difficult to deal with him. He’s at a very advanced level inside the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, and is far too strong for me.” w.a.n.g Zhong said.

The King of the First Layer had advanced so far into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, that his strength had already surpa.s.sed thirty Yun Shi, which was far more than Bi Fan’s total strength. And on top of the that, there was a difference in Layers; the King was inside the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, while Bi Fan and  the others were only inside the ‘Fetus’ Layer.

After entering into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, the body’s inner energy transforms into Aura, which pumps up the body’s physical strength. The ‘Fetus’ layer’s Inner energy was no match for the power that the Aura of ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, instilled in the hosts body.

If the Layer King had just entered into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, then the four of them might have still had a chance against him.

But, the King had already advanced a fair distance into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, which meant that the four of them, put together, won’t be able to do the Layer King much harm; let alone be able to kill it.

“He will probably use his Devils to attack us first. We will use the opportunity to hone our skills, and sharpen our minds. But the minute the King joins the fight, we will immediately withdraw.”

“If for some reason, he is able to stop us from running away, then we will use the transportation tablets and exit the Devil’s Abyss.” Bi Fan laid out the plan.

The use of the transportation tablets was obviously reserved for the worst case scenario.

As the King of the Devil’s Race drew closer, some of the Gas clouds, which were surrounding his body, started to drift away from him, and quickly started to surround Bi Fan and his companions.

Although the Chimera was hiding a fair distance away from them, the Black Gas clouds still made their towards it.

These Devils it would seem, could tell the difference between ordinary beasts and the beasts of the Devil’s Race, owing to the wisdom of their master, the layer’s King. And they were using this ability to distinguish the outsiders, and were attacking only them, and not the inhabitants of the Abyss.

A very large black-colored gas cloud had surrounded them, which then started to cover the top of the enclosure as well. This obviously increased the pressure significantly, and soon, fear started to creep into the atmosphere; the King hadn’t made any move of his own as of yet.

In an instant, the four of them had been surrounded by the Black gas clouds. But fortunately for them, the King still hadn’t made any moves, which obvious because the ground was stable, and it would have started to shake if the King was making any kind of movements.

It seemed that the devils were even drawing power from the Layer King, which meant that killing them would be a lot harder than killing normal Devils; which was hard enough as it is.

It obvious that the four of them weren’t of any concern in the eyes of the Layer’s King, as he seemed unwilling to take any initiative on his own, and simply trusted his subordinates to be capable enough of dealing with the four of them.

The four of them started concentrating on dealing with the Devils who were attacking them. Lone Leaf and Blue Dragon, especially, had been waiting for an opportunity like this one, and were now aiming to use it, and break into the next layer.

The Devils are known as the masters of manipulation, and are awfully difficult to deal with.

Even Bi Fan, at his strength level, which was quite a feat on its own, was having a difficult time in dealing with these devils.

As soon as the Devils started to invade their minds, the illusions started to appear.

Bi Fan started seeing all kinds of terrible visions, which were trying to overtake his consciousness once again. But Bi Fan wanted to train his soul, mind and spirit, so, he was trying very hard to control his emotions, and was hoping that they wouldn’t go astray like the last time.

This time, he was trying to keep his mind as empty as possible, so the Devils wouldn’t have much to build up on.

Owing to the experience, and knowledge, which he had gained from his previous encounter, dealing with the Devils’ illusions seemed a lot easier in comparative terms.

Lone Leaf and Blue Dragon hadn’t done very well the last time around. So much so, that if it hadn’t been for the Yin Yang Lotus, and its black silk threads, the two of them wouldn’t have been able to break free of the Devils’ illusions. In fact, Blue Dragon had come uncomfortably close to losing his mind altogether.

This time, the two of them were determined to break through to the next layer, and hence, were trying even harder.

Blue Dragon was beginning to get carried away in the illusions once again; the illusions showed him his father. His tall, and mighty, father; his loving father.

Blue Dragon was allowed to indulge himself in the riches, and comforts, that he had been denied his entire life; he was finding it very difficult to extricate himself from these illusions.

Since childhood, he had suffered a lot of criticism for being a by-blow, and had always been treated as a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. His father was a member of the Eastern Aristocracy, whereas his mother wasn’t, and had never been accepted by the family, even though she bore a child for the family. Their relationship had been deemed illegitimate, along with their offspring, and his mother was eventually banned from the family grounds.

Blue Dragon had repeatedly asked questions about his mother, but no one had entertained his questions.

So, Blue Dragon had waited till he was a little older, and then decided to train himself into becoming a very strong martial artist, so that he could get all the answers that he had been seeking his entire life.

Now that Blue Dragon was confronted with his father, he naturally, wanted to ask his father that one question; why did he abandon his mother and renounced him as a son.

“Father…..” The Devils didn’t allow him to ask his question, and the illusion interrupted him in the middle of asking that, one, question, which he had always wanted to ask his father.

“Son, you mother is no longer alive. It is entirely my fault. I was forced to abandon her….” Blue Dragon’s father’s face, was reflecting his heart’s painful condition.

Blue Dragon had already forgotten all his grievances, and was beginning to sympathize with his father.

The Devils are capable of producing really powerful illusions, which directly attack the target’s consciousness. If one doesn’t take the utmost precaution against them, then, their minds can easily go haywire, and the Devils can turn the man into their personal dancing puppet.

Blue Dragon was gradually sinking into the depths of the illusion, and if things continued to go at this pace, then he would find it very difficult to extricate himself later on.

Every man has his own demons; and Lone Leaf was no different. Once the devils are able to find the right memory, then it can be very hard to resist their illusions.

Relatively speaking, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong were having it easy. w.a.n.g Zhong had clashed with Devils several times in the past; so naturally, he had a pretty good idea as far as tackling their illusions was concerned.

Bi Fan was already drawing some support from the Yin Yang Lotus, which was beginning to express its desire, of taking the initiative of ending the devils.

The black silk threads were just waiting to come out, like they had the last time around, and devour all the Devils, same as last time, but were being held at bay by Bi Fan’s desire to train some more.

Even though Bi Fan didn’t want them to interfere, he had never actually expected them to act so obediently; but they did, and didn’t move an inch.

Blue Dragon and the others had been delaying their stay inside the Devil’s Abyss, with the sole motive of seeking an opportunity to fight the Layer’s King. Now was their chance, but it came with a huge risk.

They had the opportunity to sharpen their minds, and their spirits, but at the risk of being struck down by the Layer’s King.

Half an hour pa.s.sed away in an instant, and Bi Fan started to realize that if this continued for much longer, then the King of the Devil’s Race might get restless, and may decide to take matters into his own hands.

Once the King personally came after them, even making an escape would become very difficult.

“Black Silk Threads, GO!”

The black silk thread had been waiting for their turn for a long time now. They emerged out of Bi Fan’s body, and in an instant, devoured all the devils that had been surrounding, and attacking, him.

The black silk threads continued to fly around, swallowing everything in their paths.

In a very short period of time, they had already devoured all the devils that had been surrounding Blue Dragon, Lone Leaf, w.a.n.g Zhong and the Chimera. However, the four of them didn’t immediately recover from the effects of their respective hallucinations.

The black silk threads didn’t return to Bi Fan’s body immediately, and decided to take a go at the Layers King.

The black silk threads were trying to a.s.similate the devils that were surrounding the Layer King as well, who upon realizing their intention, and ability, growled furiously: “GRRR!!!”

After the King was done growling, he decided to take matters into his hands.

He opened his big, b.l.o.o.d.y, mouth, and sucked in the air, hoping to swallow the Black Silk Threads.

But the black silk threads were awfully slippery, and they skillfully curled their way around his mouth, and continue to devour the devils that were still lingering around its body.

Those poor devils hadn’t yet received permissions from their master to flee, and so they didn’t, and just stood there, with no other options, as the black silk threads swallowed them whole.

At that moment, Lone Leaf, Blue Dragon and w.a.n.g Zhong were woken up from their hallucinations by the King’s growl. Their jaws were dangling from their faces, as the stood there, speechlessly, gazing at those black silk threads, which were fluttering in the breeze.

“What are those black silky things? How are they swallowing the Devils?” Blue Dragon exclaimed; his mouth was still wide open.

Bi Fan shouted out loudly: “Withdraw!”

The four of them, without any further hesitations, quickly started to run away from the King, with the Chimera right behind them.

Bi Fan wasn’t worried about the Black Silk Threads, and was confident that they would return to his body. But he would have to protect this secret from his friends, and so, he was going to wait for the right opportunity, and then quietly, and secretively, ask the black silk threads to make their return.

The Yin Yang Lotus was his ultimate secret; and one, which he simply wasn’t willing to tell anyone about.

Although he had no knowledge of its origination, but Bi Fan could sense that this Yin Yang Lotus, which resided in his body, was definitely a very rare occurrence in this world.

At the speed that the four of them running, they managed to put the Layer’s King out of their sights in a very short span of time. But, they neither stopped, nor did they slow down.

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