The Six Immortals

Chapter 136 – Setting Out

Chapter 136 – Setting Out

Bi Fan looked at the name of the next book, ‘Swimming Dragon’, and he immediately put it back.

Bi Fan picked up the book next to it, as he prepared to memorize its contents inside his mind. Even if a method wasn’t suited for his practice, he still wanted to learn it for future reference.

‘The Phoenix Heaven’ fist; Bi Fan didn’t know that one, so he sat down on the ground once again, and started looking it over.

Bi Fan was going over these books so fast, that no one would believe that he was actually reading them.

Yan Yu Si saw the manner in which Bi Fan was going over these books, but didn’t say much.

Once Bi Fan was done with this book, he put it back, and picked up the next one.

In an instant, half a day had pa.s.sed away, and Bi Fan had already memorized twenty books. He’d select a book, quickly browse through it, and then, he’d put it back, and would repeat the process again.

“Bi Fan, you must quickly find the appropriate martial skill that you wish to practice, and then copy it. Don’t waste your time shuffling through books like that.” Yan Yu Si couldn’t help it anymore.

Bi Fan replied: “I want to look all the books over once, and then I’ll decide which one I want to make a copy off.”

In reality, Bi Fan knew exactly what he was doing; since he was capable of memorizing any book in one read, he really had no interest in copying them on paper.

Bi Fan couldn’t forget that he only had two days’ time, and he wanted to memorize all the martial skills books inside the Quinyang Library in that time.

As a result, Bi Fan stopped paying attention to Yan Yu Si’s presence, and started concentrating on the task at hand, wholeheartedly.

Bi Fan would open a book, and would browse through it very quickly.

Since he wanted to memorize the entire books collection in the Library, he really couldn’t help but increase his speed. His normal speed was awfully fast, and now, he had almost doubled it.

His head was a complete mystery, and not even a single word was forgotten from the texts he had read so far.

In the next half of the day, since he didn’t take any rest, Bi Fan managed to devour another thirty-eight books.

He hadn’t written anything down yet, but was still able to recall everything he had read so far, a feat, which ordinary men simply aren’t capable of reproducing.

Bi Fan was a like a sponge, and his ability to absorb knowledge was absolutely mesmerizing.

Yan Yu Si could see that Bi Fan was very busy with his work, so she didn’t disturb him again.

There were many books inside the Quinyang Sect’s Library, but Yan Yu Si had read most of them, which is why she didn’t have much interest in them. She was spending her time going over the books which talked about people’s experiences, and sometimes she would also go over to Grandpa Ling for a chat.

The two days pa.s.sed in a flash, and Bi Fan had almost read through the entire book selection that he wished to, and was now busy copying a book which talked about ‘The Electric Sword’ technique. But he hadn’t yet finished copying the text completely; on paper.

“Bi Fan, I told you to start making the copies as early as possible. Look, now you haven’t even finished making one copy here.” Yan Yu Si seemed very angry.

Yan Yu Si wasn’t actually angry with Bi Fan, but was simply worried that Bi Fan had missed a great opportunity.

The old man saw it, and revealed a profound smile.

Bi Fan was on the verge of returning the book to its shelf, since it was time for him to leave.

The old man smiled and said: “It doesn’t not matter, take your time. Young Bi Fan, quickly make yourself a copy, and return the book to its place before you leave.”

“Thank you Grandpa Ling!” Yan Yu Si was standing next to the old man, and was clutching the man’s arm gently.

Bi Fan couldn’t help but stare; Yan Yu Si was acting like a spoilt little baby, but even then, looked as beautiful as always.

Yan Yu Si said: “Bi Fan, quickly copy the text; Grandpa Ling is already being very lenient.”

“Oh? Thank you Grandpa Ling.” Bi Fan continued to transcribe the book, since he didn’t want people to know about his photographic memory.

A little limelight in necessary, but too much of it can cause problems.

Bi Fan knew this truth well, which is why he preferred keeping a low-key profile.

Copying the text was a tiring job, and Bi Fan spent another two hours, before he was finally able to finish making a copy of ‘The Electric Sword’ skill’s book.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, Grandpa Ling, I’m done with the work.”

“Grandpa Ling, then it’s time for us to leave; you take care of your health.” Yan Yu Si said with a smile.

“Little Yan Yu Si, when you come back next time, don’t forget to pay this old man a visit.” The old man smiled back at her.

“Yes! I’ll certainly come to see you.” Yan Yu Si nodded.

Then, Yan Yu Si walked out of the Library, and led Bi Fan back to the meeting hall of the Quinyang Sect.

At present, a lot of people were gathered inside the meeting hall, most were unknown to Bi Fan, but he did recognize some, like Mo Nan, Jing Feng, Luo Sheng, and Ji Ying Lan.

The moment Luo Sheng saw Bi Fan enter the hall, his face started reflecting the resentment his heart felt for Bi Fan, while his eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a murderous spirit.

Naturally, Bi Fan felt Luo Sheng’s gaze, but decided to plainly ignore the man.

“Brother Jing Feng, what are you doing here?” Bi Fan asked.

“We have to leave for the Jiu Yu City soon; it’s good that you two came back in time, ah.” Jing Feng smiled.

“Someone thinks that just because he won the Championship, he can make the others wait. This behavior is ridiculous.” A cold voice expressed its owner’s opinion. It is needless to say that the speaker was Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng was standing next to tall man; this man was Luo Xiong. Luo Xiong was sizing Bi Fan up, with a cold look in his eyes, and Bi Fan simply didn’t know what to make of it.

Bi Fan had already rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, especially since he had walked into the meeting hall with Yan Yu Si. Almost all the core disciples of the Sect had already started considering him as a compet.i.tor.

Inside the Quinyang Sect, if a person was a core disciple under the age of thirty, and a male on top of that, they automatically desired Yan Yu Si.

These people had already started talking amongst themselves, and were adding more fuel to Luo Sheng’s jab.

“Well, there’s no time to talk now; you must all leave immediately.” Since Yu Qing Yang had given the command, no one dared to say another word.

This time, the Quinyang Sect was sending a team of over thirty people, wherein there were sixteen core disciples, and sixteen Neimen disciples. These two teams, of sixteen members each, were being led by Luo Xiao Tian and Ling Xin Ya, making the total number of the platoon to thirty-four.

Out of these, ten of the core and Neimen disciples were supposed to partic.i.p.ate in the tournaments, while the other six were excellent young talents, who were accompanying them to witness the tournament, and gain some experience.

The Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon, and the Jiu Yu Imperial List tournaments, were both, held once every three years, while the third one, the Jiu Yu Spirit List, was held once every ten years.

The party only const.i.tuted of youngsters, since both the tournaments had an age cap. Partic.i.p.ants in the Jui Yu Hidden Dragon List were required to be under the age of twenty-five years, whereas, the age cap for the Jiu Yu Imperial List was thirty years.

With Luo Xiao Tian and Ling Xin Ya in the lead, the thirty-four man team set off.

In order to reach the Jiu Yu City as soon as possible, the entire delegation was going to use a Crane for travelling. (A crane is like an airplane; there was a mention of another one, about a hundred chapters ago or so, when Bi Fan goes down the Yu Nu Feng Mountain to beat up Daniu, if I remember correctly.)

“Everyone, get on board!” Luo Xiao Tian waved his big hands, as he instructed in a loud voice.

Luo Xiao Tian was the leader of the delegation, but since Ling Xin Ya wanted to ensure Bi Fan’s safety, he had volunteered to travel along.

Yu Qing Yang was also worried about Bi Fan’s safety, since he too feared that Luo Xiao Tian might have bad intentions for Bi Fan. Yu Qing Yang had made arrangements for Ling Xin Ya to travel along with the rest of the party, owing to which Luo Xiao Tian knew that he couldn’t act rashly.

Bi Fan had demonstrated his remarkable talents, and if he was met with any unfortunate encounters, then Yu Qing Yang would never be able to overcome the grief.

Once everyone had boarded the crane, the crane took off, and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

Even though the Jiu Yu City was a very isolated city in this world, it still provided residence to millions of people.

So naturally, the martial arts situation of the region was quite complicated as well.

Within the reach of the Jiu Yu City, the Wu Ji Sect was the most powerful Sect, while the Quinyang Sect was considered one of the many first-cla.s.s Sects.

With so many forces in the area, there was bound to be compet.i.tion and conflict. These Sects were competing for resources perennially, and most Sects had a mutual hatred for each other. The Disciples of these Sects were known to fight each other in the streets of the city, and sometimes, these fights even lead to fatalities.

Every time the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List, and the Jiu Yu Imperial List tournaments were held, several disciples used them to resolve their personal disputes, and each time, several renowned geniuses lost their lives over the course of the tournament.

Yan Yu Si had made a note of things that Bi Fan must be aware of, and explained these circ.u.mstances to him along the way, so he’d be wary of them.

“Bi Fan, you have to be very careful there, and you must also be on guard against some people from within our Sect as well. There are a few people, whom you mustn’t provoke. You have to be careful against Luo Xiong, since he’s Luo Sheng’s elder Brother. He’s extremely strong, and even I can’t defeat him easily.”

“Thanks for letting me know Miss Yan Yu Si, and I’ll be careful about these things.” Bi Fan was somewhat moved.

He thought to himself: “It seems that Miss Yan Yu Si really cares for me. Well, at least that’s good thing for me, he he…”

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