The Six Immortals

Chapter 187 –The Vigor to Match-up

Chapter 187 –The Vigor to Match-up

(Mustang: Regular Chapter.)


As Mo Nan and w.a.n.g Feng strode down the stage, anyone could tell that the two men were still on good terms with each other.

Even though the City Sect was a bit depressed that w.a.n.g Feng lost to Mo Nan, they still weren’t blaming him in any way since they knew that he was already quite tired.

Since he had lost fair and square, they accepted his defeat gracefully.

The Ba Gua Sect delegation looked even gloomier after Mo Nan’s victory.

The Quinyang Sect’s performance had already surpa.s.sed that of the City Sect and was just below that of the Wu Ji Sect.

The Ba Gua Sect had been trying to replace the Quinyang Sect for a long time now, and it was evident that their hopes had been dashed once again.

As soon as Mo Nan entered into the Quinyang Sect’s dressing room, he was surrounded by everyone since they all wished to congratulate him for his excellent performance.

Even Lou Xiao Tian and Ling Xin Ya were overly pleased with his work, and both of them personally praised his achievement.

Moving up one spot in the ranking gives extra points to the Sect; Mo Nan just moved up one spot, which meant that the Quinyang Sect would fare better in the ranking than before.

“Brother Mo Nan, that was amazing! You creamed Brother w.a.n.g Feng.” Jing Feng laughed.

Mo Nan seemed rather modest about it: “Brother w.a.n.g Feng was very generous, and his performance was very elegant.”

“Come on, he’s no generous guy; he was just pretending to be cool, that’s all.” Jing Feng laughed.

After Mo Nan and w.a.n.g Feng’s contest ended, people started to ignore the remaining contests since they were all anxious to watch the final battle.

The final battle was the most crucial contest of the day since the other contests barely affected the final rankings in any way.

The contests for the third to the seventh position were still of some importance, and were cheered by the crowd since the fights were quite splendid.

But Bi Fan vs Wu Ji Xuan was the most antic.i.p.ated contest, which was scheduled towards the end of the tournament.

The spectators weren’t very interested in the remaining contests, and were already openly discussing the outcome of the final battle between Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan.

No one could question Wu Ji Xuan’s strength since he had already won the previous Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon list three years ago, and had exhibited complete dominance.

Until now, no one was aware of Wu Ji Xuan’s true strength.

It could be stated that most people were expecting Wu Ji Xuan to beat Bi Fan and retain the championship this time.

On top of that, most of the spectators had seen Wu Ji Xuan in action several times in the past, and believed him to be the strongest of his generation.

Forget about other Sects, even the Quinyang Sect wasn’t confident about Bi Fan’s victory.

Wu Ji Xuan was far stronger than his peers, which was the reason that no one was expecting him to lose the fight.

Even though Bi Fan was awfully strong, the Quinyang Sect’s delegation was well aware that he had just started out in the martial world.

Even though the Quinyang Sect considered Bi Fan to be a special kind of genius, they didn’t have enough faith in him at the moment.

If this was the popular sentiment in the Quinyang Sect, then there was no point in blaming the others.

“It seems that the final battle of the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List won’t be much of a suspense after all, and I expect Wu Ji Xuan to notch an easy victory. But still, the Quinyang Sect is very powerful… three disciples in the top seven isn’t a joke.”

“The Quinyang Sect was mostly lucky; If Bi Fan hadn’t killed the pets of the Wu Ji Sect disciples then even Jing Feng and Mo Nan wouldn’t have been able to get such good rankings.”

“The Wu Ji Sect will surely want their revenge on Bi Fan; it seems as if they are angry enough to kill him. If Wu Ji Xuan can win this tournament, then their reputation won’t take a very big hit.”


…    …


Bi Fan’s eyes were closed, and he wasn’t paying any attention to any of the other contests.

The final match was too crucial, and he simply couldn’t afford any carelessness.

The atmosphere inside the Quinyang Sect dressing room was very serious, and people were even trying to control the sound of their breathing for the fear of disorienting Bi Fan’s focus.

In fact, Jing Feng and the others seemed more nervous than Bi Fan since his performance could make their Sect very famous.

If Bi Fan was able to win the final battle, then it would be the perfect end to a very successful campaign.

The atmosphere inside the Wu Ji Sect was very similar to that of the Quinyang Sect, and no one was daring to disturb Wu Ji Xuan.

The stakes were too high, and everyone was aware of its severity.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng’s eyes were revealing a murderous aura, and it seemed as if he would burst out cursing at any moment.

Time seemed to be pa.s.sing very slowly, and the viewers had already started urging the management to start to the final battle, unable to wait any longer.

The desires of everyone’s hearts were on their tongues.

Finally, the other contests ended, and the referee asked the two finalists to report to the stage. This announcement was followed by a huge uproar from the crowd.

“Wu Ji Xuan! Wu Ji Xuan! You’re the champion!…..” most people were clearly in favor of Wu Ji Xuan.

Of course, there were a few who were cheering for Bi Fan, but their voices were being subdued to the sheer lack in their number.

Bi Fan opened his eyes; ready for war.

Bi Fan stood up tall and confident, while his eyes clearly reflected his determination.

Mo Nan and Jing Feng shook his hands, but didn’t say anything; not even a single word.

Even though Yan Yu Si seemed a bit concerned, she didn’t say anything, completely aware that her words would be unnecessary.

Luo Sheng looked quite gloomy, and it was hard to guess his thoughts. Luo Xiong on the other hand was wearing a very cold and sly smile on his face.

Bi Fan faced the rest of the sect and nodded. Then, he resolutely left the dressing room, and started walking towards the contest stage.

The t.i.tle fight was scheduled to take place on the center stage, and the referee was already in place.

The entire stadium was on its feet, loudly hooting and cheering for their favorites in excitement.

The situation was almost getting out of hand, but the management was somehow controlling the crowd with excessive patrolling.

As both men ascended to the stage, the crowd started howling even more wildly, with most people supporting Wu Ji Xuan.

Bi Fan seemed unmoved by his environment, and his steady pace was clearly demonstrating his unflinching determination.

Wu Ji Xuan’s face on the other hand, was displaying his confidence.

The moment they embarked onto the stage, their eyes met and sparks started to fly. Neither man seemed willing to take his eyes off the other.

Neither man seemed willing to back down, while their momentums continued to rise as they continued to glare at each other.

Most people were very surprised upon sensing the sharp rise in their momentums since no one had expected outer disciples to have such high strengths.

The referee started the contest.

But neither man moved; however, their momentums continued to rise.

As their momentum reached the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer, Mo Nan, w.a.n.g Feng and Jing Feng’s mouth fell open in shock.

“But ah! Brother Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan are strong enough to be capable of competing against ‘emerging from the womb’ layer fighters?!” Jing Feng was completely shocked.

Jing Feng had been under the impression that he knew Bi Fan’s strength, but now he was beginning to realize that Bi Fan was far stronger than he had antic.i.p.ated.

“Bi Fan is really strong! Even I can’t expose so much strength very easily!” Lou Jia cutely stuck out her tongue.

Ling Xin Ya was as amazed as anyone else: “Good; Very Good!”

Ling Xin Ya was obviously extremely pleased with Bi Fan, and was very happy that he had obtained such an excellent disciple.

Luo Xiao Tian was looking on with a very straight face, and it was almost impossible to guess his thoughts.

Luo Sheng looked awfully pale, and it was evident that he already feared Bi Fan’s might.

The Wu Ji Sect dressing room was starting to look very tense now since Bi Fan’s display clearly showed that he was far stronger than they had expected.

Previously, no one was optimistic about Bi Fan’s chances, but his burst of strength had already conquered the hearts of many.

“I’ve decided; I will support Bi Fan.”

“Imagine, he’s so young and still so powerful! This is really very good!”

Bi Fan hadn’t even started fighting yet, but had already won the admiration of everyone present by just exposing his strength.

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