The Six Immortals

Chapter 188 – The Dazzling Sacred Tiger

Chapter 188 – The Dazzling Sacred Tiger


Their momentums reached their respective peaks at the same time, and started to converge simultaneously.

The momentums of Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan were almost comparable as opposed to the expectations of the crowd.

“Bi Fan, since you’re quite strong, I will give you my best game.” Wu Ji Xuan was finally giving Bi Fan real attention, which meant that Wu Ji Xuan respected Bi Fan’s strength.

“Come on then, I’ll give you a real fight too.” Bi Fan replied loudly.

Wu Ji Sword!

As Wu Ji Xuan attacked, his Jing Hong sword drifted seamlessly through the air, displaying his expertise.

‘The Wu Ji Sword’ was Wu Ji Xuan’s proprietary martial law, so naturally he was very well accustomed to it, and it goes without saying that the power output of his skill was enormous.

Bi Fan knew that he couldn’t be careless at all, which is why he decided to start with his most familiar skill – ‘the fufeng double edged sword’.

Even though Bi Fan’s understanding of the ‘fufeng double edged sword’ was far superior than that of Ji Ying Lan, and his personal modifications had made the sword-play even more powerful, it was still no match for Wu Ji Xuan’s ‘Wu Ji Sword’.

Bi Fan knew that this wouldn’t be enough to win the match, but he also knew that he could use this skill to test out his opponent without facing much difficulty.

Wu Ji Xuan kept pressing harder and harder, and his attacks were constantly becoming fiercer. Bi Fan had already turned to defending rigorously, and wasn’t allowing his opponent’s attacks to penetrate through.

Even Wu Ji Xuan wasn’t capable of breaking past Bi Fan’s defense very easily in such a short period of time.

Moreover, since Bi Fan had been studying Wu Ji Xuan’s sword play for a long time now, he knew his opponent’s general routine, and was able to apply the required countermeasures with ease.

Bi Fan had started the match fairly well, which was obviously recognized by everyone, and many more people had already started cheering for him now.

“Brother Bi Fan is really talented….. the ‘fufeng double edged sword’ is a lot more powerful in his hands than mine….. I’ve studied the law for so many years, but I still can’t match his expertise; I should be ashamed of myself.” Even though Ji Ying Lan was happy for Bi Fan, he still felt at a loss for his own self.

Jing Feng patted Ji Ying Lan on the shoulder, smiled and said: “Brother Bi Fan is abnormal, so you mustn’t compare yourself with him. However, the fact is that your knowledge of your martial skill is amazing, so you must continue to strive on the path that you’ve chosen for yourself.”

“Yes, comparing yourself with Brother Bi Fan will only bring you discomfort.” Mo Nan added: “Brother Bi Fan is even managing to match up to Wu Ji Xuan after such a short practice time… however, I doubt if he will be able to win today. I can’t be sure of the result… it really depends on their trump cards ah.”

Everyone was very tense, so much so that most people weren’t even blinking as they continued to watch the contest from the edge of their seats.

Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan were still intertwined with each other on the contest stage, and had already exchanged countless strokes.

Due to the strength and speed of their attacks, the audience was barely able to see the real exchange of their strokes, and weren’t exactly able to tell the two men apart.

The Dragon Scale sword and the Jing Hong sword were both very powerful swords, and their sharp blades were constantly issuing glorious sparks.

The collisions of the two swords were constantly issuing dazzling sparks, and the crisp voice of the collisions could be heard throughout the arena.

Bi Fan had started exposing his physical strength very gradually, which was steadily increasing the power output of his attacks, while the application of ‘the dance of mist’ was gradually increasing the pace of his attacks.

Wu Ji Xuan wasn’t lacking either, and was constantly matching Bi Fan’s pace and strength.

Bi Fan was a little surprised and a bit shocked to see that Wu Ji Xuan was capable of matching his power-packed attacks so easily.

Even though the two men had already exchanged thousands of strokes, neither man seemed tired. Moreover, both men were still constantly increasing the pace and power of their attacks.

“Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan are indeed stronger than me, but I must beat them both someday.” Li Qian Xun’s eyes were sparkling in dazzling rays of unwavering determination, and it seemed that he had already made up his mind.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu wasn’t convinced upon losing to Bi Fan; but after watching Bi Fan’s true ability, she realized that her defeat was indeed the inevitable result.

However, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu wanted to take her revenge on Bi Fan, and secretly vowed to become even stronger someday.

Today, many people had started regarding Bi Fan as their target goal, and would strive harder to beat his strength in the future.

As for the younger disciples, Bi Fan was their idol; even his defeat wouldn’t detriment the respect they felt for him.

“Bi Fan, you’re quite strong, but you’ll need to do more if you wish to beat me.” Wu Ji Xuan smiled challengingly.

Suddenly, Wu Ji Xuan changed his martial law, and his sword play became even more powerful. Bi Fan had never seen this attack before.

Bi Fan suddenly felt the increase in pressure, and quickly turned defensive to protect himself.

“Does Wu Ji Xuan also practice physical force?” Bi Fan’s heart had already started getting a bad feeling at this point.

Wu Ji Xuan had already reached the breakthrough point a long time ago, but he still hadn’t gone ahead with it yet. So it was quite likely that he was concentrating on increasing his physical strength at the moment.

So far in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List, Wu Ji Xuan had only demonstrated very little physical strength, and it seemed that he was only as strong as Jing Feng and the others in that respect.

But now, it seemed that he had far more physical strength than he had exposed before, which meant that whatever little advantage Bi Fan was counting on, was now gone.

Since their overall strength was roughly the same, Bi Fan would find himself at a disadvantage due to a gap in their realms.

Bi Fan was well aware of the severity of the matter, and decided that he must employ his complete strength in order to achieve the desired result. His strength suddenly burst out and crossed twenty eight Yun Shi in a matter of seconds, surpa.s.sing the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer mark.

Bi Fan suddenly reversed the situation, turning his defense into offense. He continued to launch wave after wave of powerful attacks, giving Wu Ji Xuan no room to breathe.

Wu Ji Xuan’s face was clearly reflecting the shock of his heart.

Wu Ji Xuan had already displayed his best, and even though he was strong enough to stand his own ground, he knew that he was falling short of Bi Fan. He was well aware that in fight as critical as this one, even the slightest of gaps can be enough to affect the result.

His internal energy was far superior to Bi Fan, but his physical strength was falling short by a very significant margin.

Overall, Wu Ji Xuan was only about two Yun Shi short of Bi Fan’s total strength.

Bi Fan on the other hand, was well aware that Wu Ji Xuan might still be concealing some more secrets; maybe even a beast pet.

In order to extract his secrets, Bi Fan started employing both his hands simultaneously, and was now using his left hand for casting out the ‘prancing tiger’ fist boxing and ‘The Immortal Finger’ attack, making things even harder for Wu Ji Xuan.

Bi Fan was repeatedly casting out ‘The Immortal Finger’ attack, since he was sure that this skill must be known to superior sects like the Wu Ji Sect.

Therefore, Bi Fan started to prevail as a result of the increasing pace, power, and ferocity of his attacks.

Wu Ji Xuan was constantly retreating, and had already started using the Wu Ji Sect’s defensive laws to protect himself.

As people saw the gradual manner in which Bi Fan was beginning to take the upper hand, their mouths fell open in shock, while their faces were exposing a look of utter disbelief.

“How could Bi Fan be strong enough to fight an almost ‘emerging from the womb’ layer fighter….. he’s only inside the ‘enormous strength’ layer.”

“Bi Fan is even stronger than Wu Ji Xuan…. It seems that we are looking at a once in a millennium genius here!”

“The Wu Ji Sect is so out of luck… there’s nothing anyone can do against such a talent…. He’s costed them so much in this tournament already, and now he’ll take the first spot also.”

Majority of the spectators were perspective enough to spot the talent inside Bi Fan, so naturally they couldn’t hold back from praising him.

As for Wu Ji Xuan’s previous achievements…. They had already been overshadowed.

Wu Ji Xuan’s face was filled with a color of hate, and it was obvious that he wouldn’t reconcile to admitting his defeat so easily.

“Come out my partner!” Wu Ji Xuan said in a loud voice.

“Roar!” A five meter tall, pure-white tiger appeared onto the stage, and issued a deafening roar.

The moment this dazzling sacred tiger appeared on the stage, its tyrannical momentum started to explode.

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