The Six Immortals

Chapter 127 – Confident of a Victory

Chapter 127 – Confident of a Victory

(Mustang: Hey guys, this is the eighth regular Chapter for this week.)


When Bi Fan finally ended his practice, he opened his eyes, and saw Yan Yu Si sitting next to him, along with Xiao Feng. Yan Yu Si’s big, and beautiful, eyes were staring at him, unblinking.

Yan Yu Si and Xiao Feng were sitting very close to him, and Bi Fan could smell their fragrance faintly.

Bi Fan suddenly started blushing, and his heart beat started to quicken.

“Are you okay?” Yan Yu Si’s eyes showed a hint of concern, as she asked.

“I’m alright.” Bi Fan shook his head; he was completely fl.u.s.tered.

“You’re alright…I was watching your contest against Luo Sheng, it looked like you would start vomiting blood anytime; I thought that you had suffered some grave internal injuries, but it seems that you were wearing some good quality armors, and were mostly just pretending, ah.” Yan Yu Si seemed to be seeing right through Bi Fan’s plan.

Bi Fan was very surprised, and replied in a hoa.r.s.e voice: “No, I did get hurt, but not very seriously.”

In reality, Bi Fan’s injuries were very serious in nature. But Bi Fan had always been good at restoring his energy quickly, and on top of that, had the Ying Yang Lotus to help him out, which is why he had been able to restore his injuries, and energy, quickly enough to be ready for the next round.

“Yes, well, you start your preparations; the next round is about to start soon.” Yan Yu Si said.

Then, Yan Yu Si and Xiao Feng got up and left. But as they were leaving, Xiao Feng gave Jing Feng a glance.

The entire time that Xiao Feng had been sitting there, Jing Feng had been siting so quietly, that he hadn’t even uttered a single word.

Once Xiao Feng had gone a little far, Jing Feng smiled, and said: “Brother Bi Fan, I don’t seem to understand, ah, why was that young lady, so worried about you?”

“What do you mean? I have also been a disciple at the Yu Nu Feng peak in the past, so it’s only natural that the Miss would ask about me, ah.” Bi Fan promptly replied back.

Bi Fan was getting even more nervous now, and his face was becoming even redder.

“Brother Bi Fan, it’s alright if you don’t want to admit it, but I can see how nervous you are right now. Your big red face is betraying you.” Jing Feng laughed.

“Don’t start now, the contest is about to begin.” Bi Fan stood up, and fled to stage where he was to fight his next round.

“Ooo, it seems that Bi Fan likes Yan Yu Si… that’s going to be a big challenge, ah.” Jing Feng started laughing again.

In this round, Bi Fan was faced with an ‘Enormous Strength’ layer man, who seemed rather excited to see Bi Fan.

“Brother Bi Fan, I do not wish to fight against you. I only wish to tell you something, if I may?” The young man seemed rather hopeful.

Bi Fan smiled: “Of course, what do you wish to say?”

“I….Brother Bi Fan, you’re too awesome. I give up.” The man finished his sentence, turned around, and walked down the contest stage.

“Bi Fan wins!”

Bi Fan remained silent, as he hadn’t expected to win the contest in this manner.

“d.a.m.n it, Xiao Yang directly conceded the fight; he didn’t even try to fight against Bi Fan.”

“Xiao Yang was up there for a few second, what did he say to Bi Fan?”

“He’s coming down now, ask him; I don’t know.”

In this round, Bi Fan was the first to finish his fight, and since he wanted to see Jing Feng in action, he started walking over to his contest stage, only to realize that Jing Feng had just wrapped up his fight, and was already walking off the stage.

“Brother Bi Fan, I didn’t expect that you’d have finished your fight before mine; I thought that I’d be the first to win this round.” Jing Feng was quite surprised.

“I got lucky, that guy just admitted his defeat straight away.” Bi Fan smiled.

Jing Feng said: “Well, we’re up against each other now, and I won’t be doing that.”

“I won’t hold back either, I want to be champion this time.” Bi Fan’s words were sonorous and forceful.

“I want to win the tournament again, so I won’t let you win.” Jing Feng replied in a serious tone.

Up until now in the tournament, Jing Feng and Bi Fan were the only two unbeaten contestants, so the winner was likely to be decided in the contest between the two of them.

They looked at each other sharply, and could feel the rise in each other’s momentums.

“Look, Jing Feng and Bi Fan are talking to each other. The winner will probably be one of them only, so it looks like the next round will be very interesting, ah.” A disciple said loudly.

Suddenly, many of the Quinyang Sect disciples noticed that Bi Fan and Jing Feng were talking to each other, and they were all waiting anxiously to see the emergence of a champion.

Yu Qing Yang asked Ling Xin Ya: “Who amongst Bi Fan and Jing Feng, do you think will become the champion?”

“I cannot be certain; Jing Feng is very well trained with his spear, and only a few can rival his expertise. He’s certainly the most gifted disciple that the Quinyang Sect has seen in the recent years. Bi Fan is growing very quickly, but all said and done, he hasn’t had much time to practice, so it would be very difficult for him to beat Jing Feng.” Ling Xin Ya replied.

He evaluated the situation between Jing Feng and Bi Fan in a very apropos manner, and didn’t seem inclined to pick his winner at the moment.

“Oh, I won’t be so certain of that…. Bi Fan was able to beat Luo Sheng, even after Luo Sheng took the Changing Dan pellet, so I’d say that he might be able to overpower Jing Feng as well.” Yu Qing Yang smiled.

The rest of the Sect’s high cla.s.s was sitting around Yu Qing Yang, and they were all quite surprised to hear Yu Qing Yang’s words.

Yu Qing Yang had never praised anyone in the manner, in which he had just spoken about Bi Fan.

Since Yu Qing Yang was attaching so much value to Bi Fan, Bi Fan’s position was likely to rise within the Quinyang Sect quite quickly, and he may even be named the successor to the Sect, in time.

The high of the Quinyang Sect had already started a.n.a.lyzing the situation, and were already thinking of ways to lay a good relationship with Bi Fan.

Bi Fan hadn’t grown up yet, which meant that forming a good relationship with him at this age would be a lot easier, than at a later stage in his life.

Bi Fan and Jing Feng were supposed to face each other in a while, but for the time being, they were sitting next to each other, as they meditated, and focused their concentration.

The next contest was very important for both of them, which is why both were busy focusing their minds, as neither of them could dare to slack off even a little.

Both were staunchly determined to win.

Although under normal circ.u.mstances, they were both very good friends, but in such matters, they would surely put their personal feelings aside.

In fact, Bi Fan, Blue Dragon and Jing Feng, were all cut from the same cloth. They had the persistence, the determination it took be excel, and were hungry for success, which was one of the reasons that they were able to come together.

An hour pa.s.sed in a flash, and both Bi Fan and Jing Feng had used the entire hour to meditate. They both got up, and walked towards their contest stage, shoulder to shoulder.

“Brother Bi Fan, I must defeat you. I cannot lose to you so soon.” Jing Feng stated.

Bi Fan was growing too quickly, which was putting Jing Feng under a lot of pressure. Like in a race, the runner in the front is usually under the maximum pressure.

Bi Fan had already demonstrated that he was more talented than Jing Feng, but Jing Feng wasn’t willing to admit his defeat. He was convinced that if worked hard, then he’d be able to maintain his lead forever.

“Brother Jing Feng, I am confident that I’ll win, because I have no intention of defeating you. You are not my target; you never have been. My target has always been the geniuses of the Jiu Yu Da Sect.” Bi Fan stated.

Jing Feng said: “So, no matter who wins today, in the future, we will fight against the rest of the world together!”


They made their agreement like two gentlemen would.

“The fight begins!”

The referee had barely announced the start of the fight, and the two of them charged towards each other.

The Hegemon Pike’s attacks were sharp and bold.

The ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ was refined, and delicate, but concealed a murderous edge underneath.

The two of them attacked each other viciously, and it was obvious that neither man was going to take this casually.

The Hegemon Pike was powerful, and had a wide range, and when used properly, allowed Jing Feng to attack everything within a three meter circ.u.mference.

The Purple-feathered Sword, on the other hand, was a fine weapon, which only had a two meter circ.u.mference, in terms of range, which meant that Bi Fan would only be able to get close to Jing Feng, if he was ready to face the might of Jing Feng’s weapon head-on.

Even an inch into Jing Feng’s weapon’s range would be dangerous.

Jing Feng was very skilled, and had a rich combat experience to bank on. He so acutely skilled in using the advantages of his spear, that he simply wasn’t giving Bi Fan any chances to come close.

The battle had just begun, and Jing Feng had established a superior ground, while Bi Fan was only acting very pa.s.sively.

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