The Six Immortals

Chapter 189 – A Two vs Two Showdown

Chapter 189 – A Two vs Two Showdown

(Mustang: Regular Chapter.)


“The Sacred Tiger is extremely strong. I’m afraid that it’s almost on the verge of turning into an ‘emerging from the womb’ layer beast.” Many people exclaimed out.

Bi Fan could sense that the Sacred Tiger was strong enough to match the strength of the Abyss Dragon he had faced in the Devil’s Abyss.

Obviously, had the Sacred Tiger already stepped into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, then he would have been much harder to deal with.

Bi Fan’s face had changed colors in a matter of moments. Bi Fan had been expecting Wu Ji Xuan to possess a pet, but hadn’t expected that his pet would be this strong.

Wu Ji Xuan’s Sacred Tiger shared the same bloodline as that of a white tiger, but was purer than the latter. Due to the strength of its race, the Sacred Tiger still had a lot of room for evolution, which meant that he’d probably turn into a very powerful beast someday.

It was evident that Wu Ji Xuan must have spent a lot of effort in taming the beast.

However, Wu Ji Xuan’s eyes reflected a hint of tenderness as he looked at his pet.

“Bi Fan, I admit that you’re extremely strong, but you’re still no match for me and my pet.” Wu Ji Xuan laughed as he shook his head.

“Ha Ha…..” Bi Fan joined him.

“Since you’re using a beast pet, shouldn’t I also be allowed to use mine?”

Now that Wu Ji Xuan had exposed all his cards, Bi Fan was more than willing to allow the Chimera to make a shocking debut.

“Chimera, come out!” Bi Fan’s voice was so loud that everyone inside the arena heard his words clearly.

The Chimera appeared on the stage, and its momentum immediately burst out, suppressing the Sacred Tiger’s soaring momentum.

The Chimera’s eyes raged a cry for battle the moment he saw the Sacred Tiger, and he roared as he challengingly demonstrated his strength to the Sacred Tiger.

The Sacred Tiger retreated a few steps in fear. However, the Sacred Tiger’s strength wasn’t far behind the Chimera’s, and he immediately stepped forward and roared back.

Since the Chimera’s physical appearance had changed very drastically after its evolution, not many people were able to recognize its race.

“Bi Fan’s beast pet is weird…. A bit different from anything else on the land, and it even seems a little more powerful than Wu Ji Xuan’s pet!”

“This beast pet seems very dangerous; you see that tail, it’s barbed and resembles that of a snake…. I’m quite sure that it’s poisonous too. I was certain that Wu Ji Xuan was going to win after he summoned his pet, but now that Bi Fan’s revealed a more powerful beast….. could Bi Fan really become the champion?”

“Let’s not start making our a.s.sumptions…. It’s too early to see which pet is more powerful.”

The spectators were even more excited since the match was turning out to be even better than they had expected.

The Wu Ji Sect was staring at the contest stage dumbfounded; in fact, even the Quinyang Sect delegation was watching with their mouths hung open in disbelief.

“I never thought that Brother Bi Fan’s pet would be this powerful!” Jing Feng exclaimed.

Mo Nan said: “Finally…. we get to see Brother Bi Fan’s pet….. He’s just as abnormal as Brother Bi Fan!”

The people who were already inside the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer were even more surprised than the rest of the crowd since they had seen the ‘emerging from womb’ layer version of the Chimera, and knew just how powerful the beast could become in the future.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng’s face had become very ugly at this point, and he narrated these words in an undertone, almost to himself: “Bi Fan must be removed from the Quinyang Sect. The Quinyang Sect must have spent a lot of money in procuring this beast for Bi Fan. I hope this doesn’t create a big problem for Wu Ji Xuan… let’s just hope that he can finish this fight in a victory.”

Even Xuan Yuan Ling Feng wasn’t fully aware of his disciple’s true strength.

However, due to this reason, he wasn’t sure if Wu Ji Xuan was in control of the situation or not.

Wu Ji Xuan was the Wu Ji Sect’s most treasured outer disciple, and if anything untoward happened to the youngster, then Xuan Yuan Ling Feng wouldn’t be able to bear the burden of the blame.

In fact, Xuan Yuan Ling Feng was so anxious that he was even willing to concede a defeat in order to ensure his disciple’s safety.

Wu Ji Xuan panicked the moment he saw the Chimera, but managed to restore his composure almost immediately.

“Well, I didn’t think that you’d also have such a powerful pet; it seems that their encounter will make a good spectacle.” Wu Ji Xuan stated in a cold voice.

“Yes, the pets will have some fun of their own; but you’ll still have to deal with me on your own again.” Bi Fan smiled.

With the Chimera in support, Bi Fan’s confidence was reaching new heights.

Even though Bi Fan hadn’t seen the Chimera in action after its evolution, he was sure that the beast would have certainly become a lot stronger.

Bi Fan didn’t even need to instruct the Chimera since the monstrous beast was so anxious to fight that he charged in without anyone’s consent.

The Sacred Tiger was a fairly resourceful beast as well, and his sharp claws and long tail were strong enough to uproot a tall and thick tree with ease.

The two beasts started engaging themselves in a fierce battle, like two battle tanks on a field of battle.

Bi Fan and Wu Ji Xuan also started fighting again, and the speed of their movements was making it hard for the spectators to tell the two men apart.

“Jhumm…..” loud clamors of clashing were unceasingly erupting from the stage as the battle continued to rage on.

As the two beasts continued to fight, they started getting even angrier.

The Chimera especially seemed extremely angry, and was constantly roaring. Soon the Chimera even started using its more powerful weapon; it’s barbed tail.

The force of the Chimera’s scaled tail’s sweep was certainly not easy to take.

Moreover, since the barbs on the Chimera’s tail were capable of injecting poison, if these barbs managed to penetrate the skin of the target, then the poison would wreak havoc.

The Sacred Tiger seemed to be aware of this threat, and was deliberately dodging the Chimera’s tail.

The Chimera obviously wasn’t allowing the Sacred Tiger to get away easily, and had been constantly sweeping his tail in all directions to narrow down the movement s.p.a.ce for the Sacred Tiger.

Wu Ji Xuan started pressing harder upon seeing his pet’s plight.

Bi Fan had already earned the t.i.tle of ‘The Pet Slayer’, and Wu Ji Xuan was afraid that Bi Fan may end up killing his pet as well.

The red-eyed Wu Ji Xuan started launching a desperate onslaught of attacks at Bi Fan.

Since Wu Ji Xuan was going berserk, Bi Fan intentionally started recoiling to avoid injuries, and chose to dodge instead of confronting the attacks.

Wu Ji Xuan Smartly took advantage of the opportunity of this opening, and quickly repositioned himself next to his pet, and started a.s.sisting him in dealing with the Chimera.

Wu Ji Xuan and his pet had an excellent tactical understanding between themselves, which increased the effectiveness of their attacks, forcing the Chimera to retreat.

Bi Fan immediately recognized the threat, and promptly offered a.s.sistance to the Chimera.

Unfortunately, Bi Fan and the Chimera hadn’t been able to train together properly, owing to which their understanding wasn’t very good. Even though the two of them were individually stronger than their respective opponents, their combined strength started falling short.

Seeing that Bi Fan and the Chimera weren’t able to coordinate their attacks properly, Wu Ji Xuan and the Sacred Tiger started launching a very fierce onslaught in order to take advantage of the opportunity.

Wu Ji Xuan clearly knew that Bi Fan and his Chimera’s understanding would inevitably improve over the course of the fight.

The better they were able to coordinate with each other, the harder it would be for Wu Ji Xuan to win the match.

Therefore, Wu Ji Xuan was obviously intending on ending the fight as soon as possible.

“Jhumm…..” the Chimera had already lost a few scales due to the fierce collisions. His eyes were red with anger, and he was constantly roaring out in pain.

Bi Fan wanted to fight back, but was unable to because the Chimera’s large body was constantly getting in his way.

“What is Brother Bi Fan doing? He’s got such a good pet, but he can’t even fight with it!” Jing Feng almost cursed out at Bi Fan in anxiety.

Majority of the fists inside the Quinyang Sect were clenched in anxiety, while their faces were painted in a color of concern.

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