The Six Immortals

Chapter 158 – Spirit Illusion Needles

Chapter 158 – Spirit Illusion Needles


“This young man was able to enlist so many treasures at such a young age, he’s definitely not an ordinary youngster and we need to treat him well!” Di Guan Shi stated after Bi Fan had left the room, apparently he had left a very strong impression on the man.

Jing Feng had sold his items very quickly and was waiting for Bi Fan at the reception.

At this point, Jing Feng had been waiting for Bi Fan for over four hours, but didn’t seem to mind it much.

“Brother Bi Fan, you’ve kept me waiting a long time, you’re going to have to compensate for this later on.” Jing Feng laughed.

“No problem, if there’s something that you fancy, then I’ll buy it for you.” Bi Fan was in a very jolly mood, which was obvious from the manner in which he was talking.

Jing Feng said: “Brother Bi Fan, it seems that your last trip to the Devil’s Abyss was a very rewarding experience.”

“Yes it was Brother Jing Feng. I also obtained some very good things and I have kept some for you as well. There are some specialty items in my possession, which I didn’t sell at the Tao Bao Complex, and you’re simply going to love them.” Bi Fan intentionally said this in a mysterious manner.

In reality, Bi Fan was quite surprised that he hadn’t already given Jing Feng an Ogre flower petal, but then he knew that he’d have a hard time explaining its history.

Bi Fan had only told Yan Yu Si and Xiao Feng about the Ogre Flower petals, since he knew that they would keep his secret.

“Since you’re being nice about it, I’ll let you off the hook this time. Now let’s go to the second floor, Miss Yan Yu Si and the others must have been waiting a long time for us.” Jing Feng smiled.

Once they reached the second floor, Bi Fan and Jing Feng decided to temporarily hold off on shopping for items, since they needed to find their group first.

The entire second floor was divided into several smaller segments, and some of these segments were the size of a football field.

It took Bi Fan and Jing Feng a good amount of time to locate Yan Yu Si and the others. They were also being accompanied by Luo Sheng and Luo Xiong at present, and it seemed as if Luo Xiong was trying to approach Yan Yu Si again.

“Brother Jing Feng, Brother Bi Fan, what took you guys so long ah?” Mo Nan asked with a smile.

Bi Fan replied: “Something came up.”

Luo Xiong’s face changed colors the moment he saw Jing Feng and Bi Fan.

Yan Yu Si had refused to go to the Tao Bao complex when Luo Xiong had asked for her company, but was here now, with Bi Fan, which clearly described his issue with the situation at hand.

“Dear young ones, if there’s anything that you like here, I’ll give you the money to buy it.” Luo Xiong announced in a loud voice.

Everyone knew that Bi Fan had just entered the Sect as an outer disciple, which obviously would indicate that he wouldn’t have much wealth on his hands, which is why Luo Xiong tried to switch their compet.i.tion to a financial one.

Luo Xiong started staring at Bi Fan, in the hope of embarra.s.sing him.

Bi Fan thought for a moment, smiled and said: “Brother Luo Xiong is being so generous; refusing his offer would be very disrespectful…”

“Many thanks Brother Luo Xiong, you came just in time, there’s a lot of necessary things that I needed to buy, and now I’m all set, thanks to you.” Jing Feng quickly realized Bi Fan’s intention and added to his idea in a patronizing tone.

“Yes ah! Let’s all go and pick some magical weapons. Brother Luo Xiong is being so kind today; we simply mustn’t waste this opportunity.” Mo Nan also pitched in.

Luo Xiong’s face suddenly became very unsightly, and he sharply turned around and left, along with Luo Sheng.

Luo Xiong had just offered pretentiously, but if everyone decided to pick magical weapons then he wouldn’t have the money to pay for it. Even if did have the money for it, he still wouldn’t want to spend it in this manner.

Since things were likely to end in embarra.s.sment for him, Luo Xiong definitely couldn’t stay any longer.

However, this time Luo Xiong was unable to conceal his intentions, and sharply glared at Mo Nan, Jing Feng and Bi Fan as he left their company.

“Hahaha….” Bi Fan and the others burst into laughter.

“You ah!….” Yan Yu Si shook her head.

Yan Yu Si obviously didn’t want any strife inside the Quinyang Sect, but knew that it would be unavoidable due to Luo Xiong’s presence. But now, she was even more optimistic about Bi Fan, Mo Nan, and Jing Feng’s future, since all three of them were readily providing support to each other.

“It seems that we won’t get to buy free items now…” w.a.n.g Yun Fei sighed.

Bi Fan smiled: “Everyone can choose something for themselves. Don’t pick something expensive, since I don’t have a lot of money…. but it I can afford to buy something small for everyone.”

“Ha ha, don’t hesitate; Brother Bi Fan has just exchanged the winnings from his adventures for a lot of spars, if you don’t take advantage of it now, then you may not get another chance.” Jing Feng laughed.

Now that Luo Xiong was gone, everyone was in a cheerful mood, and they were entertaining themselves by cracking jokes at each other.

Luo Jia quickly glimpsed at Bi Fan and asked: “Are you really going to let us buy something?”

“Yeah, let’s do this!” Bi Fan spoke up.

Everyone quickly separated and fled, since no one wanted to miss the opportunity of buying their favorites for free.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, does the Tao Bao complex have an area which sells practice books?” Bi Fan asked.

“Of course, you come with me.” Yan Yu Si raised her head again. The goods on the second floor were beneath her, which is why she wasn’t interested in buying anything from here.

The Tao Bao complex had a specialized area for the sale of practice books, and even though the room wasn’t big, it was enough to accommodate a few hundred books.

Bi Fan looked around, and found that there were about eighteen weapon skills books, in addition to several other books which spoke about various skills to use kicks, fists, and various other skill sets. However, these books were sealed and placed inside cupboards, which had a transparent gla.s.s in front, and only the name of the books were visible.

Yan Yu Si said: “Most of these books are quite common, and the best you may find here will only be comparable to the ‘Fufeng double-edged sword’.”

“Excuse me, can I take the books out to browse them?” Bi Fan asked.

The service personnel replied: “We have a detailed overview of every book that we have on sale. You can take a look at the introductions, and I’ll arrange the books that you like the best.”

Bi Fan was hoping to read through the books, and memorize their contents without actually having to pay for them, so he was obviously a little disappointed by this.

“Excuse me, can you help me in picking a book that describes methods to practice concealed weapons?” Bi Fan asked after thinking for a while.

‘The Immortal Finger’ is a concealed attack, and works very well with sword techniques, while adding an element of surprise, which makes it a very aggressive concealed strike. If Bi Fan was able to learn a specialized method in concealed weaponry, then he’d be able to use it to improve the output of ‘The Immortal Finger’ attack.

‘The Immortal Finger’ was already a very dangerous strike, and if Bi Fan was able to disguise it even better, then it would play a very crucial role in his future adventures.

“Please wait dear guest.” Two service personnel quickly went around and selected two books on concealed weaponry.

“Sir, these concealed weaponry books are relatively rare, and are only found on the second floor of this complex. Please read the introductions, and make your selection.”

Bi Fan read the introductions of the two books, wherein the first one was called ‘Spirit Illusion Needle’, while the second one was named ‘basic secrets to concealed weaponry’.

The ‘Spirit Illusion Needle’ was priced at one thousand spars, while the ‘basic secrets to concealed weaponry’ had an asking price of three hundred spars.

“Okay, I like them. I’ll take them both.” Bi Fan stated.

“Bi Fan, do not pick very complicated skills. You’re already learning some very complex skill sets, but if you overdo it, then it might have a very negative affect on your future training.” Yan Yu Si cautioned.

“Don’t worry, I will not be practicing these methods, I just intend to use these books for reference on my research.” Bi Fan smiled.

“That’s great! Do you have enough spars? You will also have to spend some spars on the other students as well, so let me help you in buying the ‘spirit illusion needle’ book.”

Bi Fan’s heart was growing a pang of sweetness to see that Yan Yu Si was so concerned about him.

“I have enough spars, so I’m good, but thanks.”

Yan Yu Si didn’t insist since she knew that Bi Fan had spent a lot of time hunting inside the Devil’s abyss, and realized that he would have made a lot of money in the process.

After Bi Fan purchased the two books, he was quite uncertain about buying anything else, since he didn’t know what he would need in the future.

“Miss Yan Yu Si, what would you like to buy? I’d like to buy you something.” Bi Fan said.

“I don’t need anything. If you have more money, then you should buy something for yourself; perhaps something that might help you in the future rounds of the contest.” Yan Yu Si replied.

Bi Fan thought for a while, but didn’t feel the need to buy anything else.

“Let’s take a look, and see if we like anything else.”

Bi Fan wished to be alone with Yan Yu Si, but was worried that he may not be able to keep her entertained. Now that he was alone with her, he simply couldn’t control the speed at which his heart was pumping.

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