The Six Immortals

Chapter 106 – No Value for Word

Chapter 106 – No Value for Word

(Mustang: Hey guys, fifth for this week. There’s more in the oven, so don’t go far.)


Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long were also fighting quite ferociously, and had managed to injure their opponents as well.

It would appear that Li Xuan Feng’s team was trying to finish their battles quickly, so they could steal the Abyss Dragon’s body.

Even though Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong were making a lot of effort, they weren’t really in a hurry to finish their fights. On the other hand, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, were simply taking it easy, and weren’t making any effort whatsoever.

Li Xuan Feng wasn’t angry that w.a.n.g Zhong, and his team, wasn’t trying hard to finish the battle fast, as it would give his team ample time to seize the Abyss Dragon’s body.

Li Xuan Feng was the strongest in his team, and managed to finish his battle faster than anyone else.

He didn’t take even a moment’s break after killing his opponents, and quickly went over to Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long to help them out.

With his help, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, were all able to finish their fights quite quickly.

At this time, w.a.n.g Zhong was busy fighting two ‘transformation’ layer beasts, and the fight seemed quite close to call.

Lone Leaf looked a lot worse. He too, like w.a.n.g Zhong, was fighting two ‘transformation’ layer beasts, and looked a like he wasn’t doing very well.

As for Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, Li Xuan Feng’s team wasn’t even taking them into consideration.

Li Xuan Feng’s team just sneered at the plight of their battles, but didn’t offer to help.

“Li Xuan Feng, quick, help us in killing off these beasts, and then we can kill the Abyss Dragon together.” Lone Leaf said in a loud voice.

“You’re too slow; we’re not going to help you deal with your fights.” Li Xuan Feng laughed.

Li Xuan Feng, along with the other three, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, started making their way towards the Abyss Dragon in order to finish him off.

The Abyss Dragon had been bleeding quite excessively, and was already on the verge of dying, but hadn’t yet given in. He continued to struggle, but only in vain.

“Li Xuan Feng, are you trying to break your promise?” Lone Leaf deliberately said it out loud.

He had already started recording once again, as he wanted proof of Li Xuan Feng’s betrayal, to show to the outside world, in the event of an enquiry.

“Haha… you want half of our bounty?” Li Xuan Feng laughed: “Do not provoke me; if lose my temper, I’ll kill all of you.”

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “Do not trust these glorified thieves Brother, first they make promises, and then they stab you.”

“You dare to call me a thief? I’m afraid that you, w.a.n.g Zhong, will be the first to die. As soon as I’m done bagging this Abyss Dragon, I’m coming for you.” Li Xuan Feng looked rather furious.

Momentarily, Li Xuan Feng’s team launched a ferocious attack on the Abyss Dragon, and killed him off in a matter of seconds.

After they were done killing the Abyss Dragon, Li Xuan Feng quickly took off the magical net the Abyss Dragon had been trapped in, and started dissecting its carca.s.s.

Li Xuan Feng’s team had come in so well prepared, that they had even packed objects to store his blood.

They took out a very sharp looking knife, and started cutting open his flesh, and quite speedily at that.

A little while later, they had already managed to dissect the Abyss Dragon’s body into several small pieces, which they put inside the Ying Yang pouches the four of them were carrying.

The head of the beast was still intact, so no one knew if there was nucleus inside it or not.

Li Xuan Feng had high expectations, and was quite excited, so much so, that his hands had even started trembling.

Finally, Li Xuan Feng took the knife again, and prepared to cut the Abyss Dragon’s head open.

The Abyss Dragon’s head was quite hard, and Li Xuan Feng had to use a lot of strength to cut it open.

“Woah…..” the head had been split open now, and the four of them held their breaths, as their eyes widened in excitement.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed.

“This Dragon even has a nucleus in it! We really hit the jackpot this time!” Li Xuan Feng exclaimed.

Everyone had seen the flashing light, and Bi Fan’s team had realized that there’s a nucleus inside the Abyss Dragon’s head. Naturally, even they were quite anxious now, as they too wanted to take the nucleus for themselves.

However, they still didn’t make a move, and waited patiently for Li Xuan Feng’s team to make the first move, since they needed to look ‘righteous’, for the sake of it.

At this time, if these events were brought to light, then Lone Leaf’s recording stone would only show that Li Xuan Feng had betrayed their trust, but wouldn’t give them enough reason to slaughter his team.

Li Xuan Feng collected the nucleus, and the four of the slowly started moving closer to w.a.n.g Zhong. Obviously, they wanted to kill the strongest of their four opponents first.

Lone Leaf looked furious: “Li Xuan Feng, you have no shame. Think about your Sect, aren’t you afraid that they will lose face, due to your actions?”

“As long as we kill all the witnesses, no one will find out about this.” Li Xuan Feng laughed.

Lone Leaf recorded his remark, along with the faces of his entire team.

“This is treachery! Great ah! You guys are from the Zheng Qi Sect, I thought you were morale people, but you’re even lower than common thieves.” w.a.n.g Zhong exposed an angry smile.

Bi Fan and Blue Dragon hadn’t spoken a single word, and were quite happy that the other side had completely forgotten about them. They were both going to play the real killers in this game.

“Go! Kill them all!” Li Xuan Feng was too lazy to utter any superfluous words now, as he was already beginning to lose his patience.

Li Xuan Feng, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, simultaneously launched attacks on w.a.n.g Zhong, and Lone Leaf made sure that it was recorded.

w.a.n.g Zhong quickly dodged, using the Devil’s Race beasts as cover, and managed to get away from the four of them.

Li Xuan Feng’s team had attacked first, so now, there was no need to hold back.

In a flash, w.a.n.g Zhong receded far away from the spot where he had been fighting with the Devil’s Race.

Formerly, Lone Leaf had taken a few steps back and then suddenly charged forward to repulse the Devil’s Race beasts away, following which he quickly joined w.a.n.g Zhong.

As for Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, the two of them were still not putting any effort in their fighting, and were casually enjoying the drama as it unfolded, from a distance.

“Li Xuan Feng, if you think that you can kill us, then you’re wrong. You’re trying to rob us now, after making a promise to share the loot.” Lone Leaf raged.

“You won’t be able to run from us, let alone get out of the Abyss alive.” Li Xuan Feng’s eyes gleaming in a murderous aura.

Li Xuan Feng’ team surrounded Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong, as they were under the impression that Bi Fan and Blue Dragon were, temporarily, trapped in their current engagements, and weren’t capable of escaping out.

Since their opposition was completely trapped, so Li Xuan Feng’ team weren’t afraid of anything at the moment.

At this time, they had just obtained a nucleus; so naturally, they were quite excited, owing to which they were completely neglecting their fatigue. On top of that, out of sheer greed, now, they wanted to kill the four people who had showed up to help them, so they could carve out their wealth as well, and leave the Abyss with even more money.

“Kill them!”


Both the sides launched their attacks simultaneously. Both, w.a.n.g Zhong and Lone Leaf, were fighting in a rather conservative style, so naturally, they started getting suppressed right from the beginning.

Bi Fan and Blue Dragon continued to carry on at the same pace as before, completely ignoring the threat of their opposition.

“Nice!” Li Xuan Feng was quite excited, as he was under the impression that he was stronger than w.a.n.g Zhong, and would be able to kill him with ease.

Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, were also fighting with a lot of arrogance, and were practically treating w.a.n.g Zhong’s side as dog meat.

At this point, they wanted to finish this fight off as quickly as possible, so they were fighting with as much vigor as they could, continually casting out big moves. They were so taken with their own strength that they weren’t even considering if they could even expend that much energy in this fight.

Yan Ren and Ling Long, were both, gorgeous beauties, but their lure for wealth, and the temptation of making more of it, was making them ferocious, and they were fighting with even energy than Tian Long Yu was.

Ling Long, especially, was fighting so aggressively, that she had almost started resembling a barbarian. There was nothing beautiful about her, in this moment, as her savage nature was cruelly taking over her beauty.

w.a.n.g Zhong and Lone Leaf were being forced to retreat. They had fallen under the wind, and in a short period of time, had already sustained several minute injuries.

Seeing hope of winning the fight soon, Li Xuan Feng’s team became even more ferocious.

To them, it didn’t make any sense to pointlessly drag this battle on. If anyone found out about this incident, then they would surely end up facing difficult times in the future.

Especially, since Lone Leaf was a Bei Ming Sect disciple. If word got out of his murder at their hands, then they would definitely receive very severe punishment at the hand of the Jiu Yu Da Sect.

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