The Six Immortals

Chapter 134 – A Devious Presence

Chapter 134 – A Devious Presence

“Bi Fan, well done!”

Even such simple words, when coming out of Yan Yu Si’s mouth, were like music to Bi Fan’s ears. He got so excited that his entire body started to tremble, and he was obviously having a tough time controlling his emotions.

“Bi Fan, you’re too awesome!” Xiao Feng patted Bi Fan on the shoulders, with a smile on her face.

“Thanks for the compliment Xiao Feng.” Bi Fan scratched his head, as he giggled.

Jing Feng and the others couldn’t help but envy Bi Fan. Yan Yu Si was almost like a G.o.ddess in the minds of all the young men of the Quinyang Sect, and they fantasized about her perennially. Even if someone gathered the courage to strike up a conversation with her, she’d simply ignore the man.

Bi Fan, on the other hand, had actually managed to get her to praise him. This was a rare sighting, and most of the male disciples were red with envy.

In a very remote corner of the stands, sat a young, nearly thirty-year old disciple, and his murderous eyes were fixed at Bi Fan.

This man is Luo Sheng’s elder Brother, Luo Xiong. Even though he was less than thirty years old, he had already reached the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, and was regarded as one of the leading youngsters in the Quinyang Sect.

He was undertaking a monastic practice when he found out that Luo Sheng had been beaten up by Bi Fan, and he came out to check Bi Fan out, with his own eyes.

Since Bi Fan had beaten his younger Brother up, he naturally wanted to avenge his Brother’s bashing, by getting back at Bi Fan.

Now, that he saw that Bi Fan was close to Yan Yu Si, his fury had started to rage to new heights, while his red eyes glared at Bi Fan, almost as if he wanted to eat Bi Fan alive.

“Bi Fan, I’ll kill you. You’ll die without a burial….” Luo Xiong secretly pledged.

Luo Xiong’s pursuit of Yan Yu Si was a well-known affair in the Quinyang Sect, so much so, that Luo Xiao Tian had even sent official marriage proposals to Yu Qing Yang, several times.

Yu Qing Yang, however, had never pressurized Yan Yu Si, and had always allowed her to make her own decisions. Yan Yu Si, had been using her training to tactfully decline the proposals.

In the Quinyang Sect, no matter who you are, if you wish to pursue Yan Yu Si, then you’d find yourself facing Luo Xiong.

Luo Xiong is a very talented fighter, so much so, that he could even stand up to his counter parts in the Jiu Yu Da Sect. He was considered an outstanding talent, no matter the context.

Luo Xiong was the best in the Quinyang Sect’s young generation, and could boast the same outside the Sect as well.

It can be a.s.sumed that no liked Luo Xiong in the Quinyang Sect, but no one had the courage to voice their resentment, and were forced to suffer in silence.

Luo Xiong attentively watched Bi Fan for a while, then abruptly turned around, and left with a wild, and blue, look on his face, since he couldn’t stand the manner in which Bi Fan and Yan Yu Si were giggling and chatting.

“Bi Fan, I’d like you to follow me, my father wants to see you.” Yan Yu Si smiled.

Yan Yu Si’s smile looked so pleasing, that Bi Fan simply couldn’t help stammering: “What? The master of the Sect…. the head of the Sect wants to see me…. Why?”

“Don’t tell me… has Miss Yan Yu Si found out that I like her, and she’s told her father about it? Maybe the head of the Sect is personally trying to put me in check.” Bi Fan had already started a.s.suming the worse.

“Ah, yes, it seems that it’s a matter of grave importance, since my father has asked you to come to the peak of the Quinyang Mountains.” Yan Yu Si stated.

Bi Fan tensed up, and said: “Miss, do I really have to go?”

“Without a question! Come with me, and don’t stall around.” Yan Yu Si finished her sentence, and turned around, as she led the way to the exit.

Xiao Feng didn’t follow after them, since she had decided to stay in the Ming Fung Valley.

Yan Yu Si was walking quite fast, but it didn’t seem to be affecting her graceful posture; in fact, it only added to the elegance of her beauty. Her b.u.t.tocks continued to shake in front of Bi Fan’s eyes, as her small waist turned and twisted.

Bi Fan was walking behind her, and his throat was already turning dry, while his breathing had started becoming unsteady.

Yan Yu Si noticed that Bi Fan was breathing in an unusual pattern, so she turned around to ask him: “Bi Fan, did you get hurt during the contest?”

Bi Fan panicked, and promptly waved his hand, as he said: “No, no…. but I wasn’t expecting the Master of the Sect to call me, I’m a little nervous about it.”

“Nervous? There’s no need to be nervous, my father isn’t going to eat you.” Yan Yu Si suddenly smiled again, exposing her two gorgeous dimples, as her tall chest, which adorned her body, violently shook in front of Bi Fan’s eyes.

Bi Fan simply couldn’t help as his eyes started to gawk at her proud figure.

Yan Yu Si didn’t seem to get conscious for even a moment, as she resumed climbing the mountain.

The Quinyang Sect occupies the entire Quinyang Mountain range, while the headquarters of the Sect is built on the tallest peak of the Quinayang Mountains.

The peak of the Quinyang Mountains was located so high, that it took Bi Fan and Yan Yu Si, an hour to reach the top.

“Miss, you can directly go and see the Master.” The janitor boy saluted her.

“We should go to the Quinyang meeting hall; my father should be waiting there for us.” Yan Yu Si stated.

Bi Fan was getting even more nervous now, so much so, that he could barely walk anymore.

“Bi Fan, hurry up, keep up with me, ah.” Yan Yu Si realized that Bi Fan’s pace was getting slower, and so, she urged him to hurry up.

“Faster, faster.” Bi Fan muttered.

As he quicken up his pace, Bi Fan could feel the sweat which had started to cover his face; he wasn’t sweating when he was climbing the Mountain.

As he entered into the meeting hall, he found that Ling Xin Ya was also present there. In addition to him, there was another, commanding, middle-aged man, whom Bi Fan had never met before; Bi Fan a.s.sumed him to be the head of the Sect, Yu Qing Yang.



“Bi Fan, I’d like you to meet the head of the Sect.” Ling Xin Ya stated.

“Bi Fan offers respect to the Master of the Sect.” Bi Fan respectfully saluted.

Bi Fan was under the impression that he had been called by Yu Qing Yang to be put in check; so naturally, he was being a little more respectful than usual.

“No need to be so polite young man. You’ve achieved a great deal in a very short period of time; you’re worthy of praise.” Yu Qing Yang sized Bi Fan up, and was even more pleased to realize that Bi Fan was exceeding his expectations.

“It seems to me that the Head of the Sect is fond of me.” Bi Fan’s heart had started playing a mellow tune, but he didn’t dare to show it on his face.

Ling Xin Ya said: “Bi Fan, the Master of the Sect has called you here to give you any additional support that you may require for your training. If there’s anything you want, you may ask for it now.”

Ling Xin Ya’s words should have made him happy, but Bi Fan’s face showed no signs of it.

Due to his unrequited feeling for Yan Yu Si, Bi Fan was under the impression that he’d been called to be put in check. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything on the subject to start with; otherwise, the situation would have become very embarra.s.sing for him.

“What’s wrong with me, I was just about to tell the Master of the Sect that I like his daughter. Yan Yu Si would have hated me. I guess I just got paranoid, that’s it.” Bi Fan’s anxiety seemed to be drilling through his being.

Bi Fan’s face was red with a blush, as he stood there with a foolish look on his face.

Yu Qing Yang thought that Bi Fan was very excited, and added: “Bi Fan, take your time. If there’s anything that you need, you can ask me.”

“I want Yan Yu Si, can you give her to me?”

Obviously, Bi Fan didn’t say it out loud.

He thought for a while, and then said: “Like Weapons, and Dan? I have plenty already. I just want to enter the Quinyang Sect library, to learn and research martial arts. Would that be possible?”

Bi Fan had already snapped out of his own world, and was once again focused on his top priority: increasing his strength.

Bi Fan was already harboring the idea of creating his own martial skill, which is why he wanted to learn as many new skills as possible.

Regardless of the rating of the skill, if it was unique, then it was worthy of being looked into.

The Quinyang Sect was one of the front line Sects in the Jiu Yu City, and the Sect Library had a lot of books inside it. Only the core disciples were allowed to copy these books. In fact, even the core disciples were only allowed to enter the Library once a year, and were only allowed to copy only a limited number of books.

The access to the Library was so strictly restricted, that even the core disciples were forced to follow these rules, and were rarely allowed to bypa.s.s these laws.

“Sure, no problem. I’ll grant you a special permission to enter the Library, and you’ll be allowed to make copies of two books.” Yu Qing Yang laughed.

Bi Fan was extremely excited, as he said: “Thank you Master of the Sect!”

He had already started formulating his own ideas: “I may only be allowed to copy two texts physically, but I can copy the others in my mind, and no one will be able to spot that out.”

Bi Fan was so excited, and moved, that he couldn’t help that grateful look, which was beginning to overtake the polite expression on his face.

“Remember, you must practice hard; do not slack. After two days, you will leave for the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament, and you must fight hard for the glory of the Quinyang Sect.” Yu Qing Yang said in a serious tone.

“Yes! I will, Master of the Sect!” Bi Fan replied in an energetic tone.

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