The Six Immortals

Chapter 192 – The Guangdong Saber

Chapter 192 – The Guangdong Saber

(Mustang: Regular Chapter.)


“Why didn’t I realize that Brother Bi Fan was concealing his real strength….. he was never going to lose this fight.” Jing Feng laughed.

Mo Nan asked: “Jing Feng, why didn’t you say that earlier?”

“Since it was Brother Bi Fan’s secret, I really couldn’t leak it.” Jing Feng replied without blinking an eye.

Yan Yu Si asked: “Jing Feng, do you know how Bi Fan managed to explode his strength past the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer mark?”

Everyone craned their necks since everyone wanted to know the answer.

Luo Sheng and Luo Xiong were especially straining their ears since they both wanted to know more about Bi Fan’s secrets.

Jing Feng smiled: “I was just running my mouth, but I don’t really know how Brother Bi Fan did that; I too will be asking him this question once he returns ah.”

“Deputy of the Sect, Bi Fan is your disciple…. You must know, right?” Luo Xiao Tian asked.

Ling Xin Ya smiled: “I don’t know either. But I think that Bi Fan must have learnt some method to increase his strength momentarily, which is what helped him in increasing the strength of his attacks for a short burst.”

Ling Xin Ya’s argument was quite reasonable, and Luo Xiao Tian nodded in approval.

Even the Wu Ji Sect delegation was speculating the reason behind Bi Fan’s sudden burst in strength.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng said: “It appears that Bi Fan has learnt a method to simulate the gates of the realms…. This is not a trivial matter.”

“Are you suggesting that Brother Wu Ji Xuan is going to lose?” the faces of the Wu Ji Sect disciples were showing a color of disappointment.

Xuan Yuan Ling Feng shook his head and sighed deeply: “There’s little hope of Wu Ji Xuan’s victory now…. it seems like our Wu Ji Sect is going to suffer another crushing defeat.”

Wu Ji Xuan however, still wasn’t convinced and was trying his utmost to defeat Bi Fan.

Wu Ji Xuan had always been a winner and had always been chased after by the world; he simply couldn’t fathom losing such a big match.

In fact, he had secretly vowed to kill Bi Fan.

Therefore, he kept increasing the power and ferocity of his attacks, but his face reflected a hint of desperation.

Even though Wu Ji Xuan was risking his life in his attacks, Bi Fan was constantly dodging him.

Blood was constantly dripping down from Wu Ji Xuan’s body, and Bi Fan’s heart was blooming at the sight of it.

“Keep flowing, keep streaming…. the higher the quant.i.ty of blood loss, the better it is for me.” Bi Fan thought to himself.

The increasing ferocity of Wu Ji Xuan’s attacks was only a false mask; he was becoming increasingly weak in reality.

His hands and feet were injured, which was affecting his mobility, while excessive blood loss had already killed his body’s robustness.

Bi Fan quickly saw past his mask, and decided to launch a counter attack.

Bi Fan’s actions were mimicked by the Chimera as well, and they sprang towards Wu Ji Xuan together.

The Chimera was certainly not holding back, and was constantly letting his flame lose every now and then. On top of that, he was also using his tail to limit Wu Ji Xuan’s movement s.p.a.ce.

Wu Ji Xuan had immediately calmed down upon seeing those corrosive jets of flame, and realized that he simply couldn’t take any chances, which is why he was constantly dodging their attacks.

Bi Fan stated loudly: “Wu Ji Xuan, you’re going to lose; it will be better if you conceded right now.”

“Ah….” Wu Ji Xuan roared loudly, almost as if he was trying to vent out his frustration and anger.

Bi Fan and the Chimera saw the manner in which he roared, and immediately prepared themselves for any uncertainties.

After all said and done, Wu Ji Xuan was no average man. If he had anymore hidden trump cards, then he could easily injure them if they acted recklessly at this point.

After roaring madly, Wu Ji Xuan instantly calmed down, and remained motionlessly glued to his spot.

However, Bi Fan and the Chimera didn’t dare to go anywhere near him, believing that he was acc.u.mulating his energy and could unleash a formidable attack at any moment.

But no one would have ever antic.i.p.ated that he would sigh and say: “Well…. I give up.”

Wu Ji Xuan’s sudden and unexpected words had completely startled Bi Fan, along with the rest of the crowd.

“Bi Fan! Bi Fan! …. Champion! Champion!….”

A moment after Wu Ji Xuan conceded the fight, the crowd jumped to its feet and started howling cheers for Bi Fan.

Bi Fan was just an ‘enormous strength’ layer martial artist, but he had still managed to beat an ‘emerging from the womb’ layer expert, and had also killed the man’s beast pet; No one could question Bi Fan’s strength and skill.

Since Bi Fan had beaten Wu Ji Xuan, all his supporters had already switched sides, and were now cheering for the new champion. Such was the reality of this world; strength gave way to respect.

The winner takes it all! This is the unquestionable truth.

Bi Fan’s face reflected a strange sense of happiness in the backdrop of loneliness when the referee officially announced him as the new champion.

Bi Fan had wanted to win this championship for a long time now since he felt that it would help him getting close to Yan Yu Si. He was well aware that there was a huge gap in his social status and Yan Yu Si’s, but he felt that winning this championship would help him in narrowing that gap to some extent. Now, he felt as if he could justify his pursuit of Yan Yu Si, and even though he still didn’t have the courage to confess to her face, he was confident that he could be capable to asking for her hand in marriage one day.

Bi Fan needed to win this championship in order to raise his self-esteem, or else he would have never had the courage to make his confession.

Bi Fan was determined to win this tournament, and he had already achieved his objective.

Bi Fan was extremely happy to see that almost two hundred thousand people were cheering and shouting his name, and were celebrating his victory.

After today’s victory, Bi Fan’s fame was sure to surpa.s.s Wu Ji Xuan’s in the Jiu Yu City.

Wu Ji Xuan was feeling very dejected and desolate. Even though he had just made a major breakthrough, he still didn’t seem happy.

His eyes had already started tearing at the sight of his Beast Pet’s ashes, and it seemed that his eyes were bathing in the light of an unrestrained murderous Aura.

“Bi Fan, you might have beaten me today, but I once my state has stabilized, I will seek you again, and I’ll beat you. I will get back at you for this disgrace someday.” Wu Ji Xuan stated in a dull voice.

“Well, I’ll be waiting for you. But remember that while you’ll be progressing, I too will be advancing… you’ll never be able to defeat me.” Bi Fan replied in an impa.s.sionate manner.

Bi Fan was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with so much confidence at the moment, that it seemed as if he wasn’t afraid of anyone.

“Brother Bi Fan actually defeated Wu Ji Xuan, this is really amazing!” Jing Feng’s mouth was hung open in disbelief.

Mo Nan nodded excitedly: “Yes ah, but Brother Bi Fan has been keeping too many secrets…. That is simply unacceptable. Let’s extort his confession once he comes back!”

“Good! Very good!” Ling Xin Ya was smiling from one ear to the other, obviously very pleased with his disciple’s performance.

Luo Sheng and Luo Xiong were looking even worse than before. Luo Xiong was especially looking very disheartened since he had secretly mixed a colorless poison into Bi Fan’s tea before the fight. The poison that he had used was called the Nine Chong poison.

The Nine Chong poison was a very special kind of poison which was made from the venom of the creatures of lower life forms. The body of the target would show no symptoms of poisoning after its injection, but once the person was seriously injured, and their internal energy was depleted, then the toxicity of this poison would burst out, and would wreak havoc inside the host’s body. The poison would go straight into the victim’s heart, and the person would simply drop dead in a matter of moments.

Luo Xiong had injected his poison into Bi Fan’s body since he was confident that Bi Fan would lose the fight.

Unfortunately for him, even though Bi Fan had consumed his internal energy, he hadn’t sustained any major injuries, which is why the poison never came into play.

Luo Xiong smiled coldly: “Bi Fan, you were lucky this time, but the poison is still inside your body, and I don’t believe that you will never get injured. There will come a time when this poison will take its effect, and on that day you will die the most painful death; and no one will ever suspect my hand in it!”

“Hmmmm! Bi Fan, just wait and watch; you’re going to die soon!” Luo Xiong’s face revealed an evil smile.

Bi Fan was awarded the championship, and was asked to collect his reward.

In addition to the extra points to the sects, the tournament also offered substantial rewards to the winners.

The top twenty three fighters were given weapons, with the best ones going to the top ranking fighters.

Even though the prizes were quite good, Bi Fan showed no interest in them.

The top prize was a high-grade Guangdong Saber, which was completely useless for Bi Fan, but was still worth a lot of Spar in the open market.

Bi Fan seemed very happy as he collected his reward.

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