The Six Immortals

Chapter 132 – Xiang Wen Tian

Chapter 132 – Xiang Wen Tian


“Mo Nan’s display of this martial skill seems very similar to the martial skill which was created by Xiang Wen Tian over a thousand years ago – ‘The Sword of the Land’.” A white bearded elder of the Quinyang Sect observed.

Yu Qing Yang was quite surprised: “Old Guo, are you saying that the ‘Sword of the Land’ was created by Xiang Wen Tian?”

“Yes, it was. Thousands of years ago, there was a man named Xiang Wen Tian, he was so strong that he was practically considered invincible. By the time Xiang Wen Tian reached the ‘Magical powers’ realm, he was already able to contend against the ‘Spirit’ realm, using this technique, ‘The Sword of the Land’, which was unrivaled in its power. Unfortunately, the Yuan Shi Sect sent an ‘Immortal’ named Yuan Xu to fight him, and even though the final result of the battle is still unknown, Xiang Wen Tian was never seen again.” (the Spirit Realm is sandwiched between the magical powers and the immortals. So basically, its fetus(Bi Fan’s current) < emerging="" from="" the="" womb="">< magical="" powers="">< spirit="">< immortals.="" this="" is="" the="" first="" mention="" of="" the="" spirit="" layer="" in="" this="" novel="" so="">

Old Guo narrated the incident as if he knew Xiang Wen Tian quite well.

“Old Guo, can you tell us a little bit more about Xiang Wen Tian?” Ling Xin Ya was very interested in knowing more.

At first, Xiang Wen Tian made a name for himself, since he was a very gifted martial artist, who was rising very fast. Soon, he came in the limelight on a global scale.

At that time, almost all the big Sects offered him a position in their Sects, but Xiang Wen Tian refused.

Xiang Wen Tian liked to practice alone, and he’d then challenge the masters of the major Sects, in order to enhance his strength as fast as possible.

In just a hundred years, Xiang Wen Tian managed to reach the ‘Magical Powers’ realm, and gradually created his own skill, ‘The Sword of the Land’.

Xiang Wen Tian was very powerful, and with the help of his skill, he was able to leap frog his realm, and challenge even stronger martial artists.

The Yuan Shi Sect tried once again, and sent him another invitation, but he refused once again.

Xiang Wen Tian was very fond of challenging the powerful martial artists, and had challenged some of the most powerful masters of the Yuan Shi faction, some of whom beat him.

In another hundred years Xiang Wen Tian even managed to reach the ‘Spirit’ Realm.

Then, the Yuan Shi Sect sent their third invitation, with the hope that he’d finally join them, but he refused them still.

Later, the Yuan Shi Sect dispatched Yuan Xu, who issued a challenge to Xiang Wen Tian, for a battle in the Dragon Ridge Mountains.

Everyone thought that Xiang Wen Tian would refuse the challenge, after all, Yuan Xu was in the ‘Immortal’ realm, and was considered one of the most powerful fighters in the entire world, but Xiang Wen Tian accepted.

The battle took place in the Dragon Ridge Mountains, and no one knows what really happened there. Yuan Xu was found to have sustained very serious injuries, while Xiang Wen Tian was never seen again.

“So Xiang Wen Tian was that strong, and Mo Nan has managed to procure his proprietary martial skill! How did that happen?” Ling Xin Ya was baffled.

“Well, it seems that Mo Nan shall also be very carefully, and attentively, trained. With Jing Feng, Bi Fan, and Mo Nan growing up to their true potentials, the Quinyang Sect will no longer have to worry about its growth.” Yu Qing Yang was very excited.

Yu Qing Yang was beginning to realize that his Sect had some very promising prospects for the future, so naturally he was quite happy, since his honor, and disgrace, was linked to the Quinyang Sect’s fate.

“Head of the Sect, the heavens have surely blessed our Sect, with the help of a skill like ‘The Sword of the Land’, our Quinyang Sect will surely be able to become a first-cla.s.s Sect.” An elder spoke.

Yu Qing Yang frowned, and said: “Well, I agree, but inside the Quinyang Sect, if anyone has any fortunate encounters, then the Disciple must be allowed to voluntarily submit their findings, whether the matter pertains to treasures, or martial skills. No disciple must be forced to submit any information, or article, which they do not wish to.”

“Head of the Sect, we will not force Mo Nan, but we hope to ask Mo Nan for submitting ‘The Sword of the Land’ skill, as a contribution to the growth of the Sect.” An elder said.

“I hope so too. But if I ever find out that the rules were violated under any pretext, then, know this: there will be consequences.” Yu Qing Yang spoke in a very strict tone.

To ensure the growth of the Sect, and encourage their disciples, many Sects had similar rules, and provisions, which allowed disciples to submit their skills and treasures to the Sect, voluntarily.

‘The Sword of the Land’ was a very powerful skill, but unfortunately, Mo Nan only had the most basic understanding of the skill.

Using his agility, Bi Fan somehow managed to evade Mo Nan’s first round of the attack, and Mo Nan was forced to cast the move out, a second time.

Bi Fan had already seen the skill once now, and had already memorized most of it. Now, that Mo Nan was using the same skill a second time, it didn’t pose any threat to Bi Fan anymore.

Even though Mo Nan’s display seemed to have slight variations this time, Bi Fan was easily able to cope up.

But Bi Fan was unable to find any flaws in ‘The Sword of the Land’ skill in such a short duration of time, owing to which, it wouldn’t be possible for him to defeat Mo Nan, as long as the skill was in play.

‘The Sword of the Land’ was a very high grade skill, which meant that it consumed a great amount of energy. Mo Nan had only cast the skill out twice, but he was already running short on energy to support him.

There was no way in which Mo Nan could cast out ‘The Sword of the World’ a third time, but since Mo Nan still didn’t want to give up, he turned to the ‘Floating Sword’ technique.

The moment Bi Fan saw Mo Nan change his skill, he started to smile: “Finally, he’s done with that one, and now it’s time for me to strike back.”

Immediately, Bi Fan cast out the ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ forms, with as much speed and ferocity as he could.

As Bi Fan launched one wave after another, of his fierce and violent attacks, and the energy depleted Mo Nan, eventually started to get overwhelmed.

“Rainstorm Sword!” Mo Nan still didn’t want to give up, as his sharp attack charged towards Bi Fan, to stab him.

Mo Nan’s attack was extremely overbearing and powerful, and it was difficult to tell just exactly how much power the attack concealed in its elegant appearance.

Bi Fan didn’t even raise his sword to match the attack, as he just stood there motionless, almost as if he was too scared to fight back.

“Dodge it, fast, ah!” Yan Yu Si was extremely worried, and her heart was practically shouting from within her being: “It’s such an important contest, what’s he doing wandering about like that!”

“Bi Fan, what’s the matter? Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” Jing Feng was completely puzzled.

“Bi Fan, quick, dodge it, ah!”

Bi Fan, it seemed, had already turned a deaf ear to all of it, so much so, that he even closed his eyes.

Mo Nan realized that he finally had a shot at victory, and elated his attack, and charged even faster, and with even more urgency, towards Bi Fan.

In an instant, Mo Nan’s sword was almost upon Bi Fan’s face. Then, just in the nick of time, Bi Fan made his move; his right hand suddenly appeared in front of his face, as his index finger, and middle finger, came to the forefront, and grabbed Mo Nan’s sword.

Then, Bi Fan wrapped his fingers around Mo Nan’s sword. Bi Fan had used this technique, a few times in the past, which is why he was so relaxed with regard to its execution.

“A Finger Magic, ah! That’s amazing!”

“I remember that Bi Fan used this technique in the last year’s Selection tournament; how did we all forget it?! He tricked Mo Nan, amazing!”

The Quinyang Sect disciples were shocked and speechless, especially the ones who were witnessing this, two-finger magic stunt of Bi Fan’s for the first time.

Yan Yu Si was also seeing this stunt for the first time, and her cherry-mouth, was opened so wide, that one could easily fit an egg inside it.

“What kind of martial arts in that? How can he hold the blade of a sword between his fingers?!”

“Miss, this is a very powerful move, which Bi Fan used in the last year’s Selection tournament as well. I asked him about it, but he didn’t tell me anything.” Xiao Feng told her.

“Yes, well, this is a really good and handy skill; it can turn out to be life-saving under crucial circ.u.mstances.” Yan Yu Si started laughing.

Yu Qing Yang was equally surprised: “Where did Bi Fan learn a skill like that one? Deputy, did you teach him that?”

“I did not teach him that. He had already mastered it before he joined the Sect as my disciple.” Ling Xin Ya said.

“If I had known this, then I would have come for last year’s Selection tournament, and maybe, Bi Fan could have been my disciple today….what a pity…” Yu Qing Yang was already lamenting.

“Ha ha… I am really fortunate that I decided to chair last year’s Selection tournament.” Ling Xin Ya was laughing within his heart.

Mo Nan’s sword was caught in between Bi Fan’s fingers, and he just stood there, motionlessly, with a foolish look on his face, for a long time, before he finally spoke: “I lose.”

“Brother Mo Nan, we must learn from each other. Your martial skills are brilliant.” Bi Fan said.

“No problem. I also want to consult and advise with you Brother.” Mo Nan smiled: “And, well, the championship is basically in your pocket now, so allow me to be the first one to congratulate you Brother.”

“Thank you!”

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