The Six Immortals

Chapter 84


The Stone Giant’s huge body was extremely valuable. Once he was dead, the ores present in his humungous body, could be used for refining weapons.

Naturally, the people who had gathered at the scene, were all hoping to get a block of his dead body.

But since the Stone Giant had gone berserk, after losing his Devils, no one present on the scene was willing to take the initiative of attacking it first, and so, this huge crowd of martial artists had decided to stay out of his sight, till he had calmed down.

No one was willing to take the lead, and this deadlock had been stretching out for a while now.

Bi Fan and his party was standing at the back of the gathering, with like-minded people, all of whom were waiting for someone else to take the lead, so that they could take the advantage, and merely go about fishing in troubled waters.

Gu Feng led his Jian Shen group to the back of the gathering, and stationed them behind Bi Fan’s party, so he could get a look at their backs. Gu Feng’s surprise was coupled with a sense of happiness, and he almost fainted thanking his stars.

“Ogre Flower, you’re mine now. It’s going to be a bit difficult because these men are from Bei Ming School; but for the Ogre Flower, I really don’t mind shedding their blood.” Gu Feng’s heart was roaring to go.

Gu Feng hadn’t told anyone about his intentions, and was patiently waiting for an opportunity to surround Bi Fan’s party with the help of his platoon of Jian Shen disciples.

He didn’t want to disturb anyone, as he didn’t want any more complications.

Bi Fan felt as if someone was watching his back. He turned around, and saw Gu Feng staring at him.

Bi Fan smiled at Gu Feng, and then turned around again.

Bi Fan couldn’t help wondering: “Gu Feng is acting a bit weird….has he found out?”

Bi Fan had said his out in a very low voice, but it was loud enough for w.a.n.g Zhong and the rest of his companions to hear.

Blue Dragon inquired: “What are you saying Brother Bi Fan…how’s that even possible?”

“Gu Feng had chased Brother Bi Fan and me earlier, but I doubt if managed to figure us out.” w.a.n.g Zhong’s eye brows were beginning to tense up.

Bi Fan said: “We had changed our appearance, so I doubt that he’s recognized us. But I still have a bad feeling about this. Everyone be careful, Gu Feng might be up to something. We might have missed something.”


Bi Fan’s party’s presence hadn’t caused any waves amongst the crowd; Gu Feng was the only one who was eyeing them.

They were paying close attention to Gu Feng, and whenever they would turn around to look at him, they would find him staring at them.

Bi Fan cautioned: “We have to be very careful; it seems that he has found out.”

“Jian Shen has at least twenty fighters in their ranks; we won’t able to fight them all at once.” w.a.n.g Zhong’s face was a little tense.

Bi Fan smiled: “We obviously can’t afford to go head-on against them. So, we will wait till everyone starts fighting the Stone Giant, and we will use the opportunity to make our exit.”

“That may not work, Brother w.a.n.g, and Brother Lone Leaf are known faces, so they might run into trouble later on.” Blue Dragon reasoned.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “I can separate paths if my presence is going to cause trouble for you all, and reunite with Brother Bi Fan in Jiu Yu City later on.”

Lone Leaf said: “I have nothing to fear as long as I have a few extra Ogre Flower petals. I can trade these extra petals with my seniors in exchange for protection.”

“Brother Lone Leaf, do you want me to give you some more petals?” Bi Fan asked.

“No. Too many of them will cause problems.” Lone Leaf shook his head, as he refused the offer.


Lone Leaf had a point. Too many valuables could tempt the all-powerful to come after you, which could create problems, especially if one wasn’t strong enough to protect himself.

Bi Fan had been hiding a lot of valuables from the world; including the sword that he had obtained from the Wan Snake Cave, Xue Ren (Bloodshed), as he was afraid that it might attract too much attention, and eventually lead to his demise.

w.a.n.g Zhong: “I think Gu Feng is also waiting for the others to start the fight with the Stone Giant, and will probably use that opportunity to attack us.”

“Why don’t we start the fight with the Stone Giant?” Blue Dragon exposed a cunning smile.

Bi Fan thought for a second, and said: “Let’s have the Chimera lead the Stone Giant here.”

The Chimera was awfully quick, and could easily lead the Stone Giant in the direction where this human parade was gathered, without landing itself in harms-way.

Although the Stone Giant was insanely strong, which was its main strong point, apart from its tenacious defense; he still, had one weakness; his speed, which was awfully slow.

“Oh! The stone giant is coming towards us, what do we do now?” One of the men, who standing right in front of the brigade, saw the Stone Giant’s silhouette figure emerging from distance.

The Stone Giant’s strides were indicative of its wild temper, which seemed to be rising with each forward step he took.

A few moments later, everyone could see the Stone Giant; naturally, the Stone Giant had also noticed them.

The Chimera had served its purpose well, so it cleanly excused itself, and went back into hiding.

No matter what happens, Bi Fan couldn’t allow the Chimera to be seen by this human gathering, as he was sure that the Chimera’s public appearance would cause more than just a few problems.

“ARGGGGHHHH!….” The Stone Giant saw this huge gathering of strong human martial artists, and started to roar relentlessly, angrily.

“Let’s kill it!” Some of the humans shouted out in encouragement.

Most the people present on scene, were beginning to disperse, since they were afraid of the impact from the collision with the Stone Giant.

The Stone Giant was moving towards the humans with such a ferocious momentum, that even a dozen elephants would have a hard time standing up to it.

The timid had already started wetting their pants.

No matter how strong a martial artist was, their scalps had already started to tingle.

Everyone one was looking to duck out of the Layer King’s path, including the ones who had enthusiastically shouted war cries only moments ago; no one had the courage to stand up to the Stone Giant’s forceful momentum.

But a war was inevitable now. The humans waited till the Stone Giant was right in the middle of the gathering, and then started launching attacks on it.

“Zhummm….” Whether it was long-ranged or close hand, several powerful attacks landed on the Stone Giants body in a matter of seconds. Even though these attacks managed to slice off a few stone chips off the Stone Giants body, they didn’t exactly succeed in causing him any harm; although they did succeed in angering him further.

Stone Giants are awfully slow, and are incapable of chasing after the awfully quick, and slippery, human martial artists. On top of that, since the King had already lost his devils, his effective fighting ability had already reduced to almost half.


But, this Stone Giant was intelligent enough to know its position. He bent down to pick up a rock, and threw it at the crowd of humans that stood in front of him.

The Stone Giant had thrown the rock with a lot of force, and it flew through the air at an alarming speed.

The group of humans, who were laying siege on him, hadn’t antic.i.p.ated this move; and the ones who were too slow to dodge the rock, were crushed to death in an instant by it.

The spirits of the others had already hit a rock-bottom, and most were already dripping cold sweat.

“This Stone Giant is far too strong, and his defense is too st.u.r.dy. Killing him is not going to be easy!” Bi Fan exclaimed.

By now, Bi Fan and his party had already withdrawn themselves back, and were standing a fair distance away from the fray, with no intention of charging forward.

There were a few more people in their immediate vicinity, who seemingly, held the same idea in their minds as well, but most of them weren’t comparable to them in terms of strength.

The human side was in a state of chaos for a while, but the calmed down soon enough.

A lot of the martial world’s elite youngsters enter into the Devil’s Abyss on a regular basis to train, and most of these fighters are quite calm-headed, owing to their experience in battle. These elite, and experienced, fighters started to form teams, and started orchestrating organized counter attacks against the Stone Giant.

“Everyone! Pay attention! The Stone Giant’s weakness is his joints. Use long range attacks to attack his joints.” A strong man shouted out loudly.

“Yes, and let’s all work hand-in-hand. That way we will be able to do the Stone Giant more harm.”

There were a lot of very experienced and intelligent martial artists present on the scene. These people, while working together, were sure to come up with an idea, or two, to deal with the monster that they were faced with.

But the Stone Giant was no fool either, and was well aware that chasing after the humans wasn’t going to do him any good. So he continued to pick up rocks from the ground, and kept throwing them at the humans.

The mighty Stone Giant’s attacks had injured, and killed, several men already.

His rock-throws had already forced a lot of strong men to back away. Now most of these men were in no position to attack the Stone Giant anymore, as they were standing a little too far away from him to cause him any harm.

Engaging in a close quarter combat with the Stone Giant was, obviously, a very foolish option.

The Stone Giant was capable of killing several men with one single wave of his hand; and no one wanted to die.

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